NEWSLETTER 3/2016 15.03.2016
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Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2016, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2016 |
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Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

At the moment we are looking for the following papers:
Paleontological Papers (newly added)
BROUGH, J. (1935) : On the structure and relationships of the Hybodont sharks. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 79: 35-49, 1 fig., 3 pl.
DE ALESSANDRI, D. (1910) : Studii sui pesci triasici della Lombardia. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat., Milano, 7 : 1-145.
ERASMO, G.D. (1960) : Nuovi avanzi ittiolitici della «Série di Lugh» in Somalia conservati nel Museo geologico di Firenze. Palaeontographia Italica, 55: 1-23.
KRIWET, J. (2008) : A new species of extinct bullhead sharks, Paracestracion viohli sp. nov. (Neoselachii, Heterodontiformes), from the Upper Jurassic of South Germany. Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication 11: 12.
MOSS, M.L. (1970) : Enamel and bone in shark teeth: With a note on fibrous enamel in fishes. Acta Anatomica, 77: 161-187.
REIF, W.-E. (1974) : Teeth and dermal denticles of Heterodontus falcifer (Upper Jurassic) and Heterodontus japonicus (Recent). Annual Report of the Keikyu Aburatsubo Marine Park Aquarium 5,6: 16-20.
STENSIÖ, E.A. (1932) : Triassic fishes from Seast Greenland collected by the Danish expeditions in 1929-1931. Meddelelser om Grønland, 83 (3): 1-305, 94 fig., 39 tagl.
WHITE, E.I. (1968) : Devonian fishes of the Mawson-Mulock area, Victoria Land, Antarctica. Trans-Antarctic Exp. 1955-1958, Scient. Rep. no. 16, Geol., 5: 1-26.
Acta Zoologica (Stockholm)
HOLMGREN, N. 1940 Studies on the head in fishes. Embryological, morphological, and phylogenetical researches. Part I. Development of the skull in sharks and rays. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 21 (1-3): 51-267
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
SIGNEUX, J. 1949 Notes paleoichthyologiques. I. Observations sur le genre Scapanorhynchus et ses relations.Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 2), 21 (5): 633-638, figs 1-3
SIGNEUX, J. 1949 Notes paléoichthyologiques. II: Sur les genres Isurus, Chiloscyllium et Triakis trouvés à l'état fossile dans le gisement sénonien de Sahel-Alma. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 21 (5): 635-638, 3 fig.
SIGNEUX, J. 1950 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. III: Squalidae fossiles du Sénonien de Sahel-Alma. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 22 (2): 315-319, fig.
SIGNEUX, J. 1951 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. IV: Les Rhinobatidae du Liban. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 23 (6): 693-695,1 pl.
SIGNEUX, J. 1954 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. VI (suite). Cas d'ovoviviparité chez un Rhinobate fossile. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 26 (5): 644-645
BRANISA, L. & HOFSTAETTER, R. & SIGNEUX, J. 1964 Addditions a la faune ichthyologique du Cretace supérieur de Bolivie. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Serie 2), 36: 279-297, 3 Fig.
BRANISA, L. & HOFSTETTER, R. 1966 Nouvelle contribution a I etude de la paléontologie et de I Age du groupe Puca (Cretace-Paleogene, Bolivie). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 2), 38: 301-310, 1 Fig.; Paris.
BLOT, J. 1980 La faune ichtyologique des gisements du Monte Bolca (Province de Ve´rone, Italie). Catalogue syste´matique pre´sentant l'etat actuel des recherches concernant cette faune. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 4), sect. C, 2 (4): 339-396.
Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum
ITOIGAWA, J. & NISHIMOTO, N. & HIROYUKI, A. 1977 Cretaceous fossil elasmobranchs from japan (first report).Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 4: 119-138
NISHIMOTO, H. & MOROZUMI, Y. 1979 Late Cretaceous elasmobranches from the Izumi Mountain Range. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 6: 133-140
NOMURA, M. & HATANAKA, O. & NISHIMOTO, H. & KARASAWA, H. & NANAO NOJIRIKO GROUP 1991Megasqualus serriculus Jordan and Hannibal (Squalidae: Squaliformes: Elasmobranchii) from the Middle Miocene Nanao Calcareous Sandstone, Nanao City, Noto Peninsula, Central Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 18: 33-45
OKAMURA, Y. & FUDOUJI, Y. & KARASAWA, H. 2000 A first record of the genus Pseudaetobatus (Myliobatiformes, Myliobatidae) from the middle Eocene Okinoshima Group, Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 27: 199-200
Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx
MENDIOLA, C. 1995 Familia Zygzabatidae n. (Batomorphii, Myliobatoidea). Zygzabatis maroccana n. gen., n. sp. Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 1: 1-4, 2 tabl., 1 pl.
MENDIOLA, C. 1996 Rhincodon ferriolensis n. sp. (Neoselachii, Orectolobiformes, Rhincodontidae) del Burdigaliense superior de Elche (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 2: 1-6, 2 fig., 1 pl.
MENDIOLA, C. 1999 Myliobatoideos nuevos (Neoselachii, Batomorphii) del Thanesiense ? de oued Zem (Cuenca de los Ouled Abdoun, Marruecos). Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 6: 1-42, 10 fig., pl. 1-12
MENDIOLA, C. 2001 Hallazgo de Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus 1758) en el Plioceno superior de Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz, España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 7: 1-9
MENDIOLA, C. 2002 Notorynchus lawleyi Cigala Fulgosi 1983 (Chondrichthyes, Hexanchiformes) en el Plioceno inferior de Guardamar y Plioceno medio de Rojales (Sureste de España, Cuenca del Bajo Segura, Cordillera Bética Oriental). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 8: 1-15
MENDIOLA, C. & MARTINEZ, J. 2003 La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Mesozoico y Cenozoico de España. Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 9: 1-103
MENDIOLA, C. 2004 Primera cita española del género Ptychodus AGASSIZ 1839 (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 13: 1-14
MENDIOLA, C. & LÓPEZ, A. 2005 La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Serravalliense de Alicante (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 14: 1-51
Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
BREARD, S. & STRINGER, G.L. 1995 Paleoenvironment of a diverse marine vertebrate fauna from the Yazoo Clay (Late Eocene) at Copenhagen, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 45: 77-85
STRINGER, G.L. & BREARD, S. 1997 Comparison of otolith-based paleoecology to other fossil groups: an example from the Cane River Formation (Eocene) of Louisiana. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 47: 563-570
BREARD, S. & STRINGER, G.L. 1999 Integrated paleoecology and marine vertebrate fauna of the Stone City Formation (Middle Eocene), Brazos River section, Texas. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 49: 132-142
STRINGER, G.L. & BREARD, S.Q. & KONTROVITZ, M. 2001 Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of diagnostic invertebrates and vertebrates from the type locality of the Oligocene Rosefield Marl Beds, Louisiana. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 51: 321-328
STRINGER, G.L. & MILLER, M. 2001 Paleoenvironmental interpretations based on vertebrate fossil assemblages: an example of their utilization in the Gulf Coast. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 51: 329-338
Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology
LASSO, C.A. & RIAL, B.A. & LASSO-ALCALA, O. 1997 Notes on the biology of the freshwater stingrays Paratrygon aiereba (Müller & Henle, 1841) and Potamotrygon orbignyi (Castelnau, 1855) (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Venezuelan Llanos. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 2 (3): 39-50
HUMAN, B.A. 2011 Description of a unique catshark egg capsule (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) from the North West Shelf, Western Australia. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 17 (4): 199-209
Upcoming Meetings:

International Marine Conservation Congress
30 July - 3 August 2016 • St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador (YYT)
To conserve the world’s oceans we must go beyond science, and use it to inform policy and management, and ultimately to catalyze change. The Society for Conservation Biology's International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) brings together conservation professionals and students to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science and policy.
The Call for Abstracts is currently open!
IMCCs are organized by the Marine Section of the Society for Conservation Biology.
