Etmopterus decacuspidatus Chan, 1966 BMNH 1965.8.11.7 Holotype
sex: male
age: mature
length: 292 mm TL
date vessel station: 1965, RV. Cape St. Mary, stat. 19, cruise no. 4/65
location: 120 miles south of Cape Bastion, Hainan Island
latitude: 16°40,5'N
longitude: 109°49,9'E
FAO-area: 71
depth: 512-691 m
specimens: 1
age: mature
length: 292 mm TL
date vessel station: 1965, RV. Cape St. Mary, stat. 19, cruise no. 4/65
location: 120 miles south of Cape Bastion, Hainan Island
latitude: 16°40,5'N
longitude: 109°49,9'E
FAO-area: 71
depth: 512-691 m
specimens: 1