NEWSLETTER 06/2015 30.06.2015
Please acknowledge use of the database in your publications, and cite:
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2015, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2015 |
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Luís M. Alves, School of Tourism and Maritime Technology, Peniche, Portugal, member of the Portuguese Association for the Study and Conservation of Elasmobranchs (
- Portuguese Association for the Study and Conservation of Elasmobranchs (APECE) (Homepage, facebook)

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News/own research from shark-reference
 6th Anniversary! celebrates its 6th anniversary this summer! Many many thanks to all friends, supporters and colleagues who contributed to shark-references over the years by sending pdfs of their research, images, CT scans, short videos or even scanned older articles to make them available! Your contributions are most welcome and highly appreciated! Jürgen and Nico |
New images at shark-references:
Many thanks to the following persons for the permission to use their images:
- David Ebert and Paul Clerkin, Pacific Shark Research Center
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories for the permision to use the images of the new described species Bythaelurus naylori

- Hector S. Espinosa Pérez, Colección Nacional de Peces Instituto de Biología, Unam Ciudad Universitaria, México, for two images of Squatina mexicanaCASTRO-AGUIRRE, ESPINOSA PÉREZ & HUIDOBRO CAMPOS, 2007 and Squatina heteroptera CASTRO-AGUIRRE, ESPINOSA PÉREZ & HUIDOBRO CAMPOS, 2007:

Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

At the moment we are looking for the following papers:
Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) (new added)
ALLIS, E.P. 1923 The cranial anatomy of Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 4 (2-3): 123-221
CORRINGTON, J.D. 1930 Morphology of the anterior arteries of sharks. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 11 (2-3): 185-261
HOLMGREN, N. 1940 Studies on the head in fishes. Embryological, morphological, and phylogenetical researches. Part I. Development of the skull in sharks and rays. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 21 (1-3): 51-267
HOLMGREN, N. 1941 Studies on the head in fishes. Embryological, morphological, and phylogenetical researches. Part II. Comparative anatomy of the adult selachian skull, with remarks on the dorsal fins in sharks. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 22 (1-3): 1-100, figs 1-74
DISLER, N. 1961 On the structure of the laterosensory System in Sharks and Rays. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 42 (1-2): 163-175
FÄNGE, R. & SUNDELL, G. 1969 Lymphomyeloid Tissues, Blood Cells and Plasma Proteins in Chimaera monstrosa (Pisces, Holocephali). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 50 (1-2): 155-168
MEURLING, P. 1972 Pars intermedia and Background Adaptation in the Skate, Raja radiata.Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 53 (2): 195-204
MEURLING, P. & FREMBERG, M. 1974 Effects of Partial Denervations of the Neuro-intermediate Lobe in the Skate, Raja radiata. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 55 (1): 7-15
FÄNGE, R. 1977 Size Relations of Lymphomyeloid Organs in Some Cartilaginous Fish.Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 58 (3): 125-128
MORROW, W.J.W. & HARRIS, J.E. & PULSFORD, A. 1982 Immunological responses of the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L.) to cellular antigens. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 63 (3): 153-159
RODRIGUEZ-MOLDES, M.I. & ANADÓN, R. 1988 Ultrastructural Study of the Evolution of Globules in Coronet Cells of the Saccus Vasculosus of an Elasmobranch (Scyliorhinus canicula L.), with some Observations on Cerebrospinal Fluid-Contacting Neurons. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 69 (4): 217-224
PULSFORD, A. & ZAPATA, A. 1989 Macrophages and Reticulum Cells in the Spleen of the Dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 70 (4): 221-227
MATTISSON, A. & FÄNGE, R. & ZAPATA, A. 1990 Histology and Ultrastructure of the Cranial Lymphohaemopoietic Tissue in Chimaera monstrosa (Pisces, Holocephali). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 71 (2): 97-106
MUÑOZ-CHÁPULI, R. & DE ANDRÉS, A.V. & DINGERKUS, G. 1994 Coronary Artery Anatomy and Elasmobranch Phylogeny. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 75 (3): 249-254
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (new added)
SIGNEUX, J. 1949 Notes paleoichthyologiques. I. Observations sur le genre Scapanorhynchus et ses relations. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 2), 21 (5): 633-638, figs 1-3
SIGNEUX, J. 1949 Notes paléoichthyologiques. II: Sur les genres Isurus, Chiloscyllium et Triakis trouvés à l'état fossile dans le gisement sénonien de Sahel-Alma. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 21 (5): 635-638, 3 fig.
