Potamotrygon leopoldi

Castex & Castello, 1970

White-blotched river stingray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Potamotrygonidae

Reference of the original description
Castex, M.N. & Castello, H.P. (1970)
Potamotrygon leopoldi, a new species of freshwater sting-ray for the Xingú River, Brazil (Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae). Acta Scientifica, Universidad del Salvador, 10, 1–16

Image of the original description
Image in copyright.

Potamotrygon leopoldi
Holotype: IRSNB: 475;

Description :

Citation: Potamotrygon leopoldi Castex & Castello, 1970: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 07/2024

Please send your images of "Potamotrygon leopoldi" to info@shark-references.com

Potamotrygon leopoldi Castex & Castello, 1970 from: Brazil: Pará: rio Xingu (Volta Grande), Cachoeira do Jericoá, ca. 55 km east-southeast of Altamira, 62 m elevation 03°21'54.2''S, 051°44'02.5''W, 13 Oct 2012; © Mark Sabaj Pérez (iXingu Project, NSF DEB-1257813)
Common names
deu \(T\) Leopolds Stachelrochen, eng White-blotched river stingray, eng Xingu River Ray, por Arraia, por Raia

South America: Xingu River basin (Xingu and Fresco rivers). Source: www.gbif.org

Human uses
aquarium: public aquariums

Size / Weight / Age
40.0 cm WD (male/unsexed; (Ref. 36687))

benthopelagic; freshwater; pH range: 6.0 - 6.8

shark-references Species-ID=4954; CITES: (see: Protected Species for more details) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speciesof Wild Fauna and Flora annex: III; Council Regulation 2017/160 annex: C

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)

  • Potamotrygonocotyle chisholmae Domingues & Marques, 2007 [14549] [22565]
  • Potamotrygonocotyle dromedarius Domingues & Marques, 2007 [14549] [22565]

  • Acanthobothrium regoi Brooks, Mayes & Thorson, 1981 [649]
  • Plesiorhinebothroides jaimei de Marques, 2000 (nomen nudum) [649]
  • Potamotrygonocestus fitzgeraldae Marques, Brooks & Araujo, 2003 [649] [16355] [25154]
  • Rhinebothrium copianullum Reyda, 2008 [13826] [25154]
  • Rhinebothrium paratrygoni Rego & Dias, 1976 [649]
  • Rhinebothroides freitasi (Rego, 1979) Brooks, Mayes & Thorson, 1981 [649] [16917] [25154]