Centrophorus niaukang Teng, 1959 TFRI 3612 Holotype
sex: female
age: mature
length: 1540 mm TL
location: off northeast coast of Formosa
latitude: 24°48'N
longitude: 121°54'E
FAO-area: 61
depth: 250 m
specimens: 1
remarks: misplaced in 2013, see Ebert et al. [#20013]; synonym of Centrophorus granulosus , see Ebert et al. [#20013]
age: mature
length: 1540 mm TL
location: off northeast coast of Formosa
latitude: 24°48'N
longitude: 121°54'E
FAO-area: 61
depth: 250 m
specimens: 1
remarks: misplaced in 2013, see Ebert et al. [#20013]; synonym of Centrophorus granulosus , see Ebert et al. [#20013]