Chiloscyllium dolganovi Kharin, 1987 ZIN 46984 Holotype
sex: male
length: 584 mm TL
date vessel station: 30.12.1981, R/V Zavitinsk, st. 130, coll. by V.D. Didenko
location: Gulf of Siam
latitude: 9°12'1''N
longitude: 104°34'6''E
FAO-area: 71
depth: 12 m
specimens: 1
length: 584 mm TL
date vessel station: 30.12.1981, R/V Zavitinsk, st. 130, coll. by V.D. Didenko
location: Gulf of Siam
latitude: 9°12'1''N
longitude: 104°34'6''E
FAO-area: 71
depth: 12 m
specimens: 1