Newsletter 06+07/2024

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NEWSLETTER 06+07/2024 22.07.2024

Please acknowledge use of the database in your publications, and cite: 

Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2024, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2024
Shark reference custom search tool and maintenance


We are currently in talks with a programmer. We will hope to be able to integrate the full-text search into our database by the end of the year.

Our sincere thanks to all donors!!!

Fins up,

Jürgen & Nico

Some changes in the web-page organisation:

We added a new ‚TOOLS‘ menu item- all available tools will be available here from now, for example a guide how to download species specific literature lists. Please check it out!

Reorganisation of the species lists!
update - - - finished!

Several extant taxa are also documented in the fossil record. We are in the process of creating species lists of extant taxa, which include such records. Extant taxa occurring in the fossil record are now marked with the suffix "-f" (e.g., Dalatias sp. -> Dalatias sp-f, Dalatias licha -> Dalatias licha-f) to indicate that the reference refers to a fossil record. The fossil records of the extant taxa are listed in the "Extinct - All" and "Extinct - Valid" lists. A complete list of taxa that have been marked with ‚-f’ can be found here.

Example list "Extinct - valid species"


We started to change our old (and unique!) citation style to adapt to the APA citation style (for information please see: to make the usage of references listed in shark references easier and more compatible with a widely accepted reference style adopted by several international scientific journals. The transition is ongoing, so far 27099 (last month: 26955) references are changed.


Since we were asked several times, if we could help distributing chondrichthyan-related job opportunities, we would like to try this out as a new category in the newsletter besides postings on our Facebook page. This category definitely depends on the community sharing job openings, so please do not hesitate and send us vacancies or similar.
Right now, we have four interesting job openings. We will keep it simple and just crosslink:

The Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands is recruiting a Senior Spatial Ecologist
Role: Senior Spatial Ecologist
Type of work: Full-time employment
Deadline for application: August 25th, 2024
Duration: Four years, with the possibility of renewal based on performance
more information





Would you like to become a shark-reference partner? Please contact us per E-mail!


Upcoming Meetings:


95th PalGes in Warsaw 2024 - Joint Meeting of the Polish Paleobiologists and the annual meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (Palges)

More than extinct species: the importance of fossils for ecology, evolution and conservation across borders


20. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie (GfI) e.V. vom 7. bis 10. November 2024 an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin




Symposium Overview:

Public aquariums showcase aquatic life while raising awareness and educating the public on biodiversity and the need for conservation. Recently, aquaria have followed in the footsteps of zoos by taking more directed approaches in species conservation as well as leveraging animals in their collections to fill biological knowledge gaps through research. Aquaria possess some unique qualities that can be applied to elasmobranch research and conservation efforts.  In addition to the increasing number of institutions that now support dedicated research departments or staff, aquaria have considerable public audiences (both physical and virtual), ambassador animals to foster deeper connections and empathy for species, dedicated education departments typically focused from the preschool to high school level, comprehensive communication departments with media connections, and extensive animal care and specialized veterinarian teams. Through these expertise aquaria are able to house animals that are often not feasible to care for in traditional academic settings, and for long durations often throughout entire life cycles, allowing important life history information to be investigated.

There has been a longstanding involvement of aquarium professionals in the American Elasmobranch Society, best highlighted by the career and research accomplishments of the late Alan Henningsen.  However, the number of AES members who represent aquaria has dwindled over the past few decades.  We hope that this symposium will highlight these past connections, including Alan’s legacy, encouraging more aquaria personnel who attend to sustain their memberships and take more active roles moving forward to engage with other members of AES from different sectors (e.g. academia, nonprofits, etc).  Equally, we anticipate that this will further highlight and promote collaborative opportunities between aquaria and AES members to the broader benefit of the elasmobranch research field in general.

Symposium organizers:

Jennifer Wyffels,

Steve Kessel,

Kady Lyons,



This year’s annual EEA conference will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 22nd to 24th of October, by the Environmental Organisation iSea, with the aim to bring together the scientific community and other stakeholders working with sharks, rays and chimaeras around Europe and the Mediterranean.

