NEWSLETTER 08/2014 08.09.2014
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Pollerspöck, J. 2014, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2014 |

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Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who send me some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment I search e.g. the following papers:
Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology
LASSO, C.A. & RIAL, B.A. & LASSO-ALCALA, O. 1997 Notes on the biology of the freshwater stingrays Paratrygon aiereba (Müller & Henle, 1841) and Potamotrygon orbignyi (Castelnau, 1855) (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Venezuelan Llanos. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 2 (3): 39-50
CASTRO, J.I. 2011 Resurrection of the name Carcharhinus cerdale, a species different from Carcharhinus porosus. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 17 (1): 1-10
HUMAN, B.A. 2011 Description of a unique catshark egg capsule (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) from the North West Shelf, Western Australia. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 17 (4): 199-209
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
MASSON, A.G. & RUST, B.R. 1984 Freshwater shark teeth as paleoenvironmental indicators in the Upper Pennsylvanian Morien Group of the Sydney Basin, Nova Scotia Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 21 (10): 1151-1155
FIELITZ, C. 1996 A Late Cretaceous (Turonian) ichthyofauna from Lac des Bois, Northwest Territories, Canada, with paleobiogeographic comparisons with Turonian ichthyofaunas of the Western Interior Seaway.Canadian. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 33: 1375-1389
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IV Encuentro Colombiano sobre Condrictios:
place: Universidad EAFIT de Medellín, Colombia
date: 20. - 24. October 2014
more information
New information about the colombian meeting on Chondricthyes is avaiable! Use the following downloadlink (in spain).

EEA 2014 European Elasmobranch Association – Annual Scientific Conference 18 years on – Prepared for the Future
The Dutch Elasmobranch Society is proud to host the 18th Annual Scientific Conference of the European Elasmobranch Association from 7th to 9th November 2014 at the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
Elasmobranchs are increasingly included in high level policy agreements. The conference will provide a platform for those involved in international science and policy and aims to help coordinate the information necessary for the development and implementation of management measures for rays and sharks in European waters. EEA 2014 will be of interest to all those who are involved in the study, management and conservation of chondrichthyans (sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras).
The three-day conference will include theme sessions on policy making, restoration measures, integrated management, husbandry and captive management, tagging and other subjects. The collection, availability and sharing of data will be an underlying theme. There will be plenary talks, a poster session and opportunities for networking and socialising. In addition an excursion will be offered on the last day.
Leeuwarden is a vibrant town with a charming centre and a wide selection of hotels and restaurants. It is the capital city of the northern Province of Fryslân and will be the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2018. There is a twice hourly train service from Schiphol (one direct, one with one connection) and it is easy to reach by road.
See for preliminary details on the conference.
Contact: |
New described species/Taxonomic News:
 Rajella paucispinosa, holotype, ZMH 26000, almost adult male 471 mm TL fresh, off South Mozambique © Simon Weigmann, Hamburg
WEIGMANN, S. & STEHMANN, M. & THIEL, R. (2014): Rajella paucispinosa n. sp., a new deep-water skate (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae) from the western Indian Ocean off South Mozambique, and a revised generic diagnosis. Zootaxa, 3847 (3): 359-387 New species: Rajella paucispinosa Abstract: A new species of the widely in temperate and tropical latitudes distributed skate genus Rajella is described based on an almost adult male specimen from the western Indian Ocean off South Mozambique. The holotype of R. paucispinosa n. sp. was caught during cruise 17 of RV ‘Vityaz’ along the deep western Indian Ocean in 1988/89. It is the northernmost record of a Rajella specimen in the western Indian Ocean. The new species is the 18th valid species of the genus and the fifth species in the western Indian Ocean. It differs from its congeners in the small maximal total length of about 50 cm and only few thorns on the dorsal surface. The new species has only two thorns on each orbit, one nuchal thorn, one right scapular thorn (left one not detectable, abraded), and one median row of tail thorns. Other species of Rajella typically have half rings of thorns on orbital rims, a triangle of thorns on nape-shoulder region, and at least three rows of tail thorns. Another conspicuous feature of the new species is the almost completely white dorsal and ventral coloration.
