Torpedo adenensis Carvalho, Stehmann & Manilo, 2002 AMNH 231441 Paratype
sex: female
age: subadult?
length: 295 mm TL
date vessel station: 29.12.1989, R/V Dm. Stefanov (cruise 5, bottom trawl station no.125)
location: Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean
latitude: 15°15'3''N
longitude: 52°00'4''E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 125-140 m
specimens: 1
age: subadult?
length: 295 mm TL
date vessel station: 29.12.1989, R/V Dm. Stefanov (cruise 5, bottom trawl station no.125)
location: Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean
latitude: 15°15'3''N
longitude: 52°00'4''E
FAO-area: 51.3
depth: 125-140 m
specimens: 1