Pastinachus sephen
(Fabricius in Niebuhr, 1775)
Cowtail stingray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Dasyatidae
Reference of the original description
Descriptiones animalium, avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium / quae in itinere orientali observavit Petrus Forskål. Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Adjuncta est materia medica kahirina atque tabula maris Rubri geographica. Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descriptiones animalium quae in itinere ad Maris Australis terras per annos 1772 1773 et 1774 suscepto, ...: 1–20 + i–xxxiv + 1–164, map. [Pisces on pp. x–xix and 22–76.
Descriptiones animalium, avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium / quae in itinere orientali observavit Petrus Forskål. Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Adjuncta est materia medica kahirina atque tabula maris Rubri geographica. Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. Descriptiones animalium quae in itinere ad Maris Australis terras per annos 1772 1773 et 1774 suscepto, ...: 1–20 + i–xxxiv + 1–164, map. [Pisces on pp. x–xix and 22–76.
Image of the original description
No image in first description.
No image in first description.
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Dasyatis gruveli, Dasyatis sephen, Dasyatis (Pastinachus) sephen, Dasybatus sephen, Dasybatus (Pastinachus) gruveli, Himantura fluviatilis, Hypolophus sephen, Pastinachus cf. sephen, Pastinachus gruveli, Raia fluviatilis, Raia sancur, Raia sephen, Raja fluviatilis, Raja sancur, Raja sephen, Raja wolga tenkee, Trigon forskalii, Trigon sephen, Trygon fluviatilis, Trygon sephen, Trygon wolgatenkee, Trygon wolgatzuke, Trygon (Hypolophus) sephen
Dasyatis gruveli, Dasyatis sephen, Dasyatis (Pastinachus) sephen, Dasybatus sephen, Dasybatus (Pastinachus) gruveli, Himantura fluviatilis, Hypolophus sephen, Pastinachus cf. sephen, Pastinachus gruveli, Raia fluviatilis, Raia sancur, Raia sephen, Raja fluviatilis, Raja sancur, Raja sephen, Raja wolga tenkee, Trigon forskalii, Trigon sephen, Trygon fluviatilis, Trygon sephen, Trygon wolgatenkee, Trygon wolgatzuke, Trygon (Hypolophus) sephen
Pastinachus sephen
XXXX: No types known;
Dasybatus (Pastinachus) gruveli
Holotype: MNHN: 1922-0076;
Himantura fluviatilis
XXXX: No types known;
Raja sancur
XXXX: No types known;
Trigon forskalii
Lectotype: SMF: 2538; Paralectotype: SMF: 2537;
Pastinachus sephen
XXXX: No types known;
Dasybatus (Pastinachus) gruveli
Holotype: MNHN: 1922-0076;
Himantura fluviatilis
XXXX: No types known;
Raja sancur
XXXX: No types known;
Trigon forskalii
Lectotype: SMF: 2538; Paralectotype: SMF: 2537;
Description :
Citation: Pastinachus sephen (Fabricius in Niebuhr, 1775): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Pastinachus sephen" to
Pastinachus sephen (Forsskål, 1775), ca 100 cm TL, Nov.2019, Cerf Island, Seychelles; © Solene Dedieu

Pastinachus sephen (Forsskål, 1775), ca 100 cm TL, Nov.2019, Cerf Island, Seychelles; © Solene Dedieu
Common names
Pastenague plumetée,
Banana-tail ray,
Cowtail ray,
Cowtail stingray,
Drab stingray,
Fantail ray,
Fantail stingray,
Feathertail stingray,
Frill tailed sting ray,
Sting ray,

Short Description
A large, plain, dark stingray with an angular snout and pectoral disc; tail long and broad-based, less than twice body length, and with no upper caudal finfold but with high lower caudal finfold- 2 to 3 times depth of tail but not reaching tail tip; no large thorns; 1 or 2 long stings on tail, further behind tail base than in most stingrays; unique hexagonal, high-crowned teeth [536]. Dark brown or black dorsally without conspicuous markings, white ventrally [536]. Tail black [20091].
A large, plain, dark stingray with an angular snout and pectoral disc; tail long and broad-based, less than twice body length, and with no upper caudal finfold but with high lower caudal finfold- 2 to 3 times depth of tail but not reaching tail tip; no large thorns; 1 or 2 long stings on tail, further behind tail base than in most stingrays; unique hexagonal, high-crowned teeth [536]. Dark brown or black dorsally without conspicuous markings, white ventrally [536]. Tail black [20091].
Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea, Persian Gulf and South Africa to Micronesia, north to Japan, south to Melanesia and the Arafura Sea (Ref. 9819). Source:
Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea, Persian Gulf and South Africa to Micronesia, north to Japan, south to Melanesia and the Arafura Sea (Ref. 9819). Source:
Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: commercial; price category: low; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: commercial; price category: low; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding initially on yolk, then receiving additional nourishment from the mother by indirect absorption of uterine fluid enriched with mucus, fat or protein through specialised structures [733]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Size at birth ~ 18 cm WD [2539].
Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding initially on yolk, then receiving additional nourishment from the mother by indirect absorption of uterine fluid enriched with mucus, fat or protein through specialised structures [733]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Size at birth ~ 18 cm WD [2539].
reef-associated; amphidromous [17660]; freshwater; brackish; marine; depth range ? - 60 m [1388]
reef-associated; amphidromous [17660]; freshwater; brackish; marine; depth range ? - 60 m [1388]
shark-references Species-ID=4763;
shark-references Species-ID=4763;
Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
- Decacotyle lymmae Young, 1967 [21446]
- Decacotyle tetrakordyle Chisholm & Whittington, 1998 [17440] [23992] [21446]
- Dendromonocotyle ardea Chisholm & Whittington, 1995 [17437] [23992] [9445]
- Entobdella sp. [15269]
- Heterocotyle elliptica Pillai & Pillai, 1976 [9644]
- Monocotyle corali Chisholm, 1998 [17001] [17441] [23992]
- Monocotyle spirophallus (Tripathi, 1959) Timofeeva, 1985 [17001]
- Neoentobdella natans Kearn & Whittington, 2005 [15239]
- Acanthobothrium bengalense Baer & Euzet, 1962 [16175] [16448] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium chabahariense Maleki, Malek & Rastgoo, 2018 [27144] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium chisholmae Campbell & Beveridge, 2002 [16128] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium coronatum (Rudolphi, 1819) Van Beneden, 1850 [17089] [16101]
- Acanthobothrium dujardinii Van Beneden, 1849 [16448]
- Acanthobothrium gasseri Campbell & Beveridge, 2002 [16128] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium guptai Shinde & Bhagwan, 2002 [16396]
- Acanthobothrium jalalii Maleki, Malek & Palm, 2013 [20115] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium laurenbrownae Campbell & Beveridge, 2002 [16128] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium manteri Hassan, 1983 [9802] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium nanogravidum Zschoche, Caira & Fyler, 2011 [14444]
- Acanthobothrium semnovesiculum Verma, 1928 [16175] [16448] [16128] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium sphaera Maleki, Malek & Palm, 2013 [20115] [28741]
- Acanthobothrium walkeri Campbell & Beveridge, 2002 [16128] [28741]
- Aloculibothrium dasyatii Manna & Manna, 2018 [26864]
- Anthemobothrium pulchrum Shipley & Hornell, 1906 [16338]
- Balanobothrium shamraoi Jadhav & Shinde, 1982 [16329]
- Balanobothrium trygoni Gupta & Parmar, 1987 [19897]
- Carpobothrium shindei Hiware, Jadhav, Shinde & Kadam, 1999 [16221]
- Caulobothrium sp. [16908]
- Cephalobothrium alii Jadhav & Jadhav, 1993 [16335]
- Cephalobothrium singhi Jadhav & Jadhav, 1993 [16335]
- Cephalobothrium trygoni Shinde & Solunke, 1986 [16239]
- Dollfusiella michiae (Southwell, 1929) [16252] [16112]
- Dollfusiella qeshmiensis Haseli & Palm, 2015 [23033]
- Dollfusiella sp. [15730]
- Echeneibothrium trygoni Shinde & Bhagwan, 2001 [16395]
- Echinobothrium deeghai Gupta & Parmar, 1988 [16320] [16430] [19536]
