Potamotrygon yepezi

Castex & Castello, 1970

Maracaibo river stingray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Potamotrygonidae

Reference of the original description
Castex, M.N. & Castello, H.P. (1970)
Potamotrygon yepezi, n. sp. (Condrichthyes, (sic) Potamotrygonidae), a new species of freshwater sting-ray from Venezuelan rivers. Acta Scientifica, Universidad del Salvador, 8, 15–39

Image of the original description
Image in copyright.

Potamotrygon yepezi
Holotype: USNM: 121662; Paratype: Univ. El Salvador: (ex USNM 121668); USNM: 121668; USNM: 121659; USNM: 121663; USNM: 121664; USNM: 121660; USNM: 121665; USNM: 121667;

Description :

Citation: Potamotrygon yepezi Castex & Castello, 1970: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Common names
spa Raya, spa Raya de rio, eng Maracaibo river stingray

South America: Rivers draining into Maracaibo Lake. Source: www.gbif.org

Prefers shallow muddy bottoms with turbid waters. Feeds on insect larvae.

Size / Weight / Age
40.0 cm WD (male/unsexed; [20081])

benthopelagic; freshwater

shark-references Species-ID=4973; CITES: (see: Protected Species for more details) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speciesof Wild Fauna and Flora annex: III; Council Regulation 2017/160 annex: C

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)