The EEA 2024 Conference topic is “Stronger collaboration for better conservation” focusing to bring together not only an increased number of experienced scientists and other stakeholders from different fields of shark and ray research and conservation, but also give an advanced role to younger researchers that will have the opportunity to better meet the EEA community and the most recent results of their work. This year’s aim is also focused on increasing the participation and the scientific input from data-poor areas and countries that are not highly represented within the EEA community and thus researchers from the Balkans, Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East will be invited and encouraged to participate.

EEA 2024 and its overall content; panels, workshops and keynote speakers, were built on the common values of diversity, equity and community, that EEA members share.

We look forward to hosting you during the 3-day conference for which the agenda and events aim to scale up elasmobranch conservation through the establishment of stronger collaborations!


Most popular posts at our Shark References Facebook page:

If you would like us to post information about your newly published work, please send us a picture and the paper as a pdf to or

Nr. 1 (76 Likes/Emojis, 24 Shares):

A new species of Leucoraja!
Weigmann S, Stehmann MFW, Séret B, Ishihara H. Description of a Remarkable New Skate Species of Leucoraja Malm, 1877 (Rajiformes, Rajidae) from the Southwestern Indian Ocean: Introducing 3D Modeling as an Innovative Tool for the Visualization of Clasper Characters. Biology. 2024; 13(6):405.".
Simple Summary
Skates of the genus Leucoraja Malm, 1877, are small to medium-sized skates that usually have a short, obtusely angled snout. Until now, 14 valid species of this genus have been identified mostly in the Atlantic, but also in the Indian Ocean. In the 1970s and 1980s, a total of eight specimens of an unusual skate species were collected by researchers working on the Madagascar Ridge, an elevated area of seabed in the southwestern Indian Ocean. Despite their long snouts, the specimens could unambiguously be assigned to the genus Leucoraja due to the typical features of their claspers. Comparisons with congeners clearly indicated that these remarkable specimens represent a species new to science. It can easily be distinguished from all 14 congeners by the long and acutely pointed snout. Furthermore, it appears to occur only on the Madagascar Ridge, distant from the known distribution areas of all congeners, and shows several unique aspects in its clasper morphology. Due to the importance of the clasper features, 3D modeling is introduced as a new tool for the visualization of clasper characters. The newly described species is named Brown longnose skate.
Image: Graphical Abstract from

Nr. 2 (67 Likes/Emojis, 26 Shares):

New described shark species!
Beura, S. & Bineesh, K.K. & Das, M. & Swetha, S. & Bhaskar, R. 2024 Squalus hima sp. nov. (Squaliformes, Squalidae), a New Species of Dogfish Shark from the Arabian Sea, Off Southwest India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 124, 61-74
A new species of deep-water dogfish shark, Squalus hima sp. nov. is described herein from the Arabian Sea, off Southwest India. This species has been largely misidentified with S. mitsukurii and S. lalannei. However, morphological, meristic, morphometric evidence support it to be a separate and undescribed species. Squalus hima sp. nov differs from other species by the number of precaudal vertebrae, total vertebrae, teeth count, trunk & head heights, fin structure and fin colour. The morphological, morphometric and meristic characteristics of the specimen are provided in the present paper. The new species is compared with other species in the genus occurring in Indian Ocean.
Thanks to Dr. Bineesh for sharing!

Nr. 3 (60 Likes/Emojis, 12 Shares):

Congratulations to Manuel Staggl for his 3rd place at the University of Vienna's Snapshots of Exploration 2024 award for a ventrally shot image of a cleared and stained juvenile collection specimen of Chiloscyllium punctatum.
Original post:

shark references:

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New Images

Many thanks to the following people for providing images:

Frederik H. Mollen (Elasmobranch Research Belgium) for images of Atelomycterus marmoratus (Bennett, 1830)

Thomas Reinecke for images of
Microscyliorhinus burnhamensisFoumtizia pattersoni, and Casieria casieri

Undersea Hunter Group for images and videos of 
Echinorhinus cookei, Odontaspis ferox, Galeocerdo cuvier, Taeniurops meyeni, Mobula tarapacana

Nicolás R. Ehemann for images of 
Urotrygon chilensis and Urotrygon asterias

Dr. Ravi Ranjan Kumar and Dr. S. Venu, India for a image of Scymnodon ichiharai


Missing papers:

Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!

Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.

At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:

Extinct Chondrichthyes:

new entry:  Arambourg, C. (1954) Les Poissons Crétacés du Jebel Tselfat (Maroc). Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 118: 188 pp 18 Taf.

new entry:  Zhelezko V.I. (1995) Biostratigraphy of Cretaceous-Paleogene phosphorite-bearing formations of Trans Urals and North-Western Kazakhstan on elasmobranchians. Abstract of thesis on a degree of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. Eketerinburg, 42 p. [In Russian].

new entry:  Bassani, F.  (1901) Il Notidanus griseus Cuvier del pliocene della Basilicata e di altre regioni italiane e straniere.    Rendiconto della Reale accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche, 6pp

Extant Chondrichthyes:

new entry:  Pokapunt, W,J. & Tantivala, A. & Munprasit & Samrankitdamrong, P.  (1983) Some deep-sea fishes in the Andaman Sea. Exploratory Fishing Division, Department of Fisheries, Bangkok, 70 pp.

new entry:  Alvares-León, R. & Castro-Aguirre, J.L. (1983) Notas sobre la captura incidental de dos especies de Tiburón en las costas de Mazatlán (Sinaloa) méxico. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 18(4), 201-207

new entry:  Cecchi, E. & Mancusi, C. & Pajetta, R. & Serena, F. (2004) Contributo alla conoscenza della biologia di Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chondrichthyes, Etmopteridae).   Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 11(2), 564–568

Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or



Extant Chondrichthyes:

Weigmann, S., Stehmann, M.F.W., Séret, B. & Ishihara, H. (2024) Description of a Remarkable New Skate Species of Leucoraja Malm, 1877 (Rajiformes, Rajidae) from the Southwestern Indian Ocean: Introducing 3D Modeling as an Innovative Tool for the Visualization of Clasper Characters. Biology, 13(6), Article 405
New species: Leucoraja longirostris
Abstract: A remarkable new deep-water skate, Leucoraja longirostris n. sp., is described based on eight specimens caught during different expeditions to the southern Madagascar Ridge in the southwestern Indian Ocean. The new species differs from all congeners by its remarkably long and acutely angled snout (horizontal preorbital length 17.2–22.6% TL vs. 8.5–11.9% TL and 4.2–6.1 vs. 1.7–3.5 times orbit length, snout angle 65–85° vs. 90–150°). Furthermore, it is apparently endemic to the Madagascar Ridge, distant from the known distribution areas of all congeners. In addition to L. fullonica and L. pristispinaL. longirostris n. sp. is also the only species with plain dorsal coloration. Furthermore, the new species is the only Leucoraja species with an external clasper component dike and, besides L. wallacei, the only one with four dorsal terminal (dt) cartilages. The shape of the accessory terminal 1 (at1) cartilage with four tips is also unique within the genus. A new approach for the visualization of the clasper characters is introduced based on 3D models of all skeletal and external features. This enables a much easier and much more precise interpretation of every single clasper component, of the entire structure, and, in particular, the relationship between external features and skeletal cartilages. A new English translation of the first diagnosis of Leucoraja is provided, along with a revised generic diagnosis and a key to the species of Leucoraja in the Indian Ocean.

Beura, S., Bineesh, K.K., Das, M., Swetha, S. & Bhaskar, R. (2024) Squalus hima sp. nov. (Squaliformes, Squalidae), a New Species of Dogfish Shark from the Arabian Sea, Off Southwest India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 124, 61-74
New species: Squalus hima
Abstract: A new species of deep-water dogfish shark, Squalus hima sp. nov. is described herein from the Arabian Sea, off Southwest India. This species has been largely misidentified with S. mitsukurii and S. lalannei. However, morphological, meristic, morphometric evidence support it to be a separate and undescribed species. Squalus hima sp. nov differs from other species by the number of precaudal vertebrae, total vertebrae, teeth count, trunk & head heights, fin structure and fin colour. The morphological, morphometric and meristic characteristics of the specimen are provided in the present paper. The new species is compared with other species in the genus occurring in Indian Ocean.

