Setna, S.B. & Sarangdhar, P.N. (1949)
Breeding habits of Bombay elasmobranchs. Records of the Indian Museum, 47(1), 107–124
Setna, S.B. & Sarangdhar, P.N. (1949)
A contribution to the systematics of Scoliodon acutus (Rüppell), Hemipristis elongatus (Klunzinger) and Torpedo zugmayeri Engelhart. Records of the Indian Museum, 47(1), 125–134
Setna, S.B. & Sarangdhar, P.N. (1949)
Studies on the development of some Bombay elasmobranchs. Records of the Indian Museum, 47(2), 203–216
Setna, S.B. & Sarangdhar, P.N. (1948)
Observations on the development of Chiloscyllium griseum M. & H., Pristis cuspidatus Lath. and Rhynchobatus djiddensis (Forsk.). Records of the Indian Museum, 46, 1–23
Setna, S.B. & Sarangdhar, P.N. (1948)
Description, bionomics and development of Scoliodon sorrakowah (Cuvier). Records of the Indian Museum, 46(1–4), 25–53
Setna, S.B. & Sarangdhar, P.N. (1946)
Selachian fauna of the Bombay waters. Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences India, 12(5), 243–259