Holohalaelurus grennian Human, 2006 BMNH 1939.5.24.5 Paratype
sex: female
age: juvenile
length: 206 mm TL
date vessel station: John Murray Station 105 (station 105b according to depth data accompanying specimen)
location: off Zanzibar, Tanzania
latitude: 5°34'2''S-5°37'S
longitude: 39°14'06''E-39°14'36''E
FAO-area: 51.5
depth: 238-293 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Paratype of Holohalaelurus melanostigma (NORMAN, 1939)
age: juvenile
length: 206 mm TL
date vessel station: John Murray Station 105 (station 105b according to depth data accompanying specimen)
location: off Zanzibar, Tanzania
latitude: 5°34'2''S-5°37'S
longitude: 39°14'06''E-39°14'36''E
FAO-area: 51.5
depth: 238-293 m
specimens: 1
remarks: Paratype of Holohalaelurus melanostigma (NORMAN, 1939)