SIGNEUX, J. 1950 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. III: Squalidae fossiles du Sénonien de Sahel-Alma. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 22 (2): 315-319, fig.
SIGNEUX, J. 1951 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. IV: Les Rhinobatidae du Liban. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 23 (6): 693-695,1 pl.
SIGNEUX, J. 1954 Notes Paléoichthyologiques. VI (suite). Cas d'ovoviviparité chez un Rhinobate fossile. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 26 (5): 644-645
BRANISA, L. & HOFSTAETTER, R. & SIGNEUX, J. 1964 Addditions a la faune ichthyologique du Cretace supérieur de Bolivie. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Serie 2), 36: 279-297, 3 Fig.
BRANISA, L. & HOFSTETTER, R. 1966 Nouvelle contribution a I etude de la paléontologie et de I Age du groupe Puca (Cretace-Paleogene, Bolivie). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 2), 38: 301-310, 1 Fig.; Paris.
BLOT, J. 1980 La faune ichtyologique des gisements du Monte Bolca (Province de Ve´rone, Italie). Catalogue syste´matique pre´sentant l'etat actuel des recherches concernant cette faune. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, (Série 4), sect. C, 2 (4): 339-396.
Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (new added)
ITOIGAWA, J. & NISHIMOTO, N. & HIROYUKI, A. 1977 Cretaceous fossil elasmobranchs from japan (first report). Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 4: 119-138
NISHIMOTO, H. & MOROZUMI, Y. 1979 Late Cretaceous elasmobranches from the Izumi Mountain Range. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 6: 133-140
NOMURA, M. & HATANAKA, O. & NISHIMOTO, H. & KARASAWA, H. & NANAO NOJIRIKO GROUP 1991 Megasqualus serriculus Jordan and Hannibal (Squalidae: Squaliformes: Elasmobranchii) from the Middle Miocene Nanao Calcareous Sandstone, Nanao City, Noto Peninsula, Central Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 18: 33-45
OKAMURA, Y. & FUDOUJI, Y. & KARASAWA, H. 2000 A first record of the genus Pseudaetobatus (Myliobatiformes, Myliobatidae) from the middle Eocene Okinoshima Group, Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 27: 199-200
Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx (new added)
MENDIOLA, C. 1995 Familia Zygzabatidae n. (Batomorphii, Myliobatoidea). Zygzabatis maroccana n. gen., n. sp. Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 1: 1-4, 2 tabl., 1 pl.
MENDIOLA, C. 1996 Rhincodon ferriolensis n. sp. (Neoselachii, Orectolobiformes, Rhincodontidae) del Burdigaliense superior de Elche (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 2: 1-6, 2 fig., 1 pl.
