The Dimensional and Physiological-Biochemical Parameters of Erythrocytes and Gill and Heart Indices in Some Benthic Fish of the Black Sea Coast of the Southeastern Crimea. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 49(3), 191–199
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Thermal Phenomena in Erythrocytes of the Black Sea Thornback Ray (Raja clavata L.) and Black Scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus L.) In Vitro. Fishes, 8(2), Article 82
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Erythrocyte Respiratory Activity of the Mitochondrial Complex of the Black Sea Thornback Ray (Raja clavata L.) under the Influence of Certain Activators and Inhibitors In Vitro. Fishes, 7(6), Article 376
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The Effect of Azide, Fluoride, Orthovanadate and EDTA Sodium Salts on Ecto-ATPase Activity in Erythrocytes of a Scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus L.) and Thornback Ray (Raja clavata L.). Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 57, 1008–1019
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A Study of Some Biochemical Properties of Ecto-ATPase (Nucleotidase) in Erythrocytes of the Black Sea Thornback Ray Raja clavata L. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 56(1), 31–40
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