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Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 3, 35–50
Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 1, 1–18

Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 9: 145–164
Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 6, 87–108

Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 10, 165–186

Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 8: 133–141
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Four new species of Japanese fishes. Dobutsugaku Zasshi (= Zoological Magazine Tokyo), 28, 173–174

Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 26, 455–474, Pls. 126–130
Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 27, 475–494

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Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including the Riukiu Islands, Bonin Islands, Formosa, Kurile Islands, Korea, and southern Sakhalin. Figures and Descriptions of the Fishes of Japan, 35: 645–676, Pls. 154–155
Deformities in free-living elasmobranchs from Suruga Bay, Japan [in Japanese]. Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 57, 16–18
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Record of pregnant smooth hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena (Linnaeus, 1758), from Suruga Bay, Japan [in Japanese]. Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 53, 17–21
Records of Cookiecutter shark, Isistius brasiliensis (Quoy et Gaimard, 1824) collected from Shichiyo Seamounts [in Japanese]. Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 49, 14–17

Suction feeding by the nurse shark. Copeia, 1973(3), 606–608
Comparative anatomy of the spinal nerves of the sharks Mustelus manazo. Kaibogaku zasshi. Acta anatomica Nipponica, 49(4), 217–248
Facial nerve of the shark (Mustelus manazo) and its comparison with the glossopharyngeal nerve. Kaibogaku zasshi. Acta anatomica Nipponica, 51(1), 1–16
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A macroscopical study of the trapezius muscle of sharks, with reference to the topographically related nerves and vein. Anatomischer Anzeiger, 165(1), 7–21
Spinal nerves of the female shark (Mustelus manazo) innervating the cloaca and cloacal opening. Kaibogaku zasshi. Acta anatomica Nipponica, 59(3), 177–186
Comparative anatomical study of the dia- and metazonal abdominal pterygial muscles and related nerves of the Mustelus shark. Kaibogaku zasshi. Acta anatomica Nipponica, 60(2), 78–89
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Reproduction of the Frill Shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus in Suruga Bay [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 23, 4–10

Investigation of the freshwater elasmobranchs in Papua New Guinea [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 27, 25–30
Age and growth studies on the calcified structures of newborn sharks in laboratory aquaria using tetracycline. In Pratt, H.L., Gruber, S.H., Taniuchi, T., editors. Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics, and the status of the fisheries: NOAA Technical Report NMFS, 90: 189–202

The Structure of the Dorsal Spine of the Deep Sea Squaloid Shark Centrophorus acus and its Utility for Age Determination. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 56(6), 903–909

Age estimation of freshwater sawfish and sharks in northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. In Shimizu, M. and Taniuchi, T. (Eds.). Studies on Elasmobranchs Collected from Seven River Systems in Northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. University Museum, University of Tokyo. Nature Culture, 3: 71–82

Some biological aspects of sharks caught by floating longlines. - 2. Sex ratios and weight compositions [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 32, 1–15

Field surveys of freshwater elasmobranchs in India and Bangladesh [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 34, 23–29

A little sleeper shark, Somniosus rostratus (Risso, 1826), from Suruga Bay, Japan [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 34, 20–22

Abnormality of the uterus in a pregnant Banded Houndshark, Triakis scyllium, collected in Shimoda, Izu Peninsula [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 35, 10–11

Overseas expedition of freshwater elasmobranchs in southeastern Africa [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 40, 46–58

Occurrence record of big elasmobranch and rare chondrichthyes -2005-2006 [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 42, 22–24

Trial of tagging release on Japanese bullhead shark, Heterodontus japonicus [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 42, 18–19
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Studies on sharks. 16. Age and growth of Eiraku shark Galeorhinus japonicus (Müller et Henle). Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, 45: 19–28

Electron Microscopic Study on Spermatogenesis of the Squalen Shark Centrophorus atromarginatus. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 25(3), 173–180
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Studies on sharks. 11. Reproduction in female Heptranchias perlo. Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, 42: 1–9

Studies on sharks. 15. Age and growth of Japanese dogfish Mustelus manazo Bleeker in the East China Sea. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 45(1), 43–50
Size of young smooth hammerheads, Sphyrna zygaena, in the inner area of Suruga Bay, Japan [Abstract]. (Poster) In Programme Booklet of The 15th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association, Berlin, 29.10.–30.10.2011
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The reproductive biology of the frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, from Suruga Bay, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 37(3), 273–291

On the deformed shark without snout [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 38, 42–44
Studies on sharks. 10. Morphological and ecological study on the reproductive organs in male Heptranchias perlo. Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, 40: 15–22

Histological observations on the reproductive organs of a female megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios, from Hakata Bay, Japan. In K. Yano, J.F. Morrissey, Y. Yabumoto & K. Nakaya, eds. Biology of the megamouth shark, Tokai U. Press, 121–129

