Tethybatis selachoides

Carvalho, 2004

Classification: Elasmobranchii Rhinopristiformes Rhinobatidae

Reference of the original description
de Carvalho, M.R. (2004)
A Late Cretaceous thornback ray from southern Italy, with a phylogenetic reappraisal of the Platyrhinidae (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea). In G. Arratia & A. Tintori (Eds.), Mesozoic Fishes 3 – Systematics, Paleoenvironments and Biodiversity (pp.75–100). Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil

Tethybatis selachoides


Citation: Tethybatis selachoides Carvalho, 2004: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Guinot, G. & Condamine, F.L. (2023)
Global impact and selectivity of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction among sharks, skates, and rays. Science, 379, 802–806
DOI: 10.1126/science.abn2080
Villalobos-Segura, E. & Underwood, C.J. (2020)
Radiation and divergence times of Batoidea. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 40(3), Article e1777147
DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1777147
de Carvalho, M.R. (2004)
A Late Cretaceous thornback ray from southern Italy, with a phylogenetic reappraisal of the Platyrhinidae (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea). In G. Arratia & A. Tintori (Eds.), Mesozoic Fishes 3 – Systematics, Paleoenvironments and Biodiversity (pp.75–100). Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil