Triakis acutipinna
Kato, 1968
Sharpfin houndshark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Triakidae
Reference of the original description
Triakis acutipinna (Galeoidea, Triakidae), a new species of shark from Ecuador. Copeia, 1968(2), 319–325
Triakis acutipinna (Galeoidea, Triakidae), a new species of shark from Ecuador. Copeia, 1968(2), 319–325
Image of the original description
Image in copyright.
Image in copyright.
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Triakis acutispina, Triakis (Cazon) acutipinna
Triakis acutispina, Triakis (Cazon) acutipinna
Description :
Citation: Triakis acutipinna Kato, 1968: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
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Triakis acutipinna Kato, 1968, © FAO,

Triakis acutipinna Kato, 1968, © FAO,
Common names
Tollo del Ecuador,
Virli équatorien,
Sharpfin houndshark,
Smooth hound

Short Description
Original diagnose after Compagno, 1984 [517]: Field Marks: A houndshark with a short broadly rounded snout, lobate anterior nasal flaps that do not reach the mouth and are far separated from each other, long upper labial furrows that reach the lower symphysis of the mouth, teeth not bladelike, with straight erect cusps and cusplets littledeveloped or absent, narrow fins with the pectorals narrowly falcate and the first dorsal fin with a vertical posterior margin, and no spots.
Diagnostic Features: Teeth with strong erect cusps on most teeth of the dental band except for some more distal teeth, cusplets low or absent on almost all teeth, semimolariform but not bladelike. First dorsal fin with abruptly vertical posterior margin; pectoral fins narrowly falcate in adults. Total vertebral counts 175 or 176. Body without small black spots.
Original diagnose after Compagno, 1984 [517]: Field Marks: A houndshark with a short broadly rounded snout, lobate anterior nasal flaps that do not reach the mouth and are far separated from each other, long upper labial furrows that reach the lower symphysis of the mouth, teeth not bladelike, with straight erect cusps and cusplets littledeveloped or absent, narrow fins with the pectorals narrowly falcate and the first dorsal fin with a vertical posterior margin, and no spots.
Diagnostic Features: Teeth with strong erect cusps on most teeth of the dental band except for some more distal teeth, cusplets low or absent on almost all teeth, semimolariform but not bladelike. First dorsal fin with abruptly vertical posterior margin; pectoral fins narrowly falcate in adults. Total vertebral counts 175 or 176. Body without small black spots.
Human uses
fisheries: of no interest
fisheries: of no interest
demersal; marine
demersal; marine
shark-references Species-ID=7231;
shark-references Species-ID=7231;