MENDIOLA, C. 1999 Myliobatoideos nuevos (Neoselachii, Batomorphii) del Thanesiense ? de oued Zem (Cuenca de los Ouled Abdoun, Marruecos). Revista de la Societat Paleontologica d'Elx, 6: 1-42, 10 fig., pl. 1-12
MENDIOLA, C. 2001 Hallazgo de Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus 1758) en el Plioceno superior de Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz, España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 7: 1-9
MENDIOLA, C. 2002 Notorynchus lawleyi Cigala Fulgosi 1983 (Chondrichthyes, Hexanchiformes) en el Plioceno inferior de Guardamar y Plioceno medio de Rojales (Sureste de España, Cuenca del Bajo Segura, Cordillera Bética Oriental). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 8: 1-15
MENDIOLA, C. & MARTINEZ, J. 2003 La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Mesozoico y Cenozoico de España. Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 9: 1-103
MENDIOLA, C. 2004 Primera cita española del género Ptychodus AGASSIZ 1839 (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 13: 1-14
MENDIOLA, C. & LÓPEZ, A. 2005 La ictiofauna fósil (Chondrichthyes, Euselachii) del Serravalliense de Alicante (Sureste de España). Revista de la Societat Paleontológica d'Elx, 14: 1-51
Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (new added)
BREARD, S. & STRINGER, G.L. 1995 Paleoenvironment of a diverse marine vertebrate fauna from the Yazoo Clay (Late Eocene) at Copenhagen, Caldwell Parish, Louisiana.Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 45: 77-85
STRINGER, G.L. & BREARD, S. 1997 Comparison of otolith-based paleoecology to other fossil groups: an example from the Cane River Formation (Eocene) of Louisiana.Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 47: 563-570
BREARD, S. & STRINGER, G.L. 1999 Integrated paleoecology and marine vertebrate fauna of the Stone City Formation (Middle Eocene), Brazos River section, Texas.Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 49: 132-142
STRINGER, G.L. & BREARD, S.Q. & KONTROVITZ, M. 2001 Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of diagnostic invertebrates and vertebrates from the type locality of the Oligocene Rosefield Marl Beds, Louisiana. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 51: 321-328
STRINGER, G.L. & MILLER, M. 2001 Paleoenvironmental interpretations based on vertebrate fossil assemblages: an example of their utilization in the Gulf Coast. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 51: 329-338
Journal of Ichthyology:
PINCHUK, V.I. & PERMITIN, Y.Y. 1970 New data on dogfish sharks of the Family Squalidae in the southeastern Atlantic. Journal of Ichthyology, 10 (3): 273-276
DOMANEVSKIY, L.N. 1975 The Frill Shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, from the Cape Blanc Area (Central Eastern Atlantic). Journal of Ichthyology, 15 (6): 1000-1002
GUBANOV, Y.P. 1978 The reproduction of some species of pelagic sharks from the equatorial zone of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 18: 781-792
MYAGKOV, N.A. & KONDYURIN, V.V. 1978 Reproduction of the catshark Apristurus saldanha. Journal of Ichthyology, 4: 627-628
PIOTROVSKIY, A.S. & PRUT'KO, V.G. 1980 The occurrence of the goblin shark, Scapanorhynchus owstoni (Chondrichthyes, Scapanorhynchidae) in the Indian Ocean.Journal of Ichthyology, 20 (1): 124-125
LITVINOV, F.F. & AGAPOV, S.N. & KATALIMOV, V.G. & MIRONOV, S.G. 1983 Rate of tooth Replacement in Blue Shark, Prionace glauca (Carcharhinidae), in relation to Feeding.Journal of Ichthyology, 23 (1): 143-145
GUBANOV, E.P. 1985 Presence of the sharp tooth sand shark, Odontaspis ferox (Odontaspididae), in the open waters of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 25 (2): 156-158
PARIN, N.V. & KOTLYAR, A.N. 1985 Electric rays of the genus Torpedo in open waters of the eastern south Pacific Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 26 (1): 1-12
