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On some fossil fishes from the Cretaceous of Japan. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, 3, 1–7

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Chondrichthyan fishes from the Beriozovaya beds (Lower Paleocene) of the Volgograd Volga River Basin and problems of evolution of the group near the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary [Abstract]. "Geology and mineral resources from the South–East of Russian Platform": Abstracts of the International Scientific conference, Saratov: NV NIIGG, P 60–61. [In Russian]

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Catalogue of fossils in collection of Lorenzo G. Yates, Sante Barbara, California. (Il s'agit d'un simple inventaire de collection et non d'une publication)
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Neoselachian sharks from the Middle Jurassic of England. Journal of the University of Sheffield Geological Society, 8(1), 24–31
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