Squalus montalbani Whitley, 1931 USNM 70256 Holotype
sex: male
age: immature
length: 311 mm TL
date vessel station: Philippines, Albatross sta. 5111
location: off Sombrero I., west coast of Luzon Island
latitude: 13°45'N
longitude: 120°46'E
FAO-area: 71
depth: ca. 425 m
specimens: 1
age: immature
length: 311 mm TL
date vessel station: Philippines, Albatross sta. 5111
location: off Sombrero I., west coast of Luzon Island
latitude: 13°45'N
longitude: 120°46'E
FAO-area: 71
depth: ca. 425 m
specimens: 1