Food resource utilization of the skates Rioraja agassizii (Müller & Henle, 1841) and Psammobatis extenta (Garman, 1913) on the continental shelf off Ubatuba, Southeastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 61, 217–238
DOI: 10.1590/S0034-71082001000200005
Diel feeding chronology of the skate Raja agassizii (Müller & Henle) (Pisces, Elasmobranchii) on the continental shelf off Ubatuba, Southeastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 16(1), 201–212
Grupos tróficos de peixes demersais da plataforma continental interna de Ubatuba, Brasil. I. Chondrichthyes. Boletim do Instituto Oceanografico da Universidade de São Paulo, 40(1/2), 79–80
Grupos tróficos de peixes demersais da plataforma continental interna de Ubatuba, Brasil: I. Chondrichthyes Throphic groups of demersal fish community from the continental shelf: Ubatuba, Brazil. I. Chrondrichthyes Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 40(1–2), 79–85
DOI: 10.1590/S1679-87591992000100006