Fossil teeth of the Great White shark, Carcharodon carcharias (LINNAEUS) from the Late Miocene Formation [in Japanese]. Geoscience Research, 39(3), 171–174

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Fossil elasombranchs from the Ichishi Group of Lower Miocene in Mie Prefecture, Japan [in Japanese]. J Geosci [Chigaku Kenkyu], 61, 93–116

Fossil shark teeth from the Namigata Formation in Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture, Central Japan and their biostratigraphical significance. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 33, 103–109

Fossil elasmobranchs from the Oiso Formation (late Miocene) in the western part of Kanagawa Prefecture. Bulletin of the Hiratsuka City Museum, 19, 67–81

Dentition of a male Megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios from Suruga Bay, Japan, with a comparison of the fossil shark teeth from Chile [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 40, 31–37
A histo-anatomical study on the spleens of a frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Kaibogaku zasshi. Journal of anatomy, 66(1), 20–26

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Description of the male of Prosaetes rhinodontis (Wright, 1876) (Crustacea, Copepoda, Siphonostomatoida), with a proposal to synonymize Cecropidae Dana, 1849 and Amaterasidae Izawa, 2008 with Pandaridae Milne Edwards, 1840. Zoosymposia, 8, 7–19
Caudacanthus, a new genus for Caudacanthus narcini (Pillai 1963) comb. n. (Poecilostomatoida: Taeniacanthidae), a parasitic copepod of batoid fishes (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) from the Indo-West Pacific. Zoological Studies, 44(3), 337–346

Redescription of Lepeophtheirus acutus Heegaard, 1943 (Copepoda: Caligidae) parasitic on two elasmobranch hosts off Okinawa-jima Island, Japan. Journal of Natural History, 47(5–12), 581–596
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A new species of copepod (Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) parasitic on the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier (Péron & Lesueur) from Western Australian waters. Systematic Parasitology, 58(1), 69–80
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Redescription of Prosaetes rhinodontis (Wright, 1876) (Crustacea: Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida), an enigmatic parasite of the whale shark, Rhincodon typus Smith (Elasmobranchii: Orectolobiformes: Rhincodontidae). Zootaxa, 2493, 1–15

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Safety and Efficacy of Milbemycin Oxime and Lufenuron to Treat Argulus spp. Infestation in Smooth Back River Stingrays (Potamotrygon orbignyi) and Magdalena River Stingrays (Potamotrygon magdalenae). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 50(2), 383–388
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Morphological and molecular characterization of Paraleptus chiloscyllii Yin & Zhang, 1983 (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) from the brownbanded bambooshark Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle (Elasmobranchii: Orectolobiformes). Parasitology International, 87, Article 102511
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Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758), a newly recorded species of the family Sqalidae from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 34(3), 696–698
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Reproduction of the Sandbar shark, Carcharhinus milberti, in the East China Sea. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 18(2), 94–98

Three species of Hammerhead sharks in the southwestern waters of Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 21(3), 145–152

Reef whitetip shark, Triaenodon obesus, from Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 22(3), 167–170

Freshwater elasmobranchs from Lake Naujan, Perak River, and Indragiri River, southeast Asia. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 25(4), 273–277
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Aspects of reproduction and food habits of the Japanese swellshark, Cephaloscyllium umbratile from Choshi, Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 54(4), 627–633

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Occurrence of two species of stingrays of the genus Dasyatis (Chondrichthyes) in the Sanga Basin, Cameroun. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 31(1), 95–100
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Report on preliminary investigation of freshwater elasmobranchs in Mcxico and Central America [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 29, 34–51

Freshwater sharks in the Usumacinta River Basin, Mexico [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 30, 28–34

Report of field surveys for freshwater elasmobranchs in Thailand [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 33, 23–30

Some Biological aspects of sharks caught by floating longlines-3. Reproduction [in Japanese], Report of Japanese Society for Elasmobranch Studies, 33, 6–13
A new species of Scymnodalatias from the southern oceans, and comments on other squaliform sharks. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 33(2), 119–134
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Anatomical comparison of claspers of freshwater stingrays (Dasyatidae and Potamotrygonidae). Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 37(1), 10–16

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Occurrence and reproductive mode of the false cat shark, Pseudotriakis microdon, in Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 31(1), 88–92

Age, Size, reproduction and food habits of the starspotted dogfish Mustelus manazo collected from Chosi. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 49(9), 1325–1334

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Dental sexual dimorphism and food habits in the stingray Dasyatis akajei from Tokyo Bay, Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 59(1), 53–60
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Occurrence of the prickly shark Echinorhinus cookei, at Kumanonada, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 29(4), 465–468

Albinism and lack of second dorsal fin in an adult tawny nurse shark, Nebrius concolor, from Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 34(3), 393–395

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