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Hammerschlag, N. & Bell, I. & Fitzpatrick, R. & Gallagher, A.J. & Hawkes, L.A. & Meekan, M.G. & Stevens, J.D. & Thums, M. & Witt, M.J. & Barnett, A. (2016)
Behavioral evidence suggests facultative scavenging by a marine apex predator during a food pulse. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70(10), 1777–1788
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Cerutti-Pereyra, F. & Thums, M. & Austin, C.M. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. & Stevens, J.D. & Babcock, R.C. & Pillans, R.D. & Meekan, M.G. (2014)
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Thums, M. & Meekan, M.G. & Stevens, J.D. & Wilson, S.G. & Polovina, J.J. (2013)
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Irvine, S.B. & Daley, R.K. & Graham, K.J. & Stevens, J.D. (2012)
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Awruch, C.A. & Frusher, S.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Barnett, A. (2012)
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Field, I.C. & Buckworth, R.C. & Yang, G.-J. & Meekan, M.G. & Johnson, G. & Stevens, J.D. & Pillans, R.D. & Mcmahon, C.R. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. (2012)
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Sleeman, J.C. & Meekan, M.G. & Wilson, S.G. & Polovina, J.J. & Stevens, J.D. & Boggs, G.S. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. (2011)
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Spatial and temporal movement patterns of a multi-species coastal reef shark aggregation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 429, 261–275
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Stevens, J.D. (2010)
Epipelagic Oceanic Elasmobranchs. In Carrier, J.C. & Musick, J.A. & Heithaus, M.R. (Eds) Sharks and Their Relatives II: Biodiversity, Adaptive Physiology, and Conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton: 3–36
Barnett, A. & Stevens, J.D. & Yick, J.L. (2010)
The occurrence of the bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus (Hexanchiformes: Hexanchidae) in a river in south-eastern Tasmania. Marine Biodiversity Records, 3, Article e24
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Stevens, J.D. & Bradford, R.W. & West, G.J. (2010)
Satellite tagging of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and other pelagic sharks oV eastern Australia: depth behaviour, temperature experience and movements. Marine Biology, 157(3), 575–591
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Last, P.R. & White, W.T. & Caira, J.N. & Dharmadi & Fahmi & Jensen, K. & Lim, A.P.K. & Manjaji-Matsumoto, B.M. & Naylor, G.J.P. & Pogonoski, J.J. & Stevens, J.D. & Yearsley, G.K. (2010)
Sharks and Rays of Borneo. CSIRO Publications: i–v + 1–298
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To go or not to go with the flow: Environmental influences on whale shark movement patterns. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 390(2), 84–98
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Barnett, A. & Stevens, J.D. & Frusher, S.D. & Semmens, J.M. (2010)
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Predator-prey relationships and foraging ecology of a marine apex predator with a wide temperate distribution. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 416, 189–200
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Barnett, A. & Redd, K.S. & Frusher, S.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Semmens, J.M. (2010)
Non-lethal method to obtain stomach samples from a large marine predator and the use of DNA analysis to improve dietary information. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 393(1–2), 188–192
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Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2009)
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Kyne, P.M. & Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Aptychotrema rostrata IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Compagno, L.J.V. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Brachaelurus colcloughi IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Brochiraja aenigma IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
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Brochiraja microspinifera IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Musick, J.A. & Stevens, J.D. & Baum, J.K. & Bradai, M.N. & Clò, S. & Fergusson, I.K. & Grubbs, R.D. & Soldo, A. & Vacchi, M. & Vooren, C.M. (2009)
Carcharhinus plumbeus IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Pillans, R. & Stevens, J.D. & White, W.T. (2009)
Carcharhinus sorrah IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Dasyatis thetidis IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. & Valenti, S.V. (2009)
Dipturus australis IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Awruch, C.A. & Pankhurst, N.W. & Frusher, S.D. & Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Reproductive seasonality and embryo development in the draughtboard shark Cephaloscyllium laticeps. Marine and Freshwater Research, 60(12), 1265–1272