Teramura, A., Senou, H. & Hirase, S. (2024) Chimaera stellata, a new species described from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, with the redescription of Chimaera owstoni Tanaka 1905 (Chondrichthyes: Chimaeridae). Ichthyological Research, in press
New species: Chimaera stellata
Abstract: A new species, Chimaera stellata, is described on the basis of a specimen collected from the Okinawa Trough. The new species is most similar to Chimaera owstoni Tanaka 1905, which is redescribed, but can be distinguished from the latter by the following combination of characters: body stocky (vs. body slender); height of head posterior to eye 24.9% of body length (BDL) (vs. 19.5–22.5% BDL); dorsal spine weakly curved (vs. strongly curved); second dorsal-fin base 72.4% BDL (vs. 73.6% BDL or more); pectoral fin teardrop shaped, not elongate, anterior margin 35.3% BDL (vs. 37.1% BDL or more), not reaching pelvic-fin origin when laid backward (vs. pectoral fin sickle-shaped, extending beyond pelvic-fin insertion); anal fin somewhat square, distal margin pale gray (vs. anal fin with rounded distal margin, uniformly blackish); dorsal and ventral caudal fins maximum height 3.8% and 4.8% BDL, respectively (vs. 3.1% BDL or less and 4.0% BDL or less, respectively); body color walnut brown with lighter dot-like spots, ventral surface darkish (vs. body color dark brown with lighter dot-like and elongate spots, ventral surface white). Sequence variations on the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I region of the mitochondrial DNA confirmed the distinction of each species.


Extinct Chondrichthyes:
no news!

