Urobatis pardalis
Del Moral-Flores, Angulo, López & Bussing, 2015
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Urotrygonidae
Reference of the original description
Nueva especie del género Urobatis (Myliobatiformes: Urotrygonidae) del Pacífico oriental tropical. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 63(2), 501–514
Nueva especie del género Urobatis (Myliobatiformes: Urotrygonidae) del Pacífico oriental tropical. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 63(2), 501–514
Urobatis pardalis
Holotype: UCR: 2289-01; Paratype: UCR: 0357-16; UCR: 0618-05; UCR: 2336-14; UCR: 2503-01;
Urobatis pardalis
Holotype: UCR: 2289-01; Paratype: UCR: 0357-16; UCR: 0618-05; UCR: 2336-14; UCR: 2503-01;
Description :
Citation: Urobatis pardalis Del Moral-Flores, Angulo, López & Bussing, 2015: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Urobatis pardalis" to info@shark-references.com
Urobatis pardalis Del Moral-Flores, Angulo, López & Bussing, 2015, Holotype, (UCR 2289-1, mature female, 462mm TL), image by Luis Fernando del Moral-Flores

Urobatis pardalis Del Moral-Flores, Angulo, López & Bussing, 2015, Holotype, (UCR 2289-1, mature female, 462mm TL), image by Luis Fernando del Moral-Flores
Short Description
Orignal diagnosis of DEL MORAL-FLORES, ANGULO, LÓPEZ & BUSSING, 2015 [22427]: The holotype and two paratypes are mature females; two paratypes are males who just reached sexual maturity, with the claspers developed and slightly calcified; 17 paratypes were unborn and because of this condition, they were not considered in the diagnosis and in the description. Disc circular, their wide and their length are about equal; disc width 64.1-65.8% of the total length (TL); disc length 64.1-65.8% of TL; head length 54.3-57.6% of TL; prepelvic length 50.5-52.4% of TL; distance from snout to anus 51.1-53.2% of TL; precaudal length 78.5-86.0% of TL; prespiracular length 14.1- 16.1% of TL; distance between the axils of the pelvics fins and the origin of the caudal fin 22.1-26.0% of TL; width between the axils of the pectorals fins 13.2-15.5% of TL; caudal ventral margin length 14.0-15.9% of TL; caudal dorsal margin length 7.5-8.9% of TL; 27 to 33 rows of teeth in the upper jaw; dorsal denticles or tubercles absent; back of the disc with a brown background with orange shades and white or pale vermiculations of variable thickness, sometimes merging to form spots or ocelli.
Orignal diagnosis of DEL MORAL-FLORES, ANGULO, LÓPEZ & BUSSING, 2015 [22427]: The holotype and two paratypes are mature females; two paratypes are males who just reached sexual maturity, with the claspers developed and slightly calcified; 17 paratypes were unborn and because of this condition, they were not considered in the diagnosis and in the description. Disc circular, their wide and their length are about equal; disc width 64.1-65.8% of the total length (TL); disc length 64.1-65.8% of TL; head length 54.3-57.6% of TL; prepelvic length 50.5-52.4% of TL; distance from snout to anus 51.1-53.2% of TL; precaudal length 78.5-86.0% of TL; prespiracular length 14.1- 16.1% of TL; distance between the axils of the pelvics fins and the origin of the caudal fin 22.1-26.0% of TL; width between the axils of the pectorals fins 13.2-15.5% of TL; caudal ventral margin length 14.0-15.9% of TL; caudal dorsal margin length 7.5-8.9% of TL; 27 to 33 rows of teeth in the upper jaw; dorsal denticles or tubercles absent; back of the disc with a brown background with orange shades and white or pale vermiculations of variable thickness, sometimes merging to form spots or ocelli.
shark-references Species-ID=14324;
shark-references Species-ID=14324;