CAIRA, J.N. & JENSEN, K. & WAESCHENBACH, A. & LITTLEWOOD, D.T.J. (2014): An enigmatic new tapeworm, Litobothrium aenigmaticum, sp nov (Platyhelminthes : Cestoda: Litobothriidea), from the pelagic thresher shark with comments on development of known Litobothrium species. Invertebrate Systematics, 28 (3): 231-243 New species: Litobothrium aenigmaticum Abstract: An enigmatic new tapeworm is described from pelagic thresher sharks in Mexico and Taiwan. While lsrRNA (D1-D3) data robustly place it in the Litobothriidea, it bears essentially no morphological resemblance to other members of the order. Instead it superficially resembles the freshwater fish-inhabiting Caryophyllidea. Its scolex consists of a simple dome-shaped scolex proper and an extensive cephalic peduncle housing four distinct tissue types. It is hyperapolytic, thus reproductive anatomy is unknown. Developmental data show typical litobothriideans bear basic elements of their adult scolex upon entering the definitive host, undermining the notion that the new cestode represents a distinct litobothriidean life cycle stage. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the new species shares bands of distinctive microtriches with its congeners. In combination these data justify establishment of Litobothrium aenigmaticum, sp. nov.; the generic, familial and ordinal diagnoses are emended accordingly. Unlike typical litobothriideans, each worm is associated with a mucosal expansion at its attachment site, like those seen in some caryophyllideans. This pathological change may represent a worm-induced host response serving to reinforce attachment of the simple scolex to the mucosa. If so, the convergence of this litobothriidean on a morphology like that seen in the distantly related Caryophyllidea is a result of similarity in mode of attachment. IRIGOITIA, M.M. & CANTATORE, D.M.P. & DELPIANI, G.E. & INCORVAIA, I.S. & LANFRANCHI, A.L. & TIMI, J.T. (2014): Merizocotyle euzeti sp n. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from the nasal tissue of three deep sea skates (Rajidae) in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Folia Parasitologica, 61 (3): 206-212 New species: Merizocotyle euzeti Abstract: A new species of Merizocotyle Cerfontaine, 1894 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) is described from the nasal tissues of three deep sea rajid skates: the southern thorny skate, Amblyraja doellojuradoi (Pozzi), broadnose skate, Bathyraja brachyurops (Fowler), and yellownose skate, Zearaja chilensis (Guichenot), collected off Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, southwest Atlantic Ocean. Two additional species of sympatric rajid, the white-dotted skate, Bathyraja albomaculata (Norman), and the Patagonian skate, Bathyraja macloviana (Norman), were also examined but no merizocotylines were found. The taxonomy of the Merizocotylinae is not widely accepted and, as a result, the status of Thaumatocotyle and Mycteronastes, and their proposed synonymy with Merizocotyle are currently under discussion. The new species differs from its congeners by having a unique haptoral structure, 6 peripheral loculi that are asymmetrically arranged (one much smaller, indistinctly located in the left or right side of the haptor). The presence of the new species in three sympatric species of Rajidae belonging to distinct genera and subfamilies, as well as its absence in sympatric congenerics indicates the lack of phylogenetic host specificity. Host ecology and geographical distribution appear to be more important than host phylogeny in determining the distribution of this parasite across potential hosts in the region. This constitutes the first record of Merizocotyle in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. JENSEN, K. & RUSSELL, S.L. (2014): Seussapex, a new genus of lecanicephalidean tapeworm (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) from the stingray genus Himantura (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) in the Indo-West Pacific with investigation of mode of attachment. Folia Parasitologica, 61 (3): 231-241 New genus: Seussapex Abstract: A new lecanicephalidean genus, Seussapex gen. n., is erected for specimens collected from stingrays from the Indo-West Pacific resembling the little known species Tenia [sic] narinari MacCallum, 1917 from the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen). Members of this new genus are unique in their possession of a multi-tiered apical structure comprising a bipartite apical modification of the scolex proper, and an externally bipartite apical organ with anterior and posterior glandular compartments internally. The appearance of the scolex varies dramatically depending on state of protrusion and/or evagination of these different parts which appear to be able to function independently. Seussapex karybares sp. n. parasitizing Himantura uarnak 2 (sensu Naylor et al., 2012) in northern Australia is described as the type species and Tenia [sic] narinari is transferred to the new genus. The two species differ in scolex length and width of the posterior dome-shaped portion of the apical organ. Histological sections of scoleces stained using the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction showed the surface of the anterior part of the apical organ and the anterior glandular compartment to stain PAS positive, suggesting a chemical mode of attachment to the host's intestinal mucosal surface. Extensive collecting efforts of stingrays in the Indo-West Pacific shows Seussapex gen. n. to be restricted to species of Himantura Mullet et Henle and suggests additional diversity in this group of hosts. In addition, the host identity of Seussapex narinari (MacCallum, 1917) comb. n. is called into question. MCKENNA ABBOTT, L. & CAIRA, J.N. (2014): Morphology meets molecules: A new genus and two new species of diphyllidean cestodes from the Yellowspotted Skate, Leucoraja wallacei, from South Africa. Journal of Parasitology, 100 (3): 323-330 New genus: Andocadoncum New species: Echinobothrium marquesi, Andocadoncum meganae Abstract: Two morphologically disparate undescribed species of diphyllidean cestodes from the Yellowspotted skate, Leucoraja wallacei, from South Africa were included in a recent molecular phylogenetic study aimed at revising diphyllidean classification. From a molecular standpoint, these species were determined to be only distantly related to one another. One (originally referred to as Echinobothrium n. sp. 2) showed affinities with species of the batoid-parasitizing Echinobothrium sensu stricto and is described here as Echinobothrium marquesi n. sp. This species most closely resembles Echinobothrium joshuai, an affinity supported by the previous molecular study, but differs in the form of its "B'' hooks and degree of overlap between bothria and cephalic peduncle. The other species (originally referred to as New genus n. sp. 1), although exhibiting the full complement of scolex armature, grouped among primarily shark-hosted genera, most of which lack or exhibit reduced scolex armatures. That unexpected result suggested that erection of a novel genus might be warranted, but morphological grounds supporting the action were not apparent at that time. The present study aimed to explore the morphology of this taxon in more detail. Light and scanning electron microscopy revealed this taxon to be exceptional in that its lateral hooklets, which are arranged in 2 clusters like those of Echinobothrium and Coronocestus, are unique in being arranged in anterior and posterior rows, rather than in a single row. Andocadoncum n. gen. is erected, with Andocadoncum meganae n. sp. as its type, to accommodate this taxon. A minor adjustment to the existing hook formula by presenting counts for the anterior hooklets (a) separately from the posterior hooklets (b) readily accommodates this new form. Leucoraja wallacei is distinctive among skates in hosting 2 different genera of diphyllideans. In the context of the previous molecular phylogenetic analyses, it appears that the presence of Andocadoncum n. gen. in this skate species may be the result of a host-switching event involving a weakly or unarmed shark-hosted taxon moving to a batoid-a shift that was likely accompanied by a return to the fully armed condition seen, for example, in other batoid-parasitizing members of the order.
