Dasyatis americana
Hildebrand & Schroeder, 1928
Southern stingray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Dasyatidae
Reference of the original description
Fishes of Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, 43(1), 1–366
Fishes of Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, 43(1), 1–366
Description :
Citation: Dasyatis americana Hildebrand & Schroeder, 1928: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
- Dendromonocotyle octodiscus Hargis, 1955 [23992] [9445] [21204] [23771]
- Heterocotyle americana Hargis, 1955 [9644]
- Listrocephalos corona (Hargis, 1955) [17148]
- Loimopapillosum dasyatis Hargis, 1955 [17148]
- Merizocotyle longicirrus (Hargis, 1955) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995 [12239]
- Merizocotyle retorta (Hargis, 1955) Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995 [17148] [17002] [12239]
- Monocotyle diademalis Hargis, 1955 [17205]
- Monocotyle pricei Pearse, 1949 [17104] [17205] [17001]
- Acanthobothrium americanum Campbell, 1969 [16177] [16356] [25154]
- Anthocephalum alicae Ruhnke, 1994 [16388]
- Anthocephalum cairae Ruhnke, 1994 [16388]
- Anthocephalum centrurum (Southwell, 1925) [16356]
- Anthocephalum gracile (Wedl, 1855) [25154]
- Anthocephalum kingae (Schmidt, 1978) Ruhnke & Seaman, 2009 [16266] [25154]
- Lecanicephalum peltatum Linton, 1890 [16265] [25154]
- Parachristianella monomegacantha Kruse, 1959 [16184] [16112]
- Polypocephalus medusia (Linton, 1890) [16265] [25154]
- Prochristianella hispida (Linton, 1890) [16184] [16112]
- Pterobothrium kingstoni Campbell & Beveridge, 1996 [16283] [16112]
- Pterobothrium lintoni (Maccallum, 1916) Dollfus, 1942 [16112]
- Rhinebothrium corymbum Campbell, 1975 [7620] [16356] [25154]
- Rhinebothrium lintoni Campbell, 1970 [16178]
- Rhinebothrium maccallumi Linton, 1924 [16178] [16908] [23771]
- Rhinebothrium margaritense Mayes & Brooks, 1981 [16356] [25154]
- Rhinebothrium spinicephalum Campbell, 1970 [16178]
- Rhodobothrium pulvinatum Linton, 1889 [16284] [16356] [25154]
- Scalithrium magniphallum (Brooks, 1977) Ball, Neifar & Euzet, 2003 [16266] [25154]
- Excorallana tricornis (Hansen, 1890) [23898] [19909]
- Rocinela signata Schioedte & Meinert, 1879 [19909]