Sphyrna mokarran (RÜPPELL, 1837)


Description after Gilbert 1967 [#946]:

Teeth 17 - 2 or 3 - 17/16 or 17 - 1 to 3 - 16 or 17; upper teeth triangular, on expanded bases, the first tooth erect, symmetrical, but the subsequent upper teeth increasingly oblique toward corners of mouth; second to tenth or eleventh teeth the largest in both upper and lower jaws; outermost teeth in both jaws with distinct cusps; one or two series of teeth functional in alternating rows along sides of upper jaw and usually two rows along sides of lower jaw.

 Sphyrna mokarran

Figure 7. Sphyrna mokarran:  b, teeth series from left side of upper and lower jaws (USNM 108453), about natural size; c, fifth upper tooth; d, twelfth upper tooth; e, fifth lower tooth; f, eleventh lower tooth, (c-f, about 1.5 X.) (From Bigelow and Schroeder, 1948, p. 429.)


Material:  sex ?, ? cm TL, American Museum of Natural History, coll. nr. 226085/SD, Gulf of Aden, Eastern Indian Ocean, Africa, 

Images: © Ross Robertson, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, images shows the correct position of the teeth;


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


Material: no data, collection: Jaws International, Gordon Hubbell, Florida

 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran


 Sphyrna mokarran