Squalus hima Sweta & Bineesh, 2024 MBRCF 3140 Holotype
sex: male
age: mature
length: 475 mm TL
date vessel station: Collected on 20 November 2023 by Bineesh. K. K.
location: Sakthikulangara, Kollam, Kerala, South-West coast of India
latitude: 8˚55′56″N
longitude: 76˚32′28″E
depth: 300-600 m
specimens: 1
Squalus hima Sweta & Bineesh, 2024 MBRCF 3141 Paratype
sex: male
length: 415 mm TL
date vessel station: 19.11.2023 00:00:00
location: Sakthikulangara, Kollam, Kerala, South-West coast of India
latitude: 8˚55′56″N
longitude: 76˚32′28″E
depth: 300-600 m
specimens: 1
Squalus hima Sweta & Bineesh, 2024 MBRCF 3142 Paratype
sex: female
length: 388 mm TL
date vessel station: 19.11.2023 00:00:00
location: Sakthikulangara, Kollam, Kerala, South-West coast of India
latitude: 8˚55′56″N
longitude: 76˚32′28″E
depth: 300-600 m
specimens: 1
remarks: GenBank accession no: KF899758