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Brash, J.M. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Irolita waitii IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Cailliet, G.M. & Cavanagh, R.D. & Kulka, D.W. & Stevens, J.D. & Soldo, A. & Clò, S. & Macias, D. & Baum, J.K. & Kohin, S. & Duarte, A. & Holtzhausen, J.A. & Acuña, E. & de Amorim, A.F. & Domingo, A. (2009)
Isurus oxyrinchus IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
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Prionace glauca IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Rhinoptera neglecta IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Pillans, R.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Kyne, P.M. & Salini, J. (2009)
Observations on the distribution, biology, short-term movements and habitat requirements of river sharks Glyphis spp. in northern Australia. Endangered Species Research, 10, 321–332
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Valenti, S.V. & Stevens, J.D. & White, W.T. (2009)
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Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Torpedo macneilli IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Trygonorrhina melaleuca IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
de Carvalho, M.R. & McCord, M.E. & Stevens, J.D. (2009)
Narcine lasti IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2008)
Parascyllium elongatum sp. nov., a new collared carpetshark (Orectolobiformes: Parascylliidae) from southwestern Australia. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper, 22, 35–38
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Bythaelurus incanus sp. nov., a new deepwater catshark (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) from northwestern Australia. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper, 22, 123–128
Stevens, J.D. & Wayte, S.E. (2008)
Case Study: The Bycatch of Pelagic Sharks in Australia's Tuna Longline Fisheries. In M.D. Camhi, E.K. Pikitch, E.A. Babcock (Eds.) Sharks of the Open Ocean: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation. (pp. 260–267). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, U.K.
Stevens, J.D. (2008)
The Biology and Ecology of the Shortfin Mako Shark, Isurus oxyrinchus. In M.D. Camhi, E.K. Pikitch, E.A. Babcock (Eds.) Sharks of the Open Ocean: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation. (pp. 87–94). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, U.K.
Nakano, H. & Stevens, J.D. (2008)
The Biology and Ecology of the Blue Shark, Prionace glauca. In M.D. Camhi, E.K. Pikitch, E.A. Babcock (Eds.) Sharks of the Open Ocean: Biology, Fisheries and Conservation. (pp. 140–151). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, U.K.
Murray, B.W. & Wang, J.Y. & Yang, S.C. & Stevens, J.D. & Fisk, A.T. & Svavarsson, J. (2008)
Mitochondrial cytochrome b variation in sleeper sharks (Squaliformes: Somniosidae). Marine Biology, 153(6), 1015–1022
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Awruch, C.A. & Frusher, S.D. & Pankhurst, N.W. & Stevens, J.D. (2008)
Non-lethal assessment of reproductive characteristics for management and conservation of sharks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 355, 277–285
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Awruch, C.A. & Pankhurst, N.W. & Frusher, S.D. & Stevens, J.D. (2008)
Endocrine and Morphological Correlates of Reproduction in the Draughtboard Shark Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Elasmobranchii: Scyliorhinidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, Comparative Experimental Biology, 309, 184–197
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Stevens, J.D. & McAuley, R.B. & Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Pillans, R.D. (2008)
Spatial distribution and habitat utilization of sawfish (Pristis spp) in relation to fishing in northern Australia. Final Report to Department of the Environment, Water, Hertiage and the Arts. 27 pp.
Pillans, R.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Peverell, S.C. & Edgar, S. (2008)
Spatial distribution and habitat utilization of Glyphis sp. A in relation to fishing in northern Australia. Final Report to Department of the Environment, Water, Hertiage and the Arts. 47 pp.
Dulvy, N.K. & Baum, J.K. & Clarke, S.C. & Compagno, L.J.V. & Cortés, E. & Domingo, A. & Fordham, S. & Fowler, S. & Francis, M.P. & Gibson, C. & Martínez, J. & Musick, J.A. & Soldo, A. & Stevens, J.D. & Valenti, S. (2008)
You can swim but you can't hide: the global status and conservation of oceanic pelagic sharks and rays. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 18, 459–482
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Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Cortés, E. & Heupel, M.R. & Brooks, E. & Babcock, E.A. & Baum, J.K. & McAuley, R.B. & Dudley, S.F.J. & Stevens, J.D. & Fordham, S. & Soldo, A. (2008)
An integrated approach to determining the risk of over-exploitation for data-poor pelagic Atlantic sharks. Lenfest Ocean Program SCRS/2008/140. 16 pp.
