Bathyraja aguja (Kendall & Radcliffe, 1912) USNM 65641 Holotype
sex: female
age: juvenile
length: 480 mm TL
date vessel station: 12.11.1904, Albatross Eastern Tropical Pacific Expedition, 1904-1905, Albatross-Blake beam trawl; wing nets, St. 4653
location: Pacific, Peru, Aguja Point, S. 61 degrees E., 17 miles. (From Galapagos Islands to Sechura Bay, Peru)
latitude: 5°46'48.0"S
longitude: 81°24'00.0"W
FAO-area: 87.1.12
depth: 980 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Ref: online search Fish Collections Data at NMNH: (disintegrated)
age: juvenile
length: 480 mm TL
date vessel station: 12.11.1904, Albatross Eastern Tropical Pacific Expedition, 1904-1905, Albatross-Blake beam trawl; wing nets, St. 4653
location: Pacific, Peru, Aguja Point, S. 61 degrees E., 17 miles. (From Galapagos Islands to Sechura Bay, Peru)
latitude: 5°46'48.0"S
longitude: 81°24'00.0"W
FAO-area: 87.1.12
depth: 980 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Ref: online search Fish Collections Data at NMNH: (disintegrated)