Squalus clarkae Pfleger, Grubbs, Cotton & Daly-Engel, 2018 FMNH UF239318 Holotype
sex: female
age: adult
length: 712.5 mm TL
location: Gulf of Mexico
FAO-area: 31
depth: 242-613 m
specimens: 1
Squalus clarkae Pfleger, Grubbs, Cotton & Daly-Engel, 2018 FMNH UF239320 Paratype
sex: female
age: adult
length: 677.5 mm TL
location: Gulf of Mexico
FAO-area: 31
depth: 242-613 m
specimens: 1
Squalus clarkae Pfleger, Grubbs, Cotton & Daly-Engel, 2018 FMNH UF239319 Paratype
sex: male
length: 555.5 mm TL
location: Gulf of Mexico
FAO-area: 31
depth: 242-613 m
specimens: 1