 V Colombian meeting on Chondrichthyes (CMC) from 24 to 28 October 2016 Deadline for submission of abstracts/Fecha límite de envío de resúmenes: June 30, 2016 Date of response by the Organizing Committee/Fecha de respuesta por parte del Comité Organizador: July 30, 2016 please visit:

The IWSC4 website is now live at, and registration and abstracts are being accepted online for oral and poster sessions. The deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2016. Additional details can be found on the website, along with a printable meeting poster (poster attached here as well). This international gathering of whale shark scientists, conservationists and decision-makers will feature the most recent advances in research, conservation and management of whale sharks globally. The meeting will further highlight research on whale shark populations in the Arabian Gulf. The conference will integrate six themes: 1) Growth and Reproduction, 2) Behavior and Ecology; 3) Physiology; 4) Genetics; 5) Wildlife Tourism; and 6) Threats and Management. Meeting proceedings will be published in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Qscience Connect (
 Registration is now open for the IUCN World Conservation Congress, taking place from 1 to 10 September 2016 in Hawaiʻi, U.S.A. Visit the Congress website to register for the event and book your accommodation.
- SIBIC 2016: VI Iberian Congress of ichthyology. 21.-24. June 2016, Murcia, Spain;a special session will be dedicated to Chondrichthyan research!
- Registration starting on 1st September 2015
- Call for abstracts starting on 1st October 2015
- Abstracts submission deadline: 15th February 2016
- Early-bird registration fee deadline: 31st March 2016 
- Annual joint meeting of Ichthyologists and herpetologists including the American Elasmobranch Society meeting. 2016: New Orleans, Louisiana, 6.-10. July 2016, New Orleans. Lousiana, USA.
New described species/Taxonomic News:

LAST, P.R. & WHITE, W.T. & SÉRET, B. (2016): Taxonomic status of maskrays of the Neotrygon kuhlii species complex (Myliobatoidei: Dasyatidae) with the description of three new species from the Indo-West Pacific. Journal of Vertebrate Zootaxa, 4083 (4): 533–561 New species: Neotrygon australiae, Neotrygon caeruleopunctata, Neotrygon orientale Abstract: The bluespotted maskray, Neotrygon kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1841), once thought to be widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, consists of a complex of several species and the type series consists of multiple species; its nomenclature is discussed. A lectotype and paralectotype are designated and the species rediagnosed based on the types and a fresh specimen from Honiara (Solomon Islands), near to the collection locality of the lectotype (Vanikoro, Solomon Islands). Molecular and morphological data provide confirmatory evidence that this maskray is distinct from some other regional forms. Three members of the complex from the Western Pacific identified in earlier studies are confirmed to be new species; Neotrygon australiae sp. nov. (Australia, New Guinea and eastern Indonesia), N. caeruleopunctata sp. nov. (Indian Ocean), and N. orientale sp. nov. (North-West Pacific). These species differ from each other and N. kuhlii in their adult size, anterior angle of the disc, number and distribution of blue spots on the dorsal disc, and other more subtle morphometric and meristic characters. Another largely plain-coloured Neotrygon, also currently misidentified as N. kuhlii, is sympatric with N. orientale sp. nov. in the South China Sea and off Taiwan. Neotrygon varidens (Garman) is resurrected as the valid name for this ray. A key is provided to species of the genus.