New Paper
Recent Papers:
AFONSO, A.S. & ANDRADE, H.A. & HAZIN, F.H.V. (2014): Structure and Dynamics of the Shark Assemblage off Recife, Northeastern Brazil. PLoS ONE, 9 (7): e102369 AGUILAR, C. & GONZALEZ-SANSON, G. & HUETER, R. & ROJAS, E. & CABRERA, Y. & BRIONES, A. & BORROTO, R. & HERNANDEZ, A. & BAKER, P. (2014): Captura de tiburones en la región noroccidental de Cuba. [Shark catches in the northwest region of Cuba.] Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 42 (3): 477-487 AJEMIAN, M.J. & NEER, J.A. (2014): Preface: Biology and ecology of the durophagous stingrays. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97 (9): 965-966 AJEMIAN, M.J. & POWERS, S.P. (2014): Towed-float satellite telemetry tracks large-scale movement and habitat connectivity of myliobatid stingrays.Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97 (9): 1067-1081 ALTAMIRANO-SIERRA, A. & VARGAS-NALVARTE, P. (2014): The White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Ancient Peruvian Ceremonial Centre of Huaca Pucllana. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, in press ANDREWS, A.H. & KERR, L.A. (2014): Validated age estimates for large white sharks of the northeastern Pacific Ocean: altered perceptions of vertebral growth shed light on complicated bomb Δ14C results. Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press ARAGÓN NORIEGA, E.A. (2014): Pesquería artesanal de elasmobranquios en dos áreas marinas protegidas del Alto Golfo de California. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 2-4 ARI, C. (2014): Manta rays change colour. Nature, 512: 9 ASCHLIMAN, N.C. (2014): Interrelationships of the durophagous stingrays (Batoidea: Myliobatidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97 (9): 967-979 AUSTIN, C.M. & TAN, M.H. & LEE, Y.P. & CROFT, L.J. & MEEKAN, M.G. & GAN, H.M. (2014): The complete mitogenome of the cow tail ray Pastinachus atrus (Macleay, 1883) (Elasmobranchii; Myliobatiformes; Dasyatidae). Mitochondrial DNA, in press AVENDAÑO-ALVAREZ, O. & PEREZ-ESPAÑA, H. & SALAS-MONREAL, D. (2014): Stomach content of three Sphyrna lewini shark captured in a reef system at the western Gulf of Mexico. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 36-39 BADE, L.M. & BALAKRISHNAN, C.N. & PILGRIM, E.M. & MCRAE, S.B. & LUCZKOVICH, J.J. (2014): A genetic technique to identify the diet of cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus: analysis of shellfish prey items from North Carolina and Virginia. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97 (9): 999-1012 BARAJAS-CALDERON, A.V. & AGUILAR-PALOMINO, B. & GALVAN-PIÑA, V.H. & GALVAN-MAGAÑA, F. & HERMOSILLO-CORONA, J.D. & BRIONES-HERNANDEZ, S.A. & RODRIGUEZ-MATUS, A. & BECERRA-VEGA, E.A. (2014):Ecología trófica del tiburón piloto Carcharhinus falciformis en la costa sur de Jalisco, México. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 141-145 BARREIROS, J.P. & GADIG, O.B.F. & HADDAD, V. (2014): An unprovoked attack by a blue shark Prionace glauca (Chondrichthyes, Carcharhinidae) on a spear fisherman in Terceira Island, Azores, NE Atlantic. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, in press BASSOS-HULL, K. & WILKINSON, K.A. & HULL, P.T. & DOUGHERTY, D.A. & OMORI, K.L. & AILLOUD, L.E. & MORRIS, J.J. & HUETER, R.E. (2014): Life history and seasonal occurrence of the spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinari, in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97 (9): 1039-1056 BECERRA-VEGA, E.A. & NENE-PRECIADO, A.J. & REMOLINA-SUAREZ, F.G. & GALVÁN-PIÑA, V.H. & AGUILAR-PALOMINO, B. & RODRÍGUEZ-MATUS, A. & HERMOSILLO-CORONA, J.D. & BARAJAS-CALDERÓN, A.V. & BRIONES-HERNÁNDEZ, S.A. (2014): Distribución espacio-temporal del tiburón ballena (Rhincodon typus) en la Reserva de la Biosfera del Tiburón Ballena en Cancún, Quintana Roo. