Scacco, U. & Zanardi, F. & Kroha, S. & Mancini, E. & Tiralongo, F. & Nascetti, G. (2024)
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Scacco, U. & Di Crescenzo, S. & Sbrana, A. (2023)
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Scacco, U. & Fortibuoni, T. & Baini, M. & Franceschini, G. & Giani, D. & Concato, M. & Panti, C. & Izzi, A. & Angiolillo, M. (2023)
Gradients of Variation in the At-Vessel Mortality Rate between Twelve Species of Sharks and Skates Sampled through a Fishery-Independent Trawl Survey in the Asinara Gulf (NW Mediterranean Sea). Biology, 12(3), Article 363
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Microplastics in the Deep: Comparing Dietary and Plastic Ingestion Data between Two Mediterranean Bathyal Opportunistic Feeder Species, Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque, 1810 and Coelorinchus caelorhincus (Risso, 1810), through Stomach Content Analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(5), Article 624
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