Raja cortezensis Mceachran & Miyake, 1988 SIO 65-250 Paratype
sex: male
age: mature
length: 340 mm TL
date vessel station: 02.07.1965, MV 65-I-67, coll.: CL Hubbs & party, SIO
location: Pacific: Gulf of California, Canal de Ceralbo
latitude: 24°11,5'N
longitude: 109°59,4'W
FAO-area: 77
specimens: 1
age: mature
length: 340 mm TL
date vessel station: 02.07.1965, MV 65-I-67, coll.: CL Hubbs & party, SIO
location: Pacific: Gulf of California, Canal de Ceralbo
latitude: 24°11,5'N
longitude: 109°59,4'W
FAO-area: 77
specimens: 1