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 82-85 BECKMANN, C.L. & MITCHELL, J.G. & SEURONT, L. & STONE, D.A.J. & HUVENEERS, C. (2014): From egg to hatchling: preferential retention of fatty acid biomarkers in young-of-the-year Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni.Journal of Fish Biology, in press BENDALL, V.A. & BARBER, J.L. & PAPACHLIMITZOU, A. & BOLAM, T. & WARFORD, L. & HETHERINGTON, S.J. & SILVA, J.F. & MCCULLY, S.R. & LOSADA, S. & MAES, T. & ELLIS, J.R. & LAW, R.J. (2014): Organohalogen contaminants and trace metals in North-East Atlantic porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 85 (1): 280-286 BENITEZ, H. & GARCIA NARANJO, A. & LOPEZ, G. & RIVERA-TELLEZ, E. (2014): Tiburones mexicanos en la CITES. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 123-126 BERUMEN, M.L. & BRAUN, C.D. & COCHRAN, J.E.M. & SKOMAL, G.B. & THORROLD, S.R. (2014): Movement Patterns of Juvenile Whale Sharks Tagged at an Aggregation Site in the Red Sea. PLoS ONE, 9 (7): e103536 BEZJIAN, M. & WELLEHAN, J.F.X. & WALSH, M.T. & ANDERSON, E. & JACOBSON, E. (2014): Management of wounds in a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) caused by traumatic bycatch injury from the spines of a spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45 (2): 428-432 BOLAÑO MARTÍNEZ, N. & DÍAZ JAIMES, P. & URIBE ALCOCER, M. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. (2014): Filogeografía del tiburón martillo Sphyrna zygaena en el Océano Pacifico Oriental. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 70-72 BOTTARI, T. & BUSALACCHI, B. & PROFETA, A. & MANCUSO, M. & GIORDANO, D. & RINELLI, P. (2014): Elasmobranch distribution and assemblages in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean). Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 5 (2): 1000216 BRATBY, P. & MONTGOMERY, J. & SNEYD, J. (2014): A Biophysical Model of Adaptive Noise Filtering in the Shark Brain. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 76 (2): 455-475 BRAVO-ZAVALA, F.G. & PÉREZ-JIMÉNEZ J.C. & CU-SALAZAR, N. & MÉNDEZ-LOEZA, I. (2014): Estimación de la vulnerabilidad del cazón de ley, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, en las pesquerías del Banco de Campeche, México. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 10-13 BRIONES-HERNÁNDEZ, S.A. & GALVÁN-PIÑA, V.H. & AGUILAR-PALOMINO, B. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. & RODRÍGUEZ-MATUS, A. & BARAJAS-CALDERÓN, A.V. & HERMOSILLO-CORONA, J.D. & BECERRA-VEGA, E.A. (2014):Distribución espacial de rayas Urotrygonidae y Narcinidae con relación a variables ambientales en la costa sur de Jalisco y Colima: Implementación de SIG. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 86-90 CAGUA, E.F. & COLLINS, N. & HANCOCK, J. & REES, R. (2014): Whale shark economics: a valuation of wildlife tourism in South Ari Atoll, Maldives. PeerJ, 2: e515 CAPIETTO, A. & ESCALLE, L. & CHAVANCE, P. & DUBROCA, L. & DELGADO DE MOLINA, A. & MURUA, H. & FLOCH, L. & DAMIANO, A. & ROWAT, D. & MERIGOT, B. (2014): Mortality of marine megafauna induced by fisheries: Insights from the whale shark, the world's largest fish. Biological Conservation, 174: 147-151 CARLSON, A.E. & HOFFMAYER, E.R. & TRIBUZIO, C.A. & SULIKOWSKI, J.A. (2014): The Use of Satellite Tags to Redefine Movement Patterns of Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) along the U.S. East