- Eniochobothrium trygonis Cincholikar & Shinde, 1978 [9380]
- Eutetrarhynchus leucomelanus (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [16252] [16112]
- Eutetrarhynchus platycephali Palm, 2004 [15730]
- Flapocephalus saurashtri Shinde & Deshmukh, 1979 [16229]
- Flapocephalus trygonis Deshmukh, 1979 [16228] [16338]
- Halysioncum reginae (Kuchta & Caira, 2010) [12201]
- Halysiorhynchus macrocephalus (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [16112] [15747] [15730]
- Hexacanalis indirajii Murlidhar, 1986 [16362]
- Kotorella pronosoma (Stossich, 1901) [16112]
- Kowsalyabothrium sepheni Jadhav, Shinde & Jadhav, 1992 [16336]
- Lecanicephalum maharashtrae Chincholikar & Shinde, 1978 [16208]
- Lecanicephalum ratnagiriensis Hiware & Jadhav, 1999 [16222]
- Mecistobothrium johnstonei (Southwell, 1929) [16256] [16112] [15747] [16972]
- Mecistobothrium obese (Southwell, 1929) [16112]
- Mixophyllobothrium okamuri Shinde & Chincholikar, 1980 [16232]
- Oncodiscus sauridae Yamaguti, 1934 [16331]
- Parachristianella baverstocki Beveridge, 1990 [15747] [16972]
- Parachristianella indonesiensis Palm, 2004 [16112] [16972] [15730] [19555] [23785] [25611]
- Parachristianella monomegacantha Kruse, 1959 [16252] [16112] [15730] [19555] [25611]
- Phyllobothrium minutum Williams, 1968 [16360]
- Phyllobothrium pammicrum Shipley & Hornell, 1906 [16412] [16443]
- Phyllobothrium trygoni Jadhav, 1985 [16238]
- Pithophorus trygoni Jadhav, Shinde & Jadhav, 1992 [16337]
- Polypocephalus barsami Roudsari & Haseli, 2020 [28868]
- Polypocephalus maharashtra Deshmukh, Jadhav & Shinde, 1982 [16301]
- Polypocephalus pratibhai Deshmukh, Jadhav & Shinde, 1982 [16301]
- Polypocephalus thapari Shinde & Jadhav, 1981 [16164]
- Prochristianella butlerae Beveridge, 1990 [16252] [16112] [16112] [16972] [15730] [17404] [25611]
- Prochristianella clarkeae Beveridge, 1990 [25136] [25611]
- Prochristianella garshaspi Haseli, 2013 [19555]
- Prochristianella odonoghuei Beveridge, 1990 [16252] [16112]
- Prochristianella sp. [15730]
- Rhinoptericola aetobatidis (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [16112]
- Rhinoptericola butlerae (Beveridge & Campbell, 1988) [17838] [24246]
- Scalithrium smitii Shinde, Deshmukh & Jadhav, 1981 [9380]
- Sephenicephalum dnyandevi Bhagwan & Shinde, 2002 [16360]
- Sephenicephalum maharashtrii Shinde, Sarwade & Jadhav, 1980 [16338]
- Stillabothrium biacetabulatum (Yamaguti, 1960) [16360]
- Tetragonocephalum alii Deshmukh & Shinde, 1979 (nomen dubium) [16298]
- Tetragonocephalum bhagawatii Shinde, Mohekar & Jadhav, 1985 (nomen dubium) [16168]
- Tetragonocephalum kazemii Aminjan & Masoumeh, 2017 [25347]
- Tetragonocephalum mackenziei Aminjan & Masoumeh, 2017 [25347]
- Tetragonocephalum sephensis Deshmukh & Shinde, 1979 (nomen dubium) [16298]
- Tetragonocephalum shipleyi Shinde, Mohekar & Jadhav, 1985 (nomen dubium) [16168]
- Tetrarhynchobothrium sp. [15747]
- Trygonicephalum ratnagiriensis Shinde & Jadhav, 1984 [16218]
- Trygonicola macroporus (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [15730]
- Tylocephalum bombayensis Jadhav, 1983 [16237]
- Tylocephalum madhukarii Chincholikar & Shinde, 1980 [16230]
- Uncibilocularis bombayensis Jadhav, Shinde & Phad, 1984 [16332] [16092]
- Uncibilocularis loreni Jensen & Caira, 2008 [16092]
- Uncibilocularis okei Jensen & Caira, 2008 [16092]
- Uncibilocularis thapari Deshmukh, 1979 [16295] [16233]
- Uncibilocularis trygonis (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [16408] [17089] [16101] [16448] [16092]
- Aliascaris indica Kalyankar, 1971 [11039] [17029]
- Echinocephalus overstreeti Deardorff & Ko, 1983 [21500]
- Terranova sp. [23910]
- Gnathia grandilaris Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2008 [34007]
- Gnathia maculosa Ota & Hirose, 2009 [34007]
- Gnathia trimaculata Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2009 [34007]