Stegostoma tigrinum

(Forster, 1781)

Zebra shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Orectolobiformes Stegostomatidae

Reference of the original description
Forster, J.R. (1781)
Indische Zoologie oder systematische Beschreibungen seltener und unbekannter Thiere aus Indien, mit 15 illuminirten Kupfertafeln erläutert. Nebst einer kurzen vorläufigen Abhandlung über den Umfang von Indien und die Beschaffenheit des Klima, des Bodens und des Meeres daselbst, und einem Anhange, darin ein kurzes Verzeichniss der Thiere in Indien mitgetheilt wird. / Zoologia indica selecta [...]. Praemittitur de finibus et indole aeris, soli, marisque indici brevis lucubratio. Seqvitur ad calcem brevis enumeratio animalium Indiae. Gebauer, Halle, 4+iv+42 pp., 15 pls. [German and Latin text; based on Pennant, 1769; second edition in 1795].

Images of the original description (synonym)
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Ginglymostoma gata, Scyllia quinquecornuatum, Scyllium heptagonum, Scyllium tigrinmum, Squalus cirrosus, Squalus fasciata, Squalus fasciatus, Squalus gata, Squalus longicaudus, Squalus pantherinus, Squalus tigrinum, Squalus tigrinus, Squalus tygrinus, Squalus varius, Squalus zebra, Stegastoma fasciatum, Stegostoma carinatum, Stegostoma cf. fasciatum, Stegostoma fasciata, Stegostoma fasciatum, Stegostoma fasciaturn, Stegostoma fasciatus, Stegostoma tigrinum naucum , Stegostoma tygrinum, Stegostoma varium, Stegostoma varius

Stegostoma tigrinum

Scyllium heptagonum
Lectotype: SMF: 3152
Squalus cirrosus
XXXX: No types known;
Squalus longicaudus
XXXX: No types known;
Squalus tygrinus
XXXX: No types known;
Stegostoma tigrinum naucum
Holotype: AMS: I.4174; AMS: I.4174.001;
Stegostoma varium
Syntype: MCZ: 33437 MCZ: 55-S (cannot find) MCZ: uncat.

Description :

Citation: Stegostoma tigrinum (Forster, 1781): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

Please send your images of "Stegostoma tigrinum" to

Stegostoma tigrinum (Forster, 1781) off Thailand, © Sigmund from Norway (wikipedia)
Common names
deu \(T\) Pazifischer Zebrahai, deu \(T\) Zebrahai, spa Tiburón acebrado, fra \(T\) Requin tigre, fra \(T\) Requin zèbre, fra \(T\) Requin-zèbre, eng Leopard shark, eng Variegated shark, eng Zebra shark, por Tubarão-zebra

Short Description
Head with 5 small gill slits, the last three behind pectoral fin origin; nostril close to front of snout, with short barbels and nasoral grooves connecting them with the mouth (Ref. 4832).Very long caudal fin, almost as long as the rest of the body, with a deep subterminal notch but with the lower lobe hardly developed [16823] [1388]. Yellow-brown with dark brown spots (Ref. 391), young black with yellow bars [536]. Adults with longitudinal skin ridges which are lacking in young (Ref. 391). Juveniles smaller than about 70 cm, markedly different; dark with white bars and spots; pale ventrally (Ref. 6781). Pectoral fins large and broadly rounded [1388].

Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to New Caledonia, north to southern Japan, south to New South Wales, Australia. Recently recorded from Tonga (Ref. 53797). Source:

Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; gamefish: yes; price category: not marketed/unknown; price reliability:

Oviparous [518]. Egg cases are large, dark brown or purplish black, with longitudinal striations [1388]. Size at birth 20-26 cm TL (Ref. 9993). Inhabits rocky and coral reefs [17641]. A tropical inshore shark found on sand, rubble, or coral bottoms of the continental and insular shelves [518]. Recorded to have entered freshwater (Ref. 4735). Rather sluggish at least during the day [518]. Probably nocturnal, feeds mainly on mollusks, but also small bony fishes (Ref. 9993). Slow-swimming and able to squirm into narrow cracks, crevices and channel in reefs while searching for food [518].

Size / Weight / Age
235 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 9993)); 233 cm TL (female)

reef-associated; amphidromous [17660]; brackish; marine; depth range 0 - 63 m [531], usually 5 - 30 m [17643]

shark-references Species-ID=6972;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Balanobothrium astomum Khambata & Bal, 1954 [16344]
  • Balanobothrium aurangabadensis Shinde, Mohekar & Jadhav, 1983 [16165]
  • Balanobothrium sp. [13130] [16929]
  • Balanobothrium stegostomatis Yamaguti, 1954 [16460]
  • Balanobothrium tenax Hornell, 1912 [16460] [17089]
  • Cephalobothrium stegostomi Sarada, Vijaya Lakshmi & Hanumantha Rao, 1993 [16158]
  • Hornelliella annandalei (Shipley & Hornell, 1912) Yamaguti, 1954 [16460] [16278] [16112] [15747] [21816]
  • Mixonybelinia southwelli (Palm & Walter, 1999) [16112] [21718]
  • Pedibothrium lintoni Shinde, Jadhav & Deshmukh, 1980 [16403]
  • Pedibothrium ottleyi Butler, 1987 [13130]
  • Pedibothrium ratnagiriensis Jadhav, Shinde & Mohekar, 1984 [16166]
  • Pedibothrium stegostomi Jadhav, Shinde & Mohekar, 1984 [16166]
  • Pedibothrium veravalensis Shinde, Jadhav & Deshmukh, 1980 [16403] [13651]
  • Pseudolacistorhynchus heroniensis (Sakanari, 1989) [21718]
  • Pseudolacistorhynchus nanus Beveridge & Justine, 2007 [16095] [21816]

  • Nagmia sp. [19432]
  • Nagmia stegostomatis Nagaty & Abdel Aal, 1961 [23393]
  • Pernagmia stegostomatis Nagaty & Abdel Aal, 1961 [23393]
  • Plesiochorus sp. [19433]

  • Euterranova dentiduplicata Moravec & Justine, 2020 [29156]
  • Euterranova ginglymostomae (Olsen, 1952) [16939] [17029]
  • Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) sp. [27906]

  • Gnathia trimaculata Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2009 [17188]

  • Branchellion torpedinis Savigny, 1822 [17488]
  • Pontobdella macrothela (Schimarda, 1861) [28595]