Coast: Implications for Fisheries Management. PLoS ONE, 9 (7): e103384 CARLUCCI, R. & BATTISTA, D. & CAPEZZUTO, F. & SERENA, F. & SION, L. (2014): Occurrence of the basking shark Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus, 1765) (Lamniformes: Cetorhinidae) in the central-eastern Mediterranean Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology, 81 (2): 280-286 CARRASCO-BAUTISTA, P.E. & TORRES-HUERTA, A.M. & SALGADO-UGARTE, I.H. (2014): Distribución y biología reproductiva de la raya guitarra Rhinobatos leucorhynchus Güther, 1867 en el Golfo de Tehuantepec. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 109-113 CASTRO GARIBAY, H. & FUENTES MATA, P. & MÁRQUEZ GARCÍA, E. (2014):Diseño de un sistema de información geográfica de elasmobranquios con valor comercial para Baja California Sur, México. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 78-81 CELAYA CASTILLO C. & ARIAS ARÉCHIGA, J.P. & LÓPEZ VILA, J.M. (2014):Caracterización de la pesquería de tiburón en la Bahía de Paredón, Chiapas, México. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 18-20 CHANARAT, S. & BENJAKUL, S. & XIONG, Y. (2014): Nonprotein Nitrogenous Compounds and Gelling Property of Whitecheek Shark (Carcharhinus dussumieri) Mince as Affected by Washing and Microbial Transglutaminase. Journal of Texture Studies, 45 (4): 307-316 CHANG, C.-H. & SHAO, K.-T. & LIN, Y.-S. & HO, H.-C. & LIAO, Y.-C. (2014): The complete mitochondrial genome of the big-eye thresher shark, Alopias superciliosus (Chondrichthyes, Alopiidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 25 (4): 290-292 CHEN, C. & WANG, Z. & SAITO, M. & TOHEI, T. & TAKANO, Y. & IKUHARA, Y. (2014): Fluorine in Shark Teeth: Its Direct Atomic-Resolution Imaging and Strengthening Function. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53 (6): 1543-1547 CHEN, X. & PENG, X. & HUANG, X. & XIANG, D. (2014): Complete mitochondrial genome of the Zebra bullhead shark Heterodontus zebra (Heterodontiformes: Heterodontidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 25 (4): 280-281 CHI, C.-F. & WANG, B. & LI, Z.-R. & LUO, H.-Y. & DING, G.-F. & WU, C.-W. (2014): Characterization of acid-soluble collagen from the skin of Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna lewini). Journal of Food Biochemistry, 38 (2): 236-247 CHIN, A. (2014): Hunting porcupines: citizen scientists contribute new knowledge about rare coral reef species. Pacific Conservation Biology, 20 (1): 48-53 CISNEROS-MONTEMAYOR, A. & SUMALIA, R. (2014): Chapter 10. Economic Rationale for Shark Conservation. In: Sharks: Conservation, Governance and Management by E.J. Techera, N. Klein (eds), Routledge: 197-212 CLAES, J. & MALLEFET, J. (2014): Ecological functions of shark luminescence. Abstract. Luminescence, 29 (Suppl. 1): 13-14 CLAES, J.M. & PARTRIDGE, J.C. & HART, N.S. & GARZA-GISHOLT, E. & HO, H.-C. & MALLEFET, J. & COLLINAL, S.P. (2014): Photon Hunting in the Twilight Zone: Visual Features of Mesopelagic Bioluminescent Sharks. PLoS ONE, 9 (8): e104213 CORGOS, A. & ROSENDE, A. (2014): Evaluación preliminar de métodos de muestreo para investigar la ecología de neonatos y juveniles de Sphyrna lewini en zonas costeras. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 32-35 CORGOS, A. & ROSENDE, A. (2014): Influencia de la fase lunar y el ciclo mareal en la capturabilidad de neonatos y juveniles de Sphyrna lewini en zonas costeras.In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 98-101 CORRIGAN, S. & YANG, L. & COSMANN, P.J. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2014): A description of the mitogenome of the Endangered Taiwanese angelshark, Squatina formosa. Mitochondrial DNA, 08/2014: 1736-1940 CRUZ-RAMIREZ, A. & GOMEZ-ORTIZ, M.G. & LOPEZ-NAVARRETE, H. & BALDERAS-TELLES, J. & ACOSTA BARBOSA, G. (2014): Composición especifica de rayas capturadas por la flota ribereña del Sur de Tamaulipas y Norte de Veracruz. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 138-140 CUEVAS, J.M. & GARCÍA, M. & DI GIACOMO, E. (2014): Diving behaviour of the critically endangered tope shark Galeorhinus galeus in the Natural Reserve of Bahia San Blas, northern Patagonia. Animal Biotelemetry, 2: 11 CUEVAS-GÓMEZ, G.A. & TORRES-HUERTA, A.M. (2014): Distribución de Urotrygon chilensis (Günther, 1872) (Myliobatiformes: Urolophidae) en la plataforma continental del Golfo de Tehuantepec, México. In: Libro de resúmenes, VI Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, 07 al 12 de abril de 2014, Mazatlán, Sin: 175-178 DAVIDSON, B. & CLIFF, G. (2014): Comparison of Pinniped and Cetacean Prey Tissue Lipids with Lipids of their Elasmobranch Predator. 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 Image: Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte. Augsburg Engelbrecht,1799-1800.
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 A restoration of Helicoprion by artist Gary Staab, showing off the prominent tooth whorl. PHOTO BY BRIAN SWITEK.
by Brian Switek
Helicoprion had saws for jaws. That’s really all there was to the 270 million year old ratfish’s dental cutlery. No upper teeth or anything else to slice against – just an ever-growing whorl of spiky teeth anchored to the lower jaw.
This new, definitive image of Helicoprion debuted last year thanks to the efforts of artist Ray Troll and a team of researchers led by Idaho State University paleontologist Leif Tapanila. A very special fossil – IMNH 37899 – preserved both the upper and lower jaws in a closed position, finally solving the mystery of what the ratfish’s head actually looked like. But determining the exact placement of that vexing spiral was just an initial step.
Paleontologists and artists had often supposed that Helicoprion had upper teeth to pierce slippery cephalopods and squirming fish, but the fossils Tapanila and colleagues examined showed that Helicoprion only had a buzzsaw embedded in the lower jaw. How did this long-lived and prolific genus of Permian fish eat with a saw for a jaw?
Part of the original Helicoprion project involved creating a virtual model of the fish’s skull from CT scans of IMNH 37899. Now, in a Journal of Morphology paper, University of Rhode Island biologist Jason Ramsay and the rest of the team from last year’s Helicoprion study have gone back to those models to outline how the freaky ratfish fed.
Helicoprion was a biter. The ratfish’s jaws were too narrow to suction feed, Ramsay and colleagues point out, and so old buzzsaw jaw had to actively chomp prey. And chomp it could. The researchers calculated that when IMNH 37899 opened wide and bit down hard, the points of highest bite force along the ratfish’s tooth row ranged between 267 and 538 pounds. Not the greatest bite force of all time, but not too shabby for a 20-foot-long carnivorous fish.
[A model of how Helicoprion bit into prey, on display in the Whorl Tooth Sharks of Idaho traveling exhibit.]
Despite such a powerful bite, though, Helicoprion probably didn’t eat highly-armored prey. The ratfish’s jaws were so slender that trying to balance hard-shelled brachiopods or bivalves in its mouth would have been an exercise in futility, and broken Helicoprion teeth are so rare that it seems the predaceous fish preferred soft fare.
