Bythaelurus stewarti Weigmann, Kaschner & Thiel, 2018 ZMH 26251 Holotype
sex: male
age: adult
length: 435 mm TL fresh, 425 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 14.01.1989, 28 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 98, on the bottom for 54 minutes, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2825, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°19’30”N-10°18’54”N
longitude: 56°08’48”E-56°06’42”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 395–420 m
specimens: 1
age: adult
length: 435 mm TL fresh, 425 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 14.01.1989, 28 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 98, on the bottom for 54 minutes, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2825, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°19’30”N-10°18’54”N
longitude: 56°08’48”E-56°06’42”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 395–420 m
specimens: 1

Bythaelurus stewarti Weigmann, Kaschner & Thiel, 2018 ZMH 26252 Paratype
sex: both
length: 40 juvenile females, 168–323 mm TL in fresh state, 164–315 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 30 juvenile males, 164–348 mm TL in fresh state, 157–340 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 30.10.1988 (taken together with 43 further specimens: 22 females and 21 juvenile males, which were not retained), 29 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 8, on the bottom for 62 minutes, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2573, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°18’5”N-10°06’3”N
longitude: 56°07’3”E-56°07’0”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 408 m
specimens: 70
length: 40 juvenile females, 168–323 mm TL in fresh state, 164–315 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 30 juvenile males, 164–348 mm TL in fresh state, 157–340 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 30.10.1988 (taken together with 43 further specimens: 22 females and 21 juvenile males, which were not retained), 29 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 8, on the bottom for 62 minutes, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2573, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°18’5”N-10°06’3”N
longitude: 56°07’3”E-56°07’0”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 408 m
specimens: 70

Bythaelurus stewarti Weigmann, Kaschner & Thiel, 2018 ZMH 26253 Paratype
sex: female
age: gravid
length: 437 mm TL fresh, 425 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, with two female embryos, 137.3 and 145.3 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 30.10.1988, Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl in 400–1100 m depth but with bottom contact in 380–400 m depth, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2575, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°17’8”N-10°22’8”N
longitude: 56°06’1”E-56°06’2”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 380–400 m
specimens: 3
age: gravid
length: 437 mm TL fresh, 425 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, with two female embryos, 137.3 and 145.3 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 30.10.1988, Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl in 400–1100 m depth but with bottom contact in 380–400 m depth, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2575, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°17’8”N-10°22’8”N
longitude: 56°06’1”E-56°06’2”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 380–400 m
specimens: 3

Bythaelurus stewarti Weigmann, Kaschner & Thiel, 2018 ZMH 26254 Paratype
sex: both
length: 20 juvenile females, 156–328 mm TL in fresh state, 149.3–315 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 20 juvenile males, 162–322 mm TL in fresh state, 147.1–316 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 1 possibly subadult female, 369 mm TL in fresh state, 355 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 6 adult males, 389–430 mm TL in fresh state, 375–417 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 14.01.1989, 28 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 98, on the bottom for 54 minutes, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2825, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°19’30”N-10°18’54”N
longitude: 56°08’48”E-56°06’42”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 395–420 m
specimens: 47
length: 20 juvenile females, 156–328 mm TL in fresh state, 149.3–315 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 20 juvenile males, 162–322 mm TL in fresh state, 147.1–316 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 1 possibly subadult female, 369 mm TL in fresh state, 355 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved, 6 adult males, 389–430 mm TL in fresh state, 375–417 mm TL 70% ethanol preserved
date vessel station: 14.01.1989, 28 m shrimp trawl, trawl # 98, on the bottom for 54 minutes, RV ‘Vityaz’, cruise 17, station 2825, collected by M.F.W. Stehmann
location: Error Seamount (Mount Error Guyot), northwestern Indian Ocean
latitude: 10°19’30”N-10°18’54”N
longitude: 56°08’48”E-56°06’42”E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 395–420 m
specimens: 47