Saghavaz, N.S. & Haseli, M. (2024) Calliobothrium narsisae n. sp. (Tetraphyllidea: Calliobothriidae) from the Triakid Shark Mustelus mosis Hemprich and Ehrenberg from the Persian Gulf, with a Note on Its Specific Proglottisation Process and a Key to the Species of the Genus. Acta Parasitologica, in press
New species: Calliobothrium narsisae
The members of the tetraphyllidean genus Calliobothrium exhibit a high degree of host specificity in the shark genus Mustelus. In the Indian Ocean, where Mmosis occurs dominantly, there is no information on Calliobothrium. The purpose of this study was the evaluation of the Calliobothrium species in Mmosis in the Persian Gulf, northwestern Indian Ocean.
Nine specimens of Mustelus mosis were caught from the Persian Gulf. The tapeworms isolated were stained, measured, and the line drawings were made.
Calliobothrium narsisae n. sp. is described and differs from Ccreeveyae in the intact, rather than the three-lobed, posterior bothridial margins, from Ctylotocephalum in possessing three, rather than one, suckers per bothridial muscular pad, from Cnodosum in possessing the elongated, rather than robust and thorn-like, hooks, from Cshirozame in a maximum number of four, rather than three, dorsal and four, rather than three, ventral laciniations along the strobila, and from its other congeners in possessing three, rather than two, dorsal and three, rather than two, ventral laciniations in the anteriormost immature proglottids. A key to the species of the genus is presented and the proglottisation process, by the germinative zone placed in the terminal part of the worm at least in some stages of growth to maturity, is discussed.
The description of Cnarsisae n. sp., which brings the total number of valid species of Calliobothrium to 10, also indicates that the germinative zone is not always at the anterior to strobila and in this new species it is placed in the terminal part of the worm at least in some stages of growth to maturity.
Vaskeh, N.I. & Haseli, M. (2024) Platybothrium yanae sp. nov. (Cestoda: Onchobothriidae) from the whitecheek shark, Carcharhinus dussumieri (Valenciennes), off southern Iran. Systematic Parasitology, 101(4), Article 45
New species: Platybothrium yanae
Abstract: Platybothrium Linton, 1890 is a genus parasitizing sharks of the families Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae. No new species has been assigned to the genus in the 20 years since its last treatment. In the present study, a new species is described from the Persian Gulf, which is the second report of a species of Platybothrium in the Indian Ocean. Platybothrium yanae sp. nov. differs from Pauriculatum Yamaguti, 1952, Pcervinum Linton, 1890, Ptantulum Healy, 2003, and Pkirstenae Healy, 2003 in lacking, rather than having, an accessory piece between its hooks. This new species is distinguished from its other congeners by having a particular combination of features including its measurements, morphology, and meristic features, bringing the number of valid species in the genus to 11.
Dippenaar, S.M. (2024) Pandarus Leach, 1816 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Pandaridae) species collected from elasmobranchs off South Africa with the description of Pandarus echinifer n. sp. Systematic Parasitology, 101(4), Article 46
New species: Pandarus echinifer
Abstract: Eight species of Pandarus Leach, 1816 collected from hosts caught off South Africa are reported. These species include Pbicolor Leach, 1816, Pniger Kirtisinghe, 1950 and Pcarcharhini Ho, 1963 belonging to the “bicolor” group and Pcranchii Leach, 1819, Psatyrus Dana, 1849, Psmithii Rathbun, 1886 and Psinuatus Say, 1818 belonging to the “cranchii” group. Notes on previous and new distinguishing features are provided with illustrations, specifically the relative lengths of the dorsal plates and caudal rami as well as the structure of the distomedial spine on the second segment of leg 1 exopod. Additionally, illustrated re-descriptions are provided for Psatyrus and Psinuatus. Furthermore, a new species Pandarus echinifer n. sp., also belonging to the “cranchii” group, collected from the snaggletooth shark Hemipristis elongata (Klunzinger) is described. This species is most similar to Psinuatus but can be distinguished from it by the heavily spinulated distomedial spine on the last segment of the first leg exopod. Molecular analysis of the cytochrome oxidase I partial gene is used to calculate sequence divergences amongst different individuals and species. According to the results (as well as based on morphological characters) Prhincodonicus Norman, Newbound & Knott, 2000 is a synonym of Pcranchii. New hosts and geographic localities from South Africa (and Ningaloo Park, Western Australia) are reported.
Vaughan, D.B., Hansen, H. & Chisholm, L.A. (2024) Proposal of Troglocephalinae n. subfam. (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) to accommodate existing and two new monocotylids from the gills of rhinopristiform shovelnose rays. Systematic Parasitology, 101, Article 51
New subfamily: Troglocephalinae
New genus: Scuticotyle, Brancheocotyle
New species: Scuticotyle cairae, Brancheocotyle imbricata
Abstract: Troglocephalinae n. subfam. is proposed for Spinuris Doran, 1953, Neoheterocotyle Hargis, 1955, Anoplocotyloides Young, 1967, Troglocephalus rhinobatidis Young, 1967 (previously incertae sedis), Nonacotyle pristis Ogawa, 1991, Mehracotyle insolita Neifar, Euzet & Ben Hassine, 2002, Scuticotyle cairae n. gen. et sp., and Brancheocotyle imbricata n. gen. et sp. All members of the proposed new subfamily are gill parasites of shovelnose rays of the order Rhinopristiformes. The subfamilies Heterocotylinae Chisholm, Wheeler & Beverley-Burton, 1995, and Dasybatotreminae Bychowsky, 1957, are amended to exclude SpinurisNonacotyleNeoheterocotyle, and Anoplocotyloides and Mehracotyle, respectively. Heterocotylinae includes gill parasites of members of the orders Myliobatiformes and Torpediniformes. Dasybatotreminae includes parasites of the gills and pharyngeal cavity of members of the orders Myliobatiformes and Rajiformes. A revised phylogeny of the Monocotylidae Taschenberg, 1879 is presented and discussed, based on 28S rDNA sequences, including new sequences for Myliocotyle pteromylaei Neifer, Euzet & Ben Hassine, 1999, Heterocotyle tokoloshei Vaughan & Chisholm, 2010, Neoheterocotyle robii Vaughan & Chisholm, 2010, and the two newly proposed species and genera. Additional locality records are also provided for Monocotylidae from off South Africa.