Last, P.R. & White, W.T. & Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Part 5 - New species of Squalus of the highfin megalops group from the Australasian region. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper, 14, 39–53
White, W.T. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Part 7 - Two new species of Squalus of the mitsukurii group from the Indo-Pacific. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper, 14, 71–81
Salini, J.P. & Giles, J. & Holmes, B.H. & Last, P.R. & Marshall, L.J. & Meekan, M.G. & Ovenden, J.R. & Pillans, R.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Ward, R.D. (2007)
Species identification from shark fins - Phase 1. AFMA Report R05/0538. Cleveland, Qld.: CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. 149 pp.
White, W.T. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Cirrhigaleus australis n. sp., a new Mandarin dogfish (Squaliformes: Squalidae) from the south-west Pacific. Zootaxa, 1560, 19–30
White, W.T. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Halaelurus maculosus n. sp. and H. sellus n. sp., two new species of catshark (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) from the Indo-West Pacific. Zootaxa, 1639, 1–21
Yano, K. & Stevens, J.D. & Compagno, L.J.V. (2007)
Distribution, reproduction and feeding of the Greenland shark, Somniosus (Somniosus) microcephalus, with notes on two other sleeper sharks, Somniosus (Somniosus) pacificus and Somniosus (Somniosus) antarcticus. Journal of Fish Biology, 70(2), 374–390
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Wilson, S.G. & Stewart, B.S. & Polovina, J.J. & Meekan, M.G. & Stevens, J.D. & Galuardi, B. (2007)
Accuracy and precision of archival tag data: a multiple-tagging study conducted on a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the Indian Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, 16(6), 547–554
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Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Assessment of biological status of sharks species threatened by international trade. Final Report to the Food and Agricultural Organisation. pp
Speed, C.W. & Meekan, M.G. & Bradshaw, C.J.A. & Mclean, C. & Wilson, S.G. & Stewart, B.S. & Polovina, J.J. & Stevens, J.D. & Davis, R.W. & Fuiman, L.A. (2007)
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) data collection trips - Ningaloo Reef 2007. Report to granting agencies. 10 pp.
Treloar, M.A. & Laurenson, L.J.B. & Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Dietary comparisons of six skate species (Rajidae) in southeastern Australian waters. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 80(2–3), 181–196
DOI: 10.1007/s10641-007-9233-6
Norman, B.M. & Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Size and maturity status of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) at Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia. Fisheries Research, 84(1), 81–86
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2006.11.015
Stevens, J.D. (2007)
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus) biology and ecology: A review of the primary literature. Fisheries Research, 84(1), 4–9
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2006.11.008
Denham, J. & Stevens, J.D. & Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Heupel, M.R. & Cliff, G. & Morgan, A. & Graham, R.T. & Ducrocq, M. & Dulvy, N.K. & Seisay, M. & Asber, M. & Valenti, S.V. & Litvinov, F. & Martins, P. & Lemine Ould Sidi, M. & Tous, P. & Bucal, D. (2007)
Sphyrna mokarran IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
White, W.T. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. & Yearsley, G.K. & Fahmi, D. & Dharmadi (2006)
Economically important sharks and rays of Indonesia. ACIAR Monograph series, 124: 1–329
Irvine, S.B. & Stevens, J.D. & Laurenson, L. (2006)
Surface bands on deepwater squalid dorsal-fin spines: an alternative method for ageing Centroselachus crepidater. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63(3), 617–627
DOI: 10.1139/f05-237
Bruce, B.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Malcolm, H. (2006)
Movements and swimming behaviour of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in Australian waters. Marine Biology, 150(2), 161–172
DOI: 10.1007/s00227-006-0325-1
Irvine, S.B. & Stevens, J.D. & Laurenson, L.J.B. (2006)
Comparing external and internal dorsal-spine bands to interpret the age and growth of the giant lantern shark, Etmopterus baxteri (Squaliformes : Etmopteridae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 77(3–4), 253–264
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Salini, J.P. & McAuley, R.B. & Blaber, S.J.M. & Buckworth, R.C. & Chidlow, J.A. & Gribble, N. & Ovenden, J.R. & Peverell, S.C. & Pillans, R. & Stevens, J.D. & Stobutzki, I. & Tarca, C. & Walker, T. (2006)
Northern Australian sharks and rays: the sustainability of target and bycatch species, Phase 2. Final Report to FRDC Project No. 2002/064. 183 pp.
