Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy & Stehmann, 1990 ZMH 25394 (old ISH: 205-1975) Paratype
sex: female
length: 570 mm BL
date vessel station: 14.05.1975, "W. Herwig" Stat. 300/75, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: north Bilbao
latitude: 44°03'N-43°56'N
longitude: 03°12'W-03°08'W
FAO-area: 27.VIII.d2
depth: 2000 - 2075 m
specimens: 1
length: 570 mm BL
date vessel station: 14.05.1975, "W. Herwig" Stat. 300/75, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: north Bilbao
latitude: 44°03'N-43°56'N
longitude: 03°12'W-03°08'W
FAO-area: 27.VIII.d2
depth: 2000 - 2075 m
specimens: 1

Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy & Stehmann, 1990 ZMH 25393 (old ISH: 831-1974) Paratype
sex: male
length: 740 mm BL, 1107 mm TL
date vessel station: 09.12.1974, "W. Herwig“- Stat. 956/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Great Sole-Bank NW
latitude: 49°07'N-48°55'N
longitude: 12°15'W-12°08'W
FAO-area: 27.VIIj2
depth: 1500 m
specimens: 1
length: 740 mm BL, 1107 mm TL
date vessel station: 09.12.1974, "W. Herwig“- Stat. 956/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Great Sole-Bank NW
latitude: 49°07'N-48°55'N
longitude: 12°15'W-12°08'W
FAO-area: 27.VIIj2
depth: 1500 m
specimens: 1

Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy & Stehmann, 1990 ZMH 25392 (old ISH: 118-1974a-d) Paratype
sex: both
length: 420 - 770 mm BL
date vessel station: 25.05.1974, "W. Herwig" Stat. 301/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Rockall Bank SO
latitude: 54°58'N-55°00'N
longitude: 16°41'W-16°36'W
FAO-area: 27.VI
depth: 1895 - 1978 m
specimens: 4
remarks: 3 females and 1 male
length: 420 - 770 mm BL
date vessel station: 25.05.1974, "W. Herwig" Stat. 301/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Rockall Bank SO
latitude: 54°58'N-55°00'N
longitude: 16°41'W-16°36'W
FAO-area: 27.VI
depth: 1895 - 1978 m
specimens: 4
remarks: 3 females and 1 male

Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy & Stehmann, 1990 ZMH 25390 (old ISH: 67-1974) Paratype
sex: female
length: 910 mm BL
date vessel station: 14.05.1974, "W. Herwig" Stat. 261/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Rosemary Bank O
latitude: 59°12'N-59°05'N
longitude: 09°40'W-09°48'W
FAO-area: 27.VIa
depth: 1230 - 1210 m
specimens: 1
length: 910 mm BL
date vessel station: 14.05.1974, "W. Herwig" Stat. 261/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Rosemary Bank O
latitude: 59°12'N-59°05'N
longitude: 09°40'W-09°48'W
FAO-area: 27.VIa
depth: 1230 - 1210 m
specimens: 1

Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy & Stehmann, 1990 ZMH 25391 (old ISH: 103-1974) Paratype
sex: male
length: 745 mm BL
date vessel station: 24.05.1974, "W. Herwig, Stat 295/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Rockall Bank SW
latitude: 55°29'N-55°25'N
longitude: 18°00'W-18°12'W
FAO-area: 27.VI
depth: 1200 - 1215 m
specimens: 1
length: 745 mm BL
date vessel station: 24.05.1974, "W. Herwig, Stat 295/74, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Rockall Bank SW
latitude: 55°29'N-55°25'N
longitude: 18°00'W-18°12'W
FAO-area: 27.VI
depth: 1200 - 1215 m
specimens: 1

Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy & Stehmann, 1990 ZMH 25389 (old: ISH 33-1981) Holotype
sex: male
length: 740 mm BL, 1110 mm TL
date vessel station: 27.09.1981, FRV “Walther Herwig” Stat. 574/81, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Billy Bailey, Nordkante W
latitude: 61°06,2'N-61°07,2'N
longitude: 11°26,4'W-11°20,2'W
FAO-area: 27.Vb
depth: 1220 m
specimens: 1
length: 740 mm BL, 1110 mm TL
date vessel station: 27.09.1981, FRV “Walther Herwig” Stat. 574/81, Coll. M. Stehmann
location: Billy Bailey, Nordkante W
latitude: 61°06,2'N-61°07,2'N
longitude: 11°26,4'W-11°20,2'W
FAO-area: 27.Vb
depth: 1220 m
specimens: 1