PLEASE send your new papers to or   

Latest Research Articles

Extant Chondrichthyes:
Adebowale, A. & O'Riain, J. & Rogers, T. & Naidoo, K. & Dicken, M. & Naude, V. (2024): Bioaccumulated trace element toxicity in commercially harvested bronze whaler sharks (Carcharhinus brachyurus) of South Africa. Food Chemistry, 457, Article 140081
Aguiar-Santos, J. & Rincon, G. & Nunes, A. & Dias, H.N. & Wosnick, N. & Martins, A.P.B. & Sales, J.B.D. & Nunes, J.L.S. (2024): First Record of Shortfin Mako Isurus oxyrinchus in the Brazilian Amazon Coast. Thalassas, in press
Akyol, O. & Capapé, C. (2024): Capture of a new-born shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus (Lamniformes: Lamnidae), with updated records from the Turkish marine waters. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 9(1), 1–9
Alvarenga, M. & Bunholi, I.V. & de Brito, G.R. & Siqueira, M. & Domingues, R.R. & Charvet, P. & Foresti, F. & Solé-Cava, A.M. & da Cruz, V.P. (2024): Fifteen years of elasmobranchs trade unveiled by DNA tools: Lessons for enhanced monitoring and conservation actions. Biological Conservation, 292, Article 110543
Aquino, M.T.R. & Alava, M.N.R. & Utzurrum, J. Abalo, D.L. Gaudiano, J.P.A. Santos, M.D. (2023): Annotated Checklist of Cartilaginous Fishes in Palawan Waters. The Philippine Journal of Fisheries, 30(2), 162–198
Arnoldi, N.S. & Carlisle, A.B. & Andrzejaczek, S. & Castleton, M.R. & Micheli, F. & Schallert, R.J. & White, T.D. & Block, B.A. (2024): Salmon shark seasonal site fidelity demonstrates the influence of scale on identifying potential high-use areas and vulnerabilities. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 735, 125–140
Ayres, K.A. & Gallagher, A.J. & Higuera-Rivas, J.E. (2024): Orca (Orcinus orca) and shark predator-prey interactions within Cabo Pulmo National Park in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, Article 1407379
Bajt, O. & Mavric, B. & Milacic, R. & Scancar, J. & Zuliani, T. & Lipej, L. (2024): Bioaccumulation of organotin compounds in the marbled electric ray (Torpedo marmorata) in the northern Adriatic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 204, Article 116511
Barcelos, L.M.D. & Barreiros, J.B. & Barreiros, J.P. (2024): Records of Isistius sp. (Elasmobranchii: Squaliformes: Dalatiidae), from the Azores archipelago, inferred by fresh bite marks in dolphins Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 54, 151–155
Barragán-Barrera, D.C. & Polo-Silva, C.J. & González, C. & Rodríguez, M. & Baldrich, L. & Bermúdez-Rivas, C. & Moncaleano-Niño, A.M. & Bustamante, P. & Caballero, S. & Luna-Acosta, A. (2024): First stable isotope and mercury assessment of bonnethead and Caribbean sharpnose sharks from a potential nursery ground in the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panamanian Caribbean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, Article 1235876
Batista, M.I. & Abril, C. & Veríssimo, A. & Vasconcelos, R.P. & Pais, M.P. & Henriques, S. (2024): Mapping elasmobranch occurrences and overlap with human activities using local knowledge and non-invasive sampling to identify areas of potential conflict. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, Article 1321620
Bergmann, M. & Griffin, L.P. & Bodey, T.W. & Guttridge, T.L. & Aarts, G. & Heithaus, M.R. & Smukall, M.J. & Papastamatiou, Y.P. (2024): Intraguild processes drive space-use patterns in a large-bodied marine predator community. Journal of Animal Ecology, in press
Besnard, L. & Le Croizier, G. & Galván-Magaña, F. & Mathieu-Resuge, M. & Kraffe, E. & Martínez-Rincón, R.O. & Le Grand, F. & Bideau, A. & Schaal, G. (2024): Resource partitioning in hammerhead shark species out-migrating from coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of California. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 732, 101–117
Beura, S. & Bineesh, K.K. & Das, M. & Swetha, S. & Bhaskar, R. (2024): Squalus hima sp. nov. (Squaliformes, Squalidae), a New Species of Dogfish Shark from the Arabian Sea, Off Southwest India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 124, 61-74