Treloar, M.A. & Laurenson, L.J.B. & Stevens, J.D. (2006)
Descriptions of rajid egg cases from southeastern Australian waters. Zootaxa, 1231, 53–68
Walker, T.I. & Cavanagh, R.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Carlisle, A.B. & Chiaramonte, G.E. & Domingo, A. & Ebert, D.A. & Mancusi, C. & Massa, A. & McCord, M.E. & Morey, G. & Paul, L.J. & Serena, F. & Vooren, C.M. (2006)
Galeorhinus galeus IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. & Fowler, S.L. & Soldo, A. & McCord, M.E. & Baum, J.K. & Acuña, E. & Domingo, A. & Francis, M.P. (2006)
Lamna nasus IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Compagno, L.J.V. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. & Alava, M.N.R. (2005)
Checklist of Philippine chondrichthyes. Report CSIRO. Marine Laboratories, 243: 1–109
Compagno, L.J.V. & Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. (2005)
Species accounts: Heteroscyllium colcloughi. In Fowler, S.L., Cavanagh, R.D., Camhi, M., Burgess, G.H., Cailliet, G.M., Fordham, S.V., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Musick, J.A.(comp. and Ed.). Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras: The Status of the Chondrichthyan Fishes. Status Survey. IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: 240
Bruce, B.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Bradford, R. (2005)
Identifying movements and habitats of white sharks and grey nurse sharks. Final Report to DEH. 10 pp.
Bruce, B.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Bradford, R. (2005)
Designing protected areas for grey nurse sharks off eastern Australia. Final Report to DEH. 55 pp.
Bruce, B.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Bradford, R. (2005)
Site fidelity, residence times and home range patterns of white sharks around pinniped colonies. Final Report to DEH. 42 pp.
Stevens, J.D. & Pillans, R.D. & Salini, J. (2005)
Conservation assessment of Glyphis sp. A (speartooth shark), Glyphis sp. C (northern river shark), Pristis microdon (freshwater sawfish) and Pristis zijsron (green sawfish). Final Report to DEH. 84 pp.
