Apristurus melanoasper Iglésias, Nakaya & Stehmann, 2004 ZMH 25526 (old: ISH 26-1974) Paratype
sex: female
length: 710 mm TL
date vessel station: 08. 05. 1974, WH II (10), 234/74
location: Lousy Bank, NE Atlantic
latitude: 60°03'N
longitude: 13°25'W
FAO-area: 27.VI.b1
depth: 804 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Ref.: THIEL, R. & EIDUS, I. & NEUMANN, R. (2009): The Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH) fish collection as a global biodiversity archive for elasmobranchs and actinopterygians as well as other fish taxa. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25 (S1): 9-32
length: 710 mm TL
date vessel station: 08. 05. 1974, WH II (10), 234/74
location: Lousy Bank, NE Atlantic
latitude: 60°03'N
longitude: 13°25'W
FAO-area: 27.VI.b1
depth: 804 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Ref.: THIEL, R. & EIDUS, I. & NEUMANN, R. (2009): The Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH) fish collection as a global biodiversity archive for elasmobranchs and actinopterygians as well as other fish taxa. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25 (S1): 9-32

Apristurus melanoasper Iglésias, Nakaya & Stehmann, 2004 ZMH 25527 (old: ISH 49-1974) Paratype
sex: male
length: 677 mm TL
date vessel station: 10. 05. 1974, WH II (10), 247/74
location: Bill Bailey's Bank, NE Atlantic
latitude: 61°06'N
longitude: 11°30'W
FAO-area: 27.VI.b2
depth: 1254-1262 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Ref.: THIEL, R. & EIDUS, I. & NEUMANN, R. (2009): The Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH) fish collection as a global biodiversity archive for elasmobranchs and actinopterygians as well as other fish taxa. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25 (S1): 9-32
length: 677 mm TL
date vessel station: 10. 05. 1974, WH II (10), 247/74
location: Bill Bailey's Bank, NE Atlantic
latitude: 61°06'N
longitude: 11°30'W
FAO-area: 27.VI.b2
depth: 1254-1262 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Ref.: THIEL, R. & EIDUS, I. & NEUMANN, R. (2009): The Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH) fish collection as a global biodiversity archive for elasmobranchs and actinopterygians as well as other fish taxa. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25 (S1): 9-32