MYAGKOV, N.A. & KONDYURIN, V.V. 1986 Dogfishes Squalus (Squalidae), of the Atlantic Ocean and comparative notes on the species of this genus from other regions. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (1): 1-18
SHCHERBACHEV, Y.N. 1987 Preliminary list of thalassobathyal fishes of the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (2): 37-46
GUSHCHIN, A.V. & SUKHOVERSHIN, V.V. & KONOVALENKO, I.I. & SUKHORUKOVA, V.S. 1987 On the capture of the polar shark genus Somniosus (Squalidae) in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (1): 115-117
MYAGKOV, N.A. 1987 External structure of the cephalic brain of the pelagic shark, Squaliolus laticaudus. Journal of Ichthyology, 27 (6): 125-127
GUBANOV, E.P. 1988 Morphological characteristics of the requiem shark, Carcharinus obscurus , of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 28 (6): 68-73
KASHKIN, N.I. 1989 Mesopelagic ichthyofauna of the southwestern Pacific. Journal of Ichthyology, 29 (3): 116-127, tabs 1-4
MANILO, L.G. 1993 New reports of fish on the shelf and upper slope of the Western Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 33 (1): 128-136
SAVELEV, S.V. & CHERNIKOV, V.P. 1994 The oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, and its use of aerial olfaction in search for food. Journal of Ichthyology, 34 (6): 38-47
PSHENICHNOV, L.K. 1997 A new record for subantarctic fish fauna species of shark Squalus acanthias (Squalidae). Journal of Ichthyology, 37 (8): 678-679
NOVIKOV, N.P. 2002 Ecology of the ratfish Hydrolagus africanus (Gilchrist) from the Madagascar and Mozambique submarine ridges. Journal of Ichthyology, 42 (3): 271-274
Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology
LASSO, C.A. & RIAL, B.A. & LASSO-ALCALA, O. 1997 Notes on the biology of the freshwater stingrays Paratrygon aiereba (Müller & Henle, 1841) and Potamotrygon orbignyi (Castelnau, 1855) (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) in the Venezuelan Llanos. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 2 (3): 39-50
HUMAN, B.A. 2011 Description of a unique catshark egg capsule (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) from the North West Shelf, Western Australia. Aqua, International Journal of Ichyology, 17 (4): 199-209
Upcoming Meetings:
- EEA Meeting:
Annual Scentific Meeting of the European Elasmobranch Association : 9, 10 and 11 October 2015. Deadline for early registration | June 30, 2015 Deadline for conference registration | October 5, 2015

- I Costa Rican Congress and IV Latin American Symposium of Ichthyology, San José, Costa Rica. Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), Asociación Costarricence de Acuarismo para la Conservación de los Ecosistemas Dulceacuícolas (ACACED), and the Board of Directors from the Sociedad Ictiológica Mexicana (SIMAC)
Details and registration:

- Understanding, sustaining and restoring fish populations. Sydney, Australia. Aerial Function Centre, University of Technology, Sydney, Level 7, 235 Jones St (Building 10), New South Wales, Australia, 2007.
Details and registration:

- FSBI 2015, Plymouth, United Kingdom: Biology, Ecology And Conservation Of Elasmobranchs. University of Plymouth: Sherwell Centre and Portland Square Building. 27-31 July 2015
Details & registration:

Want a meeting to be announced here? Please send your information material and meeting logo to
New described species/Taxonomic News:
 LONG, J.A. & BURROW, C.J. & GINTER, M. & MAISEY, J.G. & TRINAJSTIC, K.M. & COATES, M.I. & YOUNG, G.C. & SENDEN, T.J. (2015): First Shark from the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Gogo Formation, Western Australia Sheds New Light on the Development of Tessellated Calcified Cartilage. PLoS ONE, 10 (5): e0126066 New genus: Gogoselachus New species: Gogoselachus lynnbeazleyae Abstract: Background Living gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) comprise two divisions, Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes, including euchondrichthyans with prismatic calcified cartilage, and extinct stem chondrichthyans) and Osteichthyes (bony fishes including tetrapods). Most of the early chondrichthyan (‘shark’) record is based upon isolated teeth, spines, and scales, with the oldest articulated sharks that exhibit major diagnostic characters of the group—prismatic calcified cartilage and pelvic claspers in males—being from the latest Devonian, c. 360 Mya. This paucity of information about early chondrichthyan anatomy is mainly due to their lack of endoskeletal bone and consequent low preservation potential. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we present new data from the first well-preserved chondrichthyan fossil from the early Late Devonian (ca. 380–384 Mya) Gogo Formation Lägerstatte of Western Australia. The specimen is the first Devonian shark body fossil to be acid-prepared, revealing the endoskeletal elements as three-dimensional undistorted units: Meckel’s cartilages, nasal, ceratohyal, basibranchial and possible epibranchial cartilages, plus left and right scapulocoracoids, as well as teeth and scales. This unique specimen is assigned to Gogoselachus lynnbeazleyae n. gen. n. sp. Conclusions/Significance The Meckel’s cartilages show a jaw articulation surface dominated by an expansive cotylus, and a small mandibular knob, an unusual condition for chondrichthyans. The scapulocoracoid of the new specimen shows evidence of two pectoral fin basal articulation facets, differing from the standard condition for early gnathostomes which have either one or three articulations. The tooth structure is intermediate between the ‘primitive’ ctenacanthiform and symmoriiform condition, and more derived forms with a euselachian-type base. Of special interest is the highly distinctive type of calcified cartilage forming the endoskeleton, comprising multiple layers of nonprismatic subpolygonal tesserae separated by a cellular matrix, interpreted as a transitional step toward the tessellated prismatic calcified cartilage that is recognized as the main diagnostic character of the chondrichthyans.
 REINECKE, T. (2015): Batoids (Rajiformes, Torpediniformes, Myliobatiformes) from the Sülstorf Beds (Chattian, Late Oligocene) of Mecklenburg, northeastern Germany: a revision and description of three new species. Palaeovertebrata, 39: e2 New genus: Oligoraja New species: Raja thiedei, Oligoraja pristina, Torpedo chattica Abstract: Bulk-sampling of fossil-rich tempestites from the Chattian Sülstorf Beds of Mecklenburg, north-eastern Germany, yielded a rich selachian fauna in which batoids predominate by the abundance of teeth but are subordinate by the number of taxa. Thirteen taxa are identified, among which rajiform batoids are the most diverse (six species). One genus and three species are newly described: Raja thiedei sp. nov.,Oligoraja pristina gen. et sp. nov., and Torpedo chattica sp. nov. Two species are reallocated: Atlantoraja cecilae (Steurbaut & Herman, 1978) new comb., and Dipturus casieri (Steurbaut & Herman, 1978) new comb. Ontogenetic heterodonty is documented for the first time in the dental pattern of Myliobatis sp. Stratigraphical ranges of batoid taxa in the period from Rupelian to Langhian are presented and partly discussed in context with the palaeoclimatic evolution and palaeogeographic situation of the North Sea Basin.
 EBERT, D.A. & CLERKIN, P.J. (2015): A new species of deep-sea catshark (Scyliorhinidae: Bythaelurus) from the southwestern Indian Ocean. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 15: 53-63 New species: Bythaelurus naylori Abstract: Bythaelurus naylori sp. n. is described based on 41 specimens collected from seamounts in the southwestern Indian Ocean. The new species can be separated from all other Bythaelurus species by a combination of distinctly enlarged dermal denticles on the upper caudal-fin margin, lack of papillae on the roof of the mouth and tongue, an anal-fin base length equal to or less than 1.5 times second dorsal-fin base length, and a uniformly plain medium to dark brown body coloration, with light fin edges and a distinct dark dusky-colored snout. No other Bythaelurus species has the combination of a caudal crest of prominent, distinctly enlarged, comb-like dermal denticles along the upper caudal margin and lacks oral papillae. Bythaelurus naylori sp. n. can be distinguished from its two closest congeners, B. giddingsi and B. lutarius, by a combination of prominent comb-like dermal denticles along the upper caudal-fin margin, absence of oral papillae, uniform body coloration, and noticeable dark dusky snout; Bythaelurus giddingsi has oral papillae present and a variegated color pattern, while B. lutarius lacks a caudal crest of enlarged denticles and matures at a much smaller size than the new species.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes:
ADAMS, D.H. & BORUCINSKA, J.D. & MAILLETT, K. & WHITBURN, K. & SANDER, T.E. (2015) Mortality due to a retained circle hook in a longfin mako shark Isurus paucus (Guitart-Manday). Journal of Fish Diseases, 38 (7): 621–628 BERNARD, A.M. & FELDHEIM, K.A. & SHIVJI, M.S. (2015) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers from a globally distributed marine apex predator, the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). Conservation Genetics Resources, 7 (2): 509-511 CAPAPÉ, C. & ALI, M. & SAAD, A. & REYNAUD, C. (2015) Tail abnormalities in thornback ray Raja clavata (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) from the coast of Syria (eastern Mediterranean). Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 56 (2): 155-161 CLAES, J.M. & MALLEFET, J. (2015) Comparative control of luminescence in sharks: New insights from the slendertail lanternshark (Etmopterus molleri). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 467: 87-94 CREC’HRIOU, R. & ZINTZEN, V. & MOORE, L. & ROBERTS, C.D. (2015) Length-weight relationships of 33 fish species from New Zealand. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31 (3): 558-561 DA SILVA, J.P.C.B. & DE CARVALHO, M.R. (2015) Morphology and phylogenetic significance of the pectoral articular region in elasmobranchs (Chondrichthyes).Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, in press DE SOUZA FERREIRA, D.V. & DE ANDRADE, H.A. & TEIXEIRA LESSA, R.P. (2015) Analysis of edge type for validation in studies of age of sharks: applying circular models. Boletim Do Instituto De Pesca, 41 (1): 145-156 DEHART, H.M. & YANG, L. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2015) Mitogenomic sequence and phylogenetic placement of the Hortle’s whipray Himantura hortlei (Elasmobranchii: Dasyatidae). Mitochondrial DNA, in press DÍEZ, G. & SOTO, M. & BLANCO, J.M. (2015) Biological characterization of the skin of shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus and preliminary study of the hydrodynamic behaviour through computational fluid dynamics. Journal of Fish Biology, in press DONG, H. & LIU, G. & REN, Y. & LI, C. & BART-SMITH, H. & FISH, F. (2015)Understanding the Role of Fin Flexion in Rays’ Forward Swimming. Abstract.Integrative and Comparative Biology, 55: E48 DUNCAN, W.P. & DA SILVA, M.I. & FERNANDES, M.N. (2015) Gill dimensions in near-term embryos of Amazonian freshwater stingrays (Elasmobranchii: Potamotrygonidae) and their relationship to the lifestyle and habitat of neonatal pups.Neotropical Ichthyology, 13 (1): 123-135 DYLDIN, Y.V. (2015) Annotated checklist of the sharks, batoids and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) from waters of Russia and adjacent areas. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 43: 40-91 EBERT, D.A. & CLERKIN, P.J. (2015) A new species of deep-sea catshark (Scyliorhinidae: Bythaelurus) from the southwestern Indian Ocean. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 15: 53-63 ENAJJAR, S. & SAIDI, B. & BRADAI, M.N. (2015) The Gulf of Gabes (Central Mediterranean Sea): a nursery area for sharks and batoids (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii). Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 56 (2): 143-150 ESCATEL-LUNA, E. & ADAMS, D.H. & URIBE-ALCOCER, M. & ISLAS-VILLANUEVA, V. & DÍAZ-JAIMES, P. (2015) Population Genetic Structure of the Bonnethead Shark, Sphyrna tiburo, from the Western North Atlantic Ocean Based on mtDNA Sequences. Journal of Heredity, 106 (4): 355-365 ESPINOZA, M. & HEUPEL, M.R. & TOBIN, A.J. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2015)Movement patterns of silvertip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus ) on coral reefs.Coral Reefs, in press ESPINOZA, M. & LÉDÉE, E.J.I. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & TOBIN, A.J. & HEUPEL, M.R. (2015) Contrasting movements and connectivity of reef-associated sharks using acoustic telemetry: implications for management. Ecological Applications, in press EVANS, A.N. & LAMBERT, F.N. (2015) Na+/K+-ATPase α1 mRNA expression in the gill and rectal gland of the Atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina, following acclimation to increased salinity. BMC Res Notes, 8 (1): 219 FENG, B. & LI, Z.-L. & HOU, G. (2015) Fish species and quantity in the South China Sea surveyed by deep longline. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 34 (1): 64-70 FERNANDEZ-CARVALHO, J. & COELHO, R. & MEJUTO, J. & CORTÉS, E. & DOMINGO, A. & YOKAWA, K. & LIU, K.-M. & GARCÍA-CORTÉS, B. & FORSELLEDO, R. & OHSHIMO, S. & RAMOS-CARTELLE, A. & TSAI, W.-P. & SANTOS, M.N. (2015) Pan-Atlantic distribution patterns and reproductive biology of the bigeye thresher, Alopias superciliosus. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, in press FIELDS, A.T. & FELDHEIM, K.A. & POULAKIS, G.R. & CHAPMAN, D.D. (2015)Facultative parthenogenesis in a critically endangered wild vertebrate. Current Biology, 25 (11): R446–R447 FISH, F.E. & HOFFMAN, J.L. (2015) Stability design and response to waves by batoids. Abstract. 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Extinct Chondrichthyes:
ANDRIANAVALONA, T.H. & RAMIHANGIHAJASON, T.N. & RASOAMIARAMANANA, A. & WARD, D.J. & ALI, J.R. & SAMONDS, K.E. (2015)Miocene Shark and Batoid Fauna from Nosy Makamby (Mahajanga Basin, Northwestern Madagascar). PLoS ONE, 10 (6): e0129444 Neogene (Neogen), Miocene (Miozän) BUCHHOLZ, A. & BECKERT, W & GRIMMBERGER, G. (2015) Trias-Geschiebe aus Vorpommern (Nordostdeutschland) [Triassic Geschiebes (Glacial Erratics) from Western Pomerania (Northeast Germany)] Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 7 (4): 209-226 DELGADILLO-ESCOBAR, A.A. & RODRUIGUEZ-DE LA ROSA, R.A. & SAENZ-QUINONES, I.A. & GUTIERREZ-MARTINEZ, A.J. (2015) The first record of Onchosaurus (dagger Sclerorhynchidae) from the Late Cretaceous of northern Mexico.Boletin De La Sociedad Geologica Mexicana, 67 (1): 113-117 Cretaceous (Kreide), Late Cretaceous (Oberkreide) FERRÓN, H.G. & MANZANARES, E. & CRESPO-ROURES, V.D. & RUIZ-SÁNCHEZ, F.J. & MARQUINA, R. (2015) Dentículos dérmicos fósiles de raya (Rajiformes, Batoidei) del Cuaternario de las islas Columbretes (Castellón, España). [Fossil dermal denticles of skates (Rajiformes, Batoidei) from the Quaternary of the Columbretes Islands (Castellón, Spain)]. Abstract. In: Current Trends in Paleontology and Evolution, Conference Proceedings: 123-124 Quaternary (Quartär), FREDERICKSON, J.A. & SCHAEFER, S.N. & DOUCETTE-FREDERICKSON, J.A. (2015) A Gigantic Shark from the Lower Cretaceous Duck Creek Formation of TexasPLoS ONE, 10 (6): e0127162 Cretaceous (Kreide), Late Cretaceous (Oberkreide) LONG, J.A. & BURROW, C.J. & GINTER, M. & MAISEY, J.G. & TRINAJSTIC, K.M. & COATES, M.I. & YOUNG, G.C. & SENDEN, T.J. (2015) First Shark from the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Gogo Formation, Western Australia Sheds New Light on the Development of Tessellated Calcified Cartilage. PLoS ONE, 10 (5): e0126066Devonian (Devon), Late Devonian (Oberdevon) MAY, W.J. (2015