Apristurus breviventralis Kawauchi, Weigmann & Nakaya, 2014 ZMH 25600 Holotype
sex: male
age: mature
length: 444 mm total length (TL) in fresh state, 439 mm TL in 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 28.10.1988, RV ‘Vityaz’, cr. 17, sta. 2565, 29 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 5, on the bottom for 62 minutes
location: off Socotra Islands
latitude: 12°22'8''N-12°21'2''N
longitude: 53°02'7''E-53°01'3''E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 1000-1120 m
specimens: 1
age: mature
length: 444 mm total length (TL) in fresh state, 439 mm TL in 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 28.10.1988, RV ‘Vityaz’, cr. 17, sta. 2565, 29 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 5, on the bottom for 62 minutes
location: off Socotra Islands
latitude: 12°22'8''N-12°21'2''N
longitude: 53°02'7''E-53°01'3''E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 1000-1120 m
specimens: 1

Apristurus breviventralis Kawauchi, Weigmann & Nakaya, 2014 ZMH 25601 Paratype
sex: male
age: immature(1)/mature(5)
length: 344–485 mm TL in fresh state, 337–477 mm TL in 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 28.10.1988, RV ‘Vityaz’, cr. 17, sta. 2565, 29 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 5, on the bottom for 62 minutes
location: off Socotra Islands
latitude: 12°22'8''N-12°21'2''N
longitude: 53°02'7''E-53°01'3''E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 1000-1120 m
specimens: 6
age: immature(1)/mature(5)
length: 344–485 mm TL in fresh state, 337–477 mm TL in 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 28.10.1988, RV ‘Vityaz’, cr. 17, sta. 2565, 29 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 5, on the bottom for 62 minutes
location: off Socotra Islands
latitude: 12°22'8''N-12°21'2''N
longitude: 53°02'7''E-53°01'3''E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 1000-1120 m
specimens: 6