FOSSIL:  BOGAN, S. & AGNOLIN, F.L. & NOVAS, F.E. (2016): New selachian records from the Upper Cretaceous of southern Patagonia: paleobiogeographical implications and the description of a new taxon. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, in press New species: Protosqualus argentinensis Abstract: We describe isolated shark teeth collected in levels of the Calafate Formation (Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous) on the southeast coast of Argentino Lake, Calafate City, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. The teeth belong to the hexanchiform Notidanodon dentatus, a new species of the squaliform Protosqualus, and an indeterminate species of the echinorhiniform genus Echinorhinus. The record of Notidanodon constitutes the first in South America. The report of Notidanodon associated with plesiosaur remains is in accordance with previous records from around the world. Protosqualus argentinensis, nov. sp., which is the first record of the genus in South America, is characterized by having teeth with a apicobasally tall root and serrated cutting edges, among other features.Echinorhinus sp. constitutes one of the oldest records of this genus on the continent and one of the few Mesozoic records worldwide. This shark association is clearly distinct from coeval selachian faunas from northern Patagonia, which exhibit clear Tethyan influences. Instead, it shows some similarities to other high-latitude selachian faunas, including Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica. It is possible that the Cretaceous selachian assemblages of Patagonia may be separated into two different associations: northern Patagonian faunas are related to more temperate associations of lower paleolatitudes, whereas those of southern Patagonia are closer to other southern localities.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes:
AGBESI, M.P.K. & NAYLOR, S. & PERKINS, E. & BORSUK, H.S. & SYKES, D. & MACLAINE, J.S. & WANG, Z. & COX, J.P.L. (2016) Complex flow in the nasal region of guitarfishes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 193: 52-63 BALL, R.E. & SERRA-PEREIRA, B. & ELLIS, J. & GENNER, M.J. & IGLÉSIAS, S. & JOHNSON, A.F. & JONES, C.S. & LESLIE, R. & LEWIS, J. & MARIANI, S. & MENEZES, G. & NEAT, F. & NOBLE, L.R. & SIMS, D.W. & GRIFFITHS, A.M. (2016) Resolving taxonomic uncertainty in vulnerable elasmobranchs: are the Madeira skate (Raja maderensis) and the thornback ray (Raja clavata) distinct species? Conservation Genetics, in press BISHOP, J.M. & MOORE, A.B.M. & ALSAFFAR, A.H. & ABDUL GHAFFAR, A.R. (2016) The distribution, diversity and abundance of elasmobranch fishes in a modified subtropical estuarine system in Kuwait. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32 (1): 75–82 BRACCINI, M. & AIRES-DA-SILVA, A. & TAYLOR, I. (2016) Incorporating movement in the modelling of shark and ray population dynamics: approaches and management implications. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 26 (1): 13-24 BUSTAMANTE, C. & BENNETT, M.B. & OVENDEN, J.R. (2016) Genetype and phylogenomic position of the frilled shark Chlamydoselachus anguineus inferred from the mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, in press CHIN, A. & HEUPEL, M.R. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & TOBIN, A.J. (2016) Population organisation in reef sharks: new variations in coastal habitat use by mobile marine predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 544: 197-211 DE OLIVEIRA, N.G. & DA ROCHA FERNANDES, G. & CARDOSO, M.H. & COSTA, F.F. & DE SOUZA CANDIDO, E. & NETO, D.G. & MORTARI, M.R. & SCHWARTZ, E.F. & FRANCO, O.L. & DE ALENCAR, S.A. (2016) Venom gland transcriptome analyses of two freshwater stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygonidae) from Brazil. Scientific Reports, 6: 21935 DILLINGHAM, P.W. & MOORE, J.E. & FLETCHER, D. & CORTES, E. & CURTIS, K.A. & JAMES, K.C. & LEWISON, R.L. (2016) Improved estimation of intrinsic growth r(max) for long-lived species: integrating matrix models and allometry. Ecological Applications, 26 (1): 322-333 DUNN, D.C. & MOXLEY, J.H. & HALPIN, P.N. (2016) Temperature-based targeting in a multispecies fishery under climate change. Fisheries Oceanography, 25 (2): 105-118 ENAULT, S. & AUCLAIR, C. & ADNET, S. & DEBIAIS-THIBAUD, M. (2016) A complete protocol for the preparation of chondrichthyan skeletal specimens. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press ENDO, T. & KIMURA, O. & OHTA, C. & KOGA, N. & KATO, Y. & FUJII, Y. & HARAGUCHI, K. (2016) Metal Concentrations in the Liver and Stable Isotope Ratios of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Muscle of Silvertip Shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus) Culled off Ishigaki Island, Japan: Changes with Growth. PLoS ONE, 11 (2): e0147797 ESPINOZA, M. & HEUPEL, M.R. & TOBIN, A.J. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2016) Evidence of Partial Migration in a Large Coastal Predator: Opportunistic Foraging and Reproduction as Key Drivers? PLoS ONE, 11 (2): e0147608 FRISCH, A.J. & IRELAND, M. & RIZZARI, J.R. & LÖNNSTEDT, O.M. & MAGNENAT, K.A. & MIRBACH, C.E. & HOBBS, J.-P.A. (2016) Reassessing the trophic role of reef sharks as apex predators on coral reefs. Coral Reefs, in press FU, A.L. & HAMMERSCHLAG, N. & LAUDER, G.V. & WILGA, C.D. & KUO, C.-Y. & IRSCHICK, D.J. (2016)Ontogeny of head and caudal fin shape of an apex marine predator: The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). Journal of Morphology, in press GORE, M.A. & FREY, P.H. & ORMOND, R.F. & ALLAN, H. & GILKES, G. (2016) Use of Photo-Identification and Mark-Recapture Methodology to Assess Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) Populations. PLoS ONE, 11 (3): e0150160 GRAČAN, R. & HEPPELL, S.A. & LACKOVIĆ, G. & LAZAR, B. (2016) Age and growth dynamics of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, in the Adriatic Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Marine and Freshwater Research, 67 (3): 357-367 GRUBBS, R.D. & CARLSON, J.K. & ROMINE, J.G. & CURTIS, T.H. & MCELROY, W.D. & MCCANDLESS, C.T. & COTTON, C.F. & MUSICK, J.A. (2016) Critical assessment and ramifications of a purported marine trophic cascade. Scientific Reports, 6: 20970 GUIDA, L. & WALKER, T.I. & REINA, R.D. (2016) Temperature Insensitivity and Behavioural Reduction of the Physiological Stress Response to Longline Capture by the Gummy Shark, Mustelus antarcticus. PLoS ONE ,11 (2): e0148829 HARBORNE, A.R. & TALWAR, B. & BROOKS, E.J. (2016) The conservation implications of spatial and temporal variability in the diurnal use of Bahamian tidal mangrove creeks by transient predatory fishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 26 (1): 202-211 HARMON, T.S. & KAMERMAN, T.Y. & CORWIN, A.L. & SELLAS, A.B. (2016) Consecutive parthenogenetic births in a spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari. Journal of Fish Biology, 88 (2): 741-745 HARRY, A.V. & SAUNDERS, R.J. & SMART, J.J. & YATES, P.M. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & TOBIN, A.J. (2016) Assessment of a data-limited, multi-species shark fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and south-east Queensland. Fisheries Research, 177: 104–115 HAULSEE, D.E. & FOX, D.A. & BREECE, M.W. & CLAUSS, T.M. & OLIVER, M.J. (2016) Implantation and Recovery of Long-Term Archival Transceivers in a Migratory Shark with High Site Fidelity. PLoS ONE, 11 (2): e0148617 HUANG, H.-W. & SWIMMER, Y. & BIGELOW, K. & GUTIERREZ, A. & & FOSTER, D.G. (2016) Influence of hook type on catch of commercial and bycatch species in an Atlantic tuna fishery. Marine Policy, 65: 68-75 JAMES, K.C. & LEWISON, R.L. & DILLINGHAM, P.W. & CURTIS, K.A. & MOORE, J.E. (2016) Drivers of retention and discards of elasmobranch non-target catch. Environmental Conservation, 43 (1): 3-12 LAST, P.R. & WHITE, W.T. & SÉRET, B. (2016) Taxonomic status of maskrays of the Neotrygon kuhlii species complex (Myliobatoidei: Dasyatidae) with the description of three new species from the Indo-West Pacific. Zootaxa, 4083 (4): 533–561 MAIA, A. & WILGA, C.A. (2016) Dorsal fin function in spiny dogfish during steady swimming. Journal of Zoology, 298 (2): 139-149 NAVIA, A.F. & CRUZ-ESCALONA, V.H. & GIRALDO, A. & BARAUSSE, A. (2016) The structure of a marine tropical food web, and its implications for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Ecological Modelling, 328: 23–33 RASCH, L.J. & MARTIN, K.J. & COOPER, R.L. & METSCHER, B. & UNDERWOOD, C. & FRASER, G.J. (2016) An ancient dental gene set governs development and continuous regeneration of teeth in sharks.Developmental Biology, in press RICE, K.W. & BUCHHOLZ, R. & PARSONS, G.R. (2016) Correlates of bite force in the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae. Marine Biology, 163: 38 ROMERO-CAICEDO, A.F. