Serratolamna serrata

(Agassiz, 1843)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Lamniformes Serratolamnidae

Reference of the original description
Agassiz, L. (1843)
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, 15th and 16th livraisons (March 1843). Jent and Gassmann, Soleure (text) and H. Nicolet, Neuchâtel (planches). – vol. 3: [i]-[iv], 157-390, 382*-382**, 1–32, [33]-[34], pl. 1, 18, 22, 22a, 22b, 26a, 38, 40b, 40c, 40d, 45, 47

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Cretolamna serrata, Galeus serratus, Lamna cf. libyca, Lamna divergens, Lamna libyca, Lamna serra, Lamna serrata, Odontaspis oxyprion, Otodus divergens, Otodus serratus, Serratolamna aff. serrata, Serratolamna divergens, Serratolamna libyca, Serratolamna oxyprion, Serratolamna serra, Serratolamna serratus

Serratolamna serrata


Citation: Serratolamna serrata (Agassiz, 1843): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

Please send your images of "Serratolamna serrata" to

Serratolamna serrata (Agassiz, 1843), Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, Marne department, France © Jean-Francois LHOMME,

shark-references Species-ID=6484;
valid after Zalmout & Mustafa (2001) p. 392 [2634]; Hoganson et al. (2019) p. 26 [27441];

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On the remains of fishes found by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe in the Pondicherry beds. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, 4(6), 381–388
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A systematic and stratigraphical cataloge of the fossil fish in the cabinets of Lord Cole and Sir Philip Grey Egerton: together with an alphabetical and stratigraphical catalogue of the same species with references to their published figures and descriptions. London, 1837
DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.23781