Bianchi, S.J. & Roman, J.M. & Lucifora, L.O. & Barbini, S.A. (2024): Age, growth and maturity of an endemic valuable resource, the Rio skate (Rioraja agassizii (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes)), off Uruguay and northern Argentina. Marine and Freshwater Research, 75(3), Article Mf23088
Blumer, M.J. & Surapaneni, V.A. & Ciecierska-Holmes, J. & Redl, S. & Pechriggl, E.J. & Mollen, F.H. & Dean, M.N. (2024): Intermediate filaments spatially organize intracellular nanostructures to produce the bright structural blue of ribbontail stingrays across ontogeny. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 12, Article 1393237
Bora, G. & Dsouza, S. & Shanker, K. (2024): Diet composition and variation in four commonly landed and threatened shark species in Maharashtra, India. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 74, Article 103531
Bortoluzzi, J.R. & McNicholas, G.E. & Jackson, A.L. & Klocker, C.A. & Ferter, K. & Junge, C. & Bjelland, O. & Barnett, A. & Gallagher, A.J. & Hammerschlag, N. & Roche, W.K. & Payne, N.L. (2024): Transboundary movements of porbeagle sharks support need for continued cooperative research and management approaches. Fisheries Research, 275, Article 107007
Bowlby, H.D. & Dicken, M.L. & Towne, A.V. & Rogers, T. & Waries, S. & Kock, A. (2024): Ecological conclusions remain unchanged for white sharks in South Africa: A reply to Gennari et al. 2024. Ecological Indicators, 165, Article 112160
Braccini, M. & Watt, M. & Syers, C. & Blay, N. & Navarro, M. & Burton, M. (2024): The social and economic dimensions of one of the world's longest-operating shark fisheries. Marine and Freshwater Research, 75(6), Article Mf23094
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Extinct Chondrichthyes:
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Britto Rodrigues, T. & Rosa, M.A. & Medeiros, S. & Oddone, M.C. & Dentzien-Dias, P. (2024): Quaternary Fossil Diversity of Stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes) from the Eastern Coast of South America, Brazil, Southwestern Atlantic. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 140, Article 104929
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Dearden, R.P. & Herrel, A. & Pradel, A. (2024): The pharynx of the iconic stem-group chondrichthyan Acanthodes Agassiz, 1833 revisited with micro-computed tomography. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, in press
Ebersole, J.A. & Cicimurri, D.J. & Stallworth, L.M. & Gentry, A.D. (2024): Preliminary report on the fishes (Chondrichthyes & Teleostei) from the lower Oligocene (Rupelian) Red Bluff Clay at site AMo-9, Monroe County, Alabama, USA. Palaeovertebrata, 47(2), Article e2
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Sharks have depleted functional diversity compared to the last 66 million years

Date: June 14, 2024
Source: Swansea University
Summary: New research has found that sharks retained high levels of functional diversity for most of the last 66 million years, before steadily declining over the last 10 million years to its lowest value in the present day.


How sharks survived a major spike in Earth's temperature

Date: June 3, 2024
Source: University of California - Riverside
Summary: The sharks we know today as the open ocean's top predators evolved from stubby bottom dwellers during a dramatic episode of global warming millions of years ago.


Effectief visserijbeheer verdubbelt voordelen voor rifhaaien in beschermde gebieden

Wageningen Marine Research
31-MEI-2024 - In beschermde mariene gebieden (MPA's) komen vaak meer rifhaaien voor dan in niet-beschermde gebieden. Een nieuwe studie in Nature Ecology and Evolution toont aan dat de voordelen van het behoud van haaien verdubbelen wanneer MPA's worden aangewezen in landen die ook vangst- of vistuigbeperkingen hanteren.

New IUCN Shark News Newsletter is out!