Stevens, J.D. (2005)
Shark research in Australia: its history and future directions. (Abstract of key note lecture). In Dudgeon, C.L., Scott–Holland, T.B., Kyne, P.M., Pillans, R.D. & Bennett, M.B. (Eds). 2005. Proceedings of the Inaugural Southern Queensland Elasmobranch Research Forum 28th April 2005, Moreton Bay Research Station, North Stradbroke Island, Queensland. 27 pp. The University of Queensland, Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Brisbane, Australia.: 1
Cailliet, G.M. & Musick, J.A. & Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Stevens, J.D. (2005)
Chapter 3. Ecology and Life History Characteristics of Chondrichthyan Fish. In Fowler, S.L., Cavanagh, R.D., Camhi, M., Burgess, G.H., Cailliet, G.M., Fordham, S.V., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Musick, J.A.(comp. and Ed.). Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras: The Status of the Chondrichthyan Fishes. Status Survey. IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: 12–18
Stevens, J.D. & Walker, T.I. & Cook, S.F. & Fordham, S.V. (2005)
Chapter 5. Threats Faced by Chondrichthyan Fish. In Fowler, S.L., Cavanagh, R.D., Camhi, M., Burgess, G.H., Cailliet, G.M., Fordham, S.V., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Musick, J.A.(comp. and Ed.). Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras: The Status of the Chondrichthyan Fishes. Status Survey. IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: 48–57
Stevens, J.D. (2005)
Species accounts: Isurus oxyrinchus, Lamna nasus, Galeorhinus galeus, Prionace glauca In Fowler, S.L., Cavanagh, R.D., Camhi, M., Burgess, G.H., Cailliet, G.M., Fordham, S.V., Simpfendorfer, C.A. and Musick, J.A.(comp. and Ed.). Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras: The Status of the Chondrichthyan Fishes. Status Survey. IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: 259–260, 262–264, 271–272, 309–311
Casper, B.M. & Domingo, A. & Gaibor, N. & Heupel, M.R. & Kotas, J.E. & Lamónaca, A.F. & Pérez-Jimenez, J.C. & Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Smith, W.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Soldo, A. & Vooren, C.M. (2005)
Sphyrna zygaena IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Pillans, R.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Kyne, P.M. & Salini, J. (2005)
Acoustic tracking of Glyphis sp. A in the Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia. Report to Department of the Environment and Heritage. Pp. 22.
Awruch, C.A. & Frusher, S.D. & Stevens, J.D. (2005)
Movement patterns of the draughtboard shark Cephaloscyllium laticeps using acoustic telemetry and conventional tagging [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 21th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
Awruch, C.A. & Pankhurst, N.W. & Frusher, S.D. & Stevens, J.D. (2005)
Endocrine correlates of the reproductive biology of the oviparous catshark, Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Duméril, 1853) [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 21th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
Irvine, S.B. & Stevens, J.D. & Laurenson, L.J.B. (2005)
Age, growth and maturity of Etmopterus baxteri (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from southeastern Australia [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 21th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
Treloar, M.A. & Laurenson, L.J.B. & Stevens, J.D. (2005)
A comparison of different methods and structures for age determination of skates in Australian waters [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 21th Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
Thorburn, D.C. & Peverell, S.C. & Stevens, J.D. & Last, P.R. & Rowland, A.J. (2004)
Status of freshwater and estuarine elasmobranchs in Northern Australia. Final Report to Natural Heritage Trust: 1–75
Yano, K. & Stevens, J.D. & Compagno, L.J.V. (2004)
A review of the systematics of the sleeper shark genus Somniosus with redescriptions of Somniosus (Somniosus) antarcticus and Somniosus (Rhinoscymnus) longus (Squaliformes: Somniosidae). Ichthyological Research, 51(4), 360–373
DOI: 10.1007/s10228-004-0244-4
Stevens, J.D. (2004)
Taxonomy and field techniques for identification, with listing of available regional guides. In Musick, J.A. & Bonfil, R. (Eds.), Elasmobranch Fisheries Management Techniques. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Singapore: 21–56
West, G.J. & Stevens, J.D. & Basson, M. (2004)
Assessment of blue shark population status in the western South Pacific. Final Report to AFMA project RO1/1157. 137 pp.
Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Stevens, J.D. (2003)
Carcharhinus macloti IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Pillans, R. & Stevens, J.D. (2003)
Carcharhinus tilstoni IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. & Correia, J.P.S. (2003)
Centroscymnus coelolepis IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2003)
Centroselachus crepidater IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2003)
Deania calcea IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2003)
Isistius brasiliensis IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Stevens, J.D. (2003)
Loxodon macrorhinus IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Stevens, J.D. (2003)
Somniosus antarcticus IUCN 2012, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2012.2, https://www.iucnredlist.org
Daley, R.K. & Stevens, J.D. & Last, P.R. & Yearsley, G.K. (2002)
Field guide to Australian sharks and rays. CSIRO Div. of Marine Research/ Fisheries Research & Development Corporation. 84 p.
