Squalus albicaudus

Viana, De Carvalho & Gomes, 2016

Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Squalidae

Reference of the original description
Viana, S.T.F.L. & de Carvalho, M.R. & Gomes, U.L. (2016)
Taxonomy and morphology of species of the genus Squalus Linnaeus, 1758 from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Squalidae). Zootaxa, 4133(1), 1–89

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Squalus cf. albicaudus

Squalus albicaudus
Holotype: MNRJ: 30188; Paratype: MNRJ: 30173; MNRJ: 30174; MNRJ: 30175; MNRJ: 30176; MNRJ: 30177; MNRJ: 30181; MNRJ: 30183; MNRJ: 30184; MNRJ: 30185; MNRJ: 30186; MNRJ: 30187;

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Squalus albicaudus Viana, De Carvalho & Gomes, 2016: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

Please send your images of "Squalus albicaudus" to info@shark-references.com

Holotype of Squalus albicaudus (MNRJ 30188, adult male, 525 mm TL) in lateral and ventral views © Viana, De Carvalho & GOMES, 2016
Common names
eng Brazilian whitetail dogfish, por Cação-bagre-de-cauda-branca

Short Description
Original diagnosis after DE F. VIANA, DE CARVALHO & GOMES, 2016 [24274]: Squalus albicaudus sp. nov. can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: caudal fin with a mostly white ventral caudal lobe, dorsal caudal margin white at midline, and postventral caudal margins broadly white; pectoral-fin posterior margin broadly white; first dorsal fin with anterior margin also conspicuously white on its anterior half. Squalus albicaudus sp. nov. differs from all species of the S. mitsukurii group by: snout short vs. snout large; pectoral-fin free rear tips pointed vs. pectoral-fin free rear tips rounded; dermal denticles lanceolate and unicuspid vs. dermal denticles rhomboid and tricuspid. Squalusalbicaudus sp. nov. is clearly distinct from S. cubensis by: snout strongly pointed (vs. snout somewhat rounded); second dorsal-fin spine not reaching second dorsal-fin apex (vs. spine reaching second dorsal-fin apex); first dorsal fin with dark apex, but not as a black blotch (vs. conspicuous black blotch on both dorsal fins); pectoral fins with posterior margin broadly white (vs. narrowly white). These two species also differ in external morphometrics such as: shorter first dorsal fin (anterior margin length 10.9%, 9.7%–11.2% TL vs. 11.6%, 11.6%–12.7% TL in S. cubensis); shorter second dorsal fin (anterior margin length 9.2%, 8.8%–10.8% TL vs. 12.3%, 11.2%–11.6% TL in S. cubensis; inner margin length 5.0%, 4.1%–5.2% TL vs. 5.6%, 5.5%–6.0% TL in S. cubensis); more slender second dorsal-fin spine (width at base 0.9%, 0.6%–0.9% TL vs. 1.0%, 1.0%–1.2% TL in S. cubensis); and clasper much more elongated in (inner margin length 7.1%, 6.9%–7.7% TL vs. 8.0%, 3.3%–3.8% TL in S. cubensis).

In warm tropical waters between the northeastern and southeastern Brazilian coast and is often registered between the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo. Its distribution to southern Brazil is unknown. [24274]

Size / Weight / Age
425 mm - 610 mm TL (types) [24274]

marine [24274]

Teeth unicuspid and similar in both jaws, wide and flattened labial-lingually at crown, imbricate laterally; upper teeth much smaller than lower teeth; cusp oblique, somewhat elongate and heavy, directed laterally; mesial heel slightly notched; distal heel rounded; mesial cutting edge somewhat straight; apron thick and rather elongate. Three series of teeth in upper jaw and two series of teeth in lower jaw in holotype (paratypes 2–3 series in both jaws); tooth rows ranging from 12–12 (13–14 paratypes) in upper jaw and 11–11 (11–12 paratypes) in lower jaw [24274]

shark-references Species-ID=14606;