Galeus piperatus Springer & Wagner, 1966 USNM 200413 Paratype
sex: female
age: adult
length: 291 mm TL
date vessel station: 06.04.1964, Alaska, sta 64A2-16, coll. by: J.E. Fitch and RJ. Lavenberg
location: Gulf of California, midway between (southern tips of) Tiburon and Angel de la Guardia Islands
latitude: 28°55'N
longitude: 112°50,5'W
FAO-area: 77
depth: 275 m
specimens: 1
age: adult
length: 291 mm TL
date vessel station: 06.04.1964, Alaska, sta 64A2-16, coll. by: J.E. Fitch and RJ. Lavenberg
location: Gulf of California, midway between (southern tips of) Tiburon and Angel de la Guardia Islands
latitude: 28°55'N
longitude: 112°50,5'W
FAO-area: 77
depth: 275 m
specimens: 1