Stevens, J.D. (2002)
A review of Australian Elasmobranch Fisheries. In Elasmobranch Biodiversity, Conservation and Management. Proceedings of the conference on Shark and Ray Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, Sabah, Malaysia, July 1997. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.: 122–126
Stevens, J.D. (2002)
The role of protected areas in elasmobranch fisheries management and conservation. In Elasmobranch Biodiversity, Conservation and Management. Proceedings of the conference on Shark and Ray Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, Sabah, Malaysia, July 1997. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland: 241–242
Stevens, J.D. & Bonfil, R. & Dulvy, N.K. & Walker, P.A. (2002)
The effects of fishing on chondrichthyans: with some implications for marine ecosystems [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 4th European Elasmobranch Association Meeting, Livorno, (Italy) 2000, 31–32
Daley, R.K. & Stevens, J.D. & Graham, K. (2002)
Catch analysis and productivity of the deep-water dogfish resource in southern Australia. Final Report to FRDC project 1998/108. CSIRO Marine Research 106 pp.
West, G.J. & Stevens, J.D. (2001)
The use of archival tags for studying the movement and swimming behaviour of school sharks. FRDC Project 1996/128, Final Report, January 2001. CSIRO Marine Research 105 pp.
West, G.J. & Stevens, J.D. (2001)
Archival tagging of school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) in Australia: initial results. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 60(1–3), 283–298
DOI: 10.1023/A:1007697816642
Pardini, A.T. & Jones, C.S. & Noble, L.R. & Kreiser, B. & Malcolm, H. & Bruce, B.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Cliff, G. & Scholl, M.C. & Francis, M.P. & Duffy, C. & Martin, A.P. (2001)
Sex-biased dispersal of great white sharks. Nature, 412(6843), 139–140
DOI: 10.1038/35084125
Nichols, P. & Rayner, M. & Stevens, J.D. (2001)
A pilot investigation of northern shark liver oils: characterization and value-adding. Final Report to FRDC project 99/369. CSIRO Marine Research, 47 pp.
Malcolm, H. & Bruce, B.D. & Stevens, J.D. (2001)
A review of the biology and status of white sharks in Australian waters. Final Report to Environment Australia. CSIRO Marine Research, 81 pp.
Francis, M.P. & Maolagáin, C. & Stevens, J.D. (2001)
Age, growth, and sexual maturity of two New Zealand endemic skates, Dipturus nasutus and D. innominatus. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 35, 831–842
DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2001.9517045
Francis, M.P. & Stevens, J.D. (2000)
Reproduction, embryonic development, and growth of the porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. Fishery Bulletin, 98(1), 41–63
Mollet, H.F. & Cliff, G. & Pratt, H.L. & Stevens, J.D. (2000)
Reproductive biology of the female shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810, with comments on the embryonic development of lamnoids. Fishery Bulletin, 98(2), 299–318
Stevens, J.D. (2000)
The population status of highly migratory oceanic sharks. In Getting Ahead of the Curve: Conserving the Pacific Ocean's Tunas, Swordfish, Billfishes and Sharks. Ken Hinman, Ed. Marine Fisheries Symposium No. 16. National Coalition for Marine Conservation. Leesburg, Virginia: 35–43
Stevens, J.D. & Bonfil, R. & Dulvy, N.K. & Walker, P.A. (2000)
The effects of fishing on sharks, rays, and chimaeras (chondrichthyans), and the implications for marine ecosystems. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57, 476–494
DOI: 10.1006/jmsc.2000.0724
Stevens, J.D. & West, G.J. & McLoughlin, K.J. (2000)
Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 51(2), 127–141
DOI: 10.1071/MF98158
Bruce, B.D. & Stevens, J.D. & Malcolm, H. & Helmond, I. (2000)
Movement patterns of white sharks tracked with archival and satellite tags in Southern Australia [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14–20 June 2000, La Paz, Mexico
West, G.J. & Stevens, J.D. (2000)
Position estimates and depth behaviour from archival-tagged school sharks (Galeorhinus galeus) in southern Australia [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 16th Annual Meeting, 14–20 June 2000, La Paz, Mexico
Gunn, J.S. & Stevens, J.D. & Davis, T.L.O. & Norman, B.M. (1999)
Observations on the short-term movements and behaviour of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Marine Biology, 135(3), 553–559
DOI: 10.1007/s002270050656
Stevens, J.D. & Wayte, S.E. (1999)
A review of Australia's pelagic shark resources. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Final Report, Project 98/107, 64 pp.
