Rhynchobatus springeri Compagno & Last, 2010 ZMH 101280 Paratype
sex: female
length: 567 mm TL
date vessel station: Aug./Sep. 1961
location: Gulf of Thailand, Thailand
FAO-area: 71
depth: 20-40 m
specimens: 1
length: 567 mm TL
date vessel station: Aug./Sep. 1961
location: Gulf of Thailand, Thailand
FAO-area: 71
depth: 20-40 m
specimens: 1

Rhynchobatus springeri Compagno & Last, 2010 ZMH 10259 Paratype
sex: male
age: immature
length: 447 mm TL
date vessel station: 28.01.1905
location: Java, Indonesia
FAO-area: 71
specimens: 1
age: immature
length: 447 mm TL
date vessel station: 28.01.1905
location: Java, Indonesia
FAO-area: 71
specimens: 1