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. & HERNÁNDEZ-HERRERA, A. & CARRERA-FERNÁNDEZ, M. (2016) Reproductive parameters of the Pacific angel shark Squatina californica (Selachii: Squatinidae). Journal of Fish Biology, in press ROSS, S.W. & RHODE, M. & VIADA, S.T. & MATHER, R. (2016) Fish species associated with shipwreck and natural hard-bottom habitats from the middle to outer continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight near Norfolk Canyon. Fishery Bulletin, 114 (1): 45-57 RUSSO, R.A. (2016) Observations of predation and loss among leopard sharks and brown smoothhounds in San Francisco Bay, California. California Fish and Game, 101 (2): 149-157 SHIFFMAN, D.S. & HAMMERSCHLAG, N. (2016) Preferred conservation polices of shark researchers.Conservation Biology, in press SHIFFMAN, D.S. & HAMMERSCHLAG, N. (2016) Shark conservation and management policy: a review and primer for non-specialists. Animal Conservation, in press SILBERNAGEL, C. & YOCHEM, P. (2016) Effectiveness of the anesthetic aqui-s ® 20e in marine finfish and elasmobranchs. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 52 (2S): S96-S103 SMART, J.J. & CHIN, A. & TOBIN, A.J. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2016) Multimodel approaches in shark and ray growth studies: strengths, weaknesses and the future. Fish and Fisheries, in press ST GELAIS, A.T. & COSTA-PIERCE, B.A. (2016) Mercury concentrations in Northwest Atlantic winter-caught, male spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): A geographic mercury comparison and risk-reward framework for human consumption. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 102 (1): 199-205 SULIKOWSKI, J.A. & WHEELER, C.R. & GALLAGHER, A.J. & PROHASKA, B.K. & LANGAN, J.A. & HAMMERSCHLAG, N. (2016) Seasonal and life-stage variation in the reproductive ecology of a marine apex predator, the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier, at a protected female-dominated site. Aquatic Biology, 24 (3): 175-184 TAGLIAFICO, A. & EHEMANN, N. & RANGEL, M.S. & RAGO, N. (2016) Exploitation and reproduction of the bullnose ray (Myliobatis freminvillei) caught in an artisanal fishery in La Pared, Margarita Island, Venezuela. Fishery Bulletin, 114 (2): 144–152 WEIGMANN, S. (2016) Annotated checklist of the living sharks, batoids and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes) of the world, with a focus on biogeographical diversity. Journal of Fish Biology, in press ZHANG, Y. & HAN, J. & FENG, Y. & MU, J. & BAO, H. & KULIK, A. & GROND, S. (2016) Isolation and characterization of bioactive fungi from shark Carcharodon carcharias‘ gill with biopharmaceutical prospects.Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 34 (1): 186-199
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
BOGAN, S. & AGNOLIN, F.L. & NOVAS, F.E. (2016) New selachian records from the Upper Cretaceous of southern Patagonia: paleobiogeographical implications and the description of a new taxon. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, in press FLAMMENSBECK, C.K. & POLLERSPOECK, J. & STRAUBE, N. (2016) Can the morphology of deep sea shark teeth reveal sex and species? (Chondrichthyes, Squaliformes). Abstract. In: 17th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, Zitteliana, 88: 20 ROELOFS, B. & BARHAM, M. & MORY, A.J. & TRINAJSTIC, K. (2016) Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous chondrichthyans from the Fairfield Group, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Palaeontologia Electronica, 19 (1): 4a Parasites:
CHOUKAMI, M.H.-P. & HASELI, M. (2016) Surface ultrastructure and the mitochondrial gene rrnl of Parachristianella indonesiensis Palm, 2004 (Trypanorhyncha: Eutetrarhynchidae) with the amended generic diagnosis. Parasitology Research, 115 (3): 1105-1112 IVAN MERLO-SERNA, A. & GARCIA-PRIETO, L. (2016) A checklist of helminth parasites of Elasmobranchii in Mexico. ZookeysIssue: 563: 73-128 MORRIS, T. & AVENANT-OLDEWAGE, A. & LAMBERTH, S. & REED, C. (2016) Shark parasites as bio-indicators of metals in two South African embayments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press