Compagno, L.J.V. & Stevens, J.D. & Last, P.R. (1999)
Australian spotted catsharks of the genus Asymbolus (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorphinidae). Part 1: descriptions of three new species from Western Australia. CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Report, 239, 1–18
Stevens, J.D. (1999)
Management of shark fisheries in northern Australia. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 378/1, 456–479
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Stevens, J.D. (1999)
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Sharks, rays and chimaeras. In Encyclopedia of fishes, 2nd Edition. Consulting Editors J.R. Paxton and W.N. Eschmeyer.: 60–69
Stevens, J.D. (1998)
Sharks and marine protected areas in the Great Australian Bight. In Proceedings of the workshop on research and monitoring of the Great Australian Bight Marine Park: past, present and future. Ed. J. Slater. Environment Australia, Canberra: 5 pp.
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The status of chondrichthyan resources in the south west Pacific - update on 1993 report. Report of the south west Pacific subgroup of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group. IUCN Report.
Stevens, J.D. & Sant, G. (1998)
Developing an Australian government policy on managing shark resources in Australian waters. FRRF project, Final Report November 1998.
Stevens, J.D. & Norman, B.M. & Gunn, J.S. & Davis, T.L.O. (1997)
Movement and behavioural patterns of whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef: the implications for tourism. CSIRO Mar. Res. Nat. Ecotour. Interim Rep.: App. Ref., (30051): 1–33, figs 1–16
Stevens, J.D. (1997)
Strategies for the conservation and management of elasmobranchs. Proceedings of the conference on Shark and Ray Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, Sabah, Malaysia, July 1997.
Stevens, J.D. & Walker, T.I. & Simpfendorfer, C.A. (1997)
Are southern Australian shark fisheries sustainable? In Developing and sustaining world fisheries resources, the state of science and management. 2nd World Fisheries Congress, Brisbane, Australia. Eds. D.A. Hancock, D.C. Smith, A. Grant, J.P. Beumer: 62–66
Stevens, J.D. & West, G.J. (1997)
Investigation of school and gummy shark nursery areas in south eastern Australia. FRDC Project 93/061 Final Report July 1997. CSIRO Marine Research 76 pp + Appendices and Figures.
Mollet, H.F. & Cliff, G. & Pratt, H.L. & Stevens, J.D. (1997)
Reproductive parameters of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus [Abstract]. American Elasmobranch Society 13th Annual Meeting, 26 June–2 July 1997, Seattle, Washington
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Review of information on diurnal vertical migration in the bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus). Marine and Freshwater Research, 47(4), 605–608
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Sharks and Rays of Australia. CSIRO, Australia, pp. i–ix, 1–513, 1400 black and white ill., colour pls. 1–84
McLoughlin, K.J. & Stevens, J.D. (1994)
Gill-net mesh selectivities for two species of commercial carcharhinid shark taken in northern Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45(4), 521–534
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A whale of a shark. Landscope, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, 10(2): 29–34
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Atelomycterus fasciatus n.sp., a new catshark (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) from tropical Australia. Records of the Australian Museum, 45(2), 147–169
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Compagno, L.J.V. & Stevens, J.D. (1993)
Galeus gracilis n. sp., a new sawtail catshark from Australia, with comments on the systematics of the genus Galeus Rafinesque, 1810 (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae). Records of the Australian Museum, 45(2), 171–194
DOI: 10.3853/j.0067-1975.45.1993.133
Compagno, L.J.V. & Stevens, J.D. (1993)
Hemitriakis falcata n. sp. and Hemitriakis abdita n. sp., two new houndsharks (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae) from Australia Records of the Australian Museum, 45(2), 195–220
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