Prehistoric cephalopods – the kin of today’s squid and octopus – were probably the main Helicoprion menu items. Some would have looked squid-like, albeit supported by robust hard parts inside, and been easy enough to snaffle up. Others, however, jetted around in coiled shells and would have presented Helicoprion with the challenge of drawing out the squishier parts from their protective casing. The unique bite of Helicoprion was able to do just that.
The Helicoprion buzzsaw didn’t only slice. It also conveyed food back into the mouth during the bite. The overall effect, Ramsay and colleagues conclude, was like a biological miter saw.
The process went something like this. Teeth at the front snagged the prey and, as the jaws closed, moved the flesh backward. Here, the middle teeth speared the food, securing it in the mouth, before the back teeth bit in and sent the morsel down the hatch.
Not a happy cephalopod. From Ramsay et al., 2014.
If Helicoprion bit one of the coil-shelled ammonoids or nautiloids just right, this same process would have automatically shelled the cephalopod. In the case of a head-on bite, Ramsay and coauthors write, the back teeth ofHelicoprion could have gripped the cephalopod’s body while the front teeth pushed the shell out of the mouth. The overall effect, Ramsay and colleagues propose, “may have formed a novel mollusk shucking system.” Helicoprion – it slices, it dices, and makes Julienne ammonoids.
Ramsay, J. Wilga, C., Tapanila, L., Pruitt, J., Pradel, A., Schlader, R., Didier, D. 2014. Eating with a saw for a jaw: Functional morphology of the jaws and tooth-whorl in Helicoprion davisii. Journal of Morphology. doi: 10.1002/jmor.20319
Science Saving Sharks
Author: Dr. Michelle Heupel
How are scientists helping to save sharks?
There is a lot of information on the internet about sharks and how to save them. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, some of it has a purpose, some of it has none. I’m starting to sound like Dr.Suess with all of this, but this is how things are in our world of increasing internet and social media. So there seems to be a lot happening and a lot of people involved in the cause. This is great because getting people to understand the problem is one way to create solutions, as long as what we tell them is correct.
So what is my role in all of the workings of shark (and ray!) conservation? My job is to create information. This is one of the best parts of my job – getting to learn things that maybe no one else in the world knows. What then? Then I need to get the information written up and published so others can use it and learn from it. This isn’t just about telling other scientists what I learned, this is also about making sure people who make decisions about management get the new information if they need it.
There are so many questions about sharks and rays. So many things we don’t know. For some species we don’t know how long they live, how many pups they have, how far they swim, and even how many are there. We need all of this information. People who decide if it is ok to fish sharks and rays, or whether we need to make a marine protected area, need this information. If they don’t know these answers they can’t make good decisions because sometimes they’ll have to guess what to do. My job is to give them the answers so they don’t have to guess (as often, we still have to guess sometimes). This same information is also used by conservation groups. If a manager makes a decision that doesn’t match the scientific information then the conservationists can use the information I provide to try to change the decision.
So, it seems like I sit outside of all the action doesn’t it? I don’t make the decisions and I usually don’t challenge the people who make the decisions. Those are other people’s jobs. My job is to get the information or ammunition needed to argue or make decisions. So, does someone like me ever really make a difference? You bet. Work I did to define what a shark nursery is has been used to save habitat for Endangered smalltooth sawfish. My science is listed in the Federal Register in the protections for sawfish, a real world result of my science! My data from studying mortality rates of blacktip sharks has been used to adjust the number of blacktip sharks caught in US fisheries. This was an unexpected outcome of one of my projects, but one that proved very useful to managers. These two examples are not the things my research is most known for, but they are some of the bits I am most proud of – times when science made a difference.
Times are complicated and our oceans are damaged, but with hard work and good science I hope to continue to make a difference where I can. We need more answers to save sharks and rays, and that means we need more science.
Dr. Michelle Heupel releasing a young blacktip shark in Florida
An endangered smalltooth sawfish from southern Florida