Neotrygon kuhlii

(Müller & Henle, 1841)

Bluespotted stingray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Dasyatidae

Reference of the original description
Müller, J. & Henle, F.G.J. (1841)
Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. Berlin, Veit, pp. 1–200

Image of the original description

Neotrygon kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1841)

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Amphotistius kuhlii, Dasyatis cf. kuhlii, Dasyatis kuhli, Dasyatis kuhlii, Dasyatis maculatus, Dasyatis (Amphotistius) kuhlii, Dasybatus kuhlii, Dicerobatis kuhlii, Neotrygon cf. kuhlii, Neotrygon kuhli, Trygon kuhlii, Trygon (Trygon) kuhlii

Neotrygon kuhlii
Syntype: MNHN: A-7931; RMNH: 2472; Lectotype: MNHN: 2440; Paralectotype: MNHN: 2440;
Dasyatis maculatus
Holotype: MGHSJ: ?;

Description :

Citation: Neotrygon kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1841): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Neotrygon kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1841), © Randall, J.E,
Common names
fra \(T\) Raie à points bleus, fra \(T\) Requin raie, eng Ble-spotted stingaree, eng Ble-spotted stingray, eng Blue spotted sting ray, eng Blue spotted stingray, eng Blue-spotted maskray, eng Blue-spotted stingaree, eng Blue-spotted stingray, eng Bluespotted maskray, eng Bluespotted stingray, eng Kuhl"s stingray, por Uge ponteado

Short Description
Original Diagnosis after LAST, WHITE & SÉRET, 2016 [23790]: A medium-sized Neotrygon of the kuhlii-complex (reaching at least 30 cm DW) with the following combination of characters: disc broader than long, width ~1.2 times length; pectoral apices narrowly rounded; snout rather fleshy, broadly angular, angle ~107°, length 1.7–2.1 times interorbital width; maximum width relatively well back on disc, length from snout tip to pectoral-fin insertion 1.8–1.9 times and disc width 2.5–2.6 times horizontal distance from snout tip to maximum disc width; preoral length 2.4–2.8 times mouth width; internasal distance 1.5–1.8 in prenasal length; interspiracular distance 13–15% DW; nostril length 2.8–4.1% DW; nasal curtain width 8–8.3% DW; small mouth, width 6.4–6.8% DW; horizontal distance from cloaca to caudal sting base ~55% of disc length; thornlets present in nuchal region, absent from tail in all sizes; dermal denticles absent; pectoral-fin radials 113 (based on new specimen); total vertebral centra (including synarcual) 133, trunk centra (including synarcual) 39; blue spots very small and sparse, largest spot on disc 0.3–0.5 times eye width; 0–6 (mean 3.0) blue spots on medial belt, largest ~2.1% DW; mask-like marking pronounced, not covered with dark peppery spots; ventral surface of disc and pelvic fins with broad dark greyish submarginal bands; ventral tail fold and adjacent tail bluish grey when fresh.
Diet: north-east Australia (data base: 131 specimens): Polychaetes were the most important prey category (71,5 %IRI), carids were the second most important prey category (24,5 %IRI) [14696].

Tropical South-West Pacific, off the Solomon Islands; Santa Cruz Islands and Guadalcanal [23790] Source:

Human uses
fisheries: commercial

Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding initially on yolk, then receiving additional nourishment from the mother by indirect absorption of uterine fluid enriched with mucus, fat or protein through specialised structures [733]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Litters size at birth 16 cm (Ref. 37816); Java form born at 11-16 cm WD, Bali form born at ~17 cm WD. Gives birth to litters of 1-2 pups; no reproductive synchronicity [2539]. Inhabits sandy areas among coral reefs. A solitary species found on sandy bottoms near rocky or coral reefs [1658]. Usually found in deeper water but moves onto the reef flat and into shallow lagoons at high tide [1658]. Occasionally covers itself with sand, leaving only its eyes and tail visible (Ref. 37816). Feeds on crabs and shrimps [536]. A carnivore [17641]. Also Ref. 58534.

Size / Weight / Age
70.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; [536])

reef-associated; marine; depth range 0 - 90 m (Ref. 9840)

shark-references Species-ID=4117;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Chloromyxum kuhlii Gleeson & Adlard, 2012 [15542] [32173]
  • Kudoa hemiscylli Gleeson, Bennett & Adlard, 2010 [21484]

  • Staphylorchis cymatodes (Johnston, 1913) [11242]

  • Caligus dasyaticus Rangnekar, 1957 [26229]
  • Eudactylina papillosa Kabata, 1970 [17867]

  • Gnathia grandilaris Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2008 [21221] [22155]
  • Gnathia maculosa Ota & Hirose, 2009 [22155]
  • Gnathia rufescens Ota, 2015 [22155]
  • Gnathia teruyukiae Ota, 2011 [22155]
  • Gnathia trimaculata Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2009 [17188] [22155]

  • Branchellion plicobranchus Raj, 1953 [28595]