Rhinochimaera africana Compagno, Stehmann & Ebert, 1990 ZMH 25266 (old ISH: ISH 1-1990 (ex ZMMU P14393)) Paratype
sex: female
length: 630+ mm TL, 485 mm PCL, 234 mm BDL, 280 g
date vessel station: 27.09.1973, R.V. Fiolent Cruise 3, Trawl 202
location: south-east of Kosi Bay, KwaZulu
latitude: 27°05,4'S
longitude: 33°26'E
FAO-area: 51.8
depth: 1110-1070 m
specimens: 1
length: 630+ mm TL, 485 mm PCL, 234 mm BDL, 280 g
date vessel station: 27.09.1973, R.V. Fiolent Cruise 3, Trawl 202
location: south-east of Kosi Bay, KwaZulu
latitude: 27°05,4'S
longitude: 33°26'E
FAO-area: 51.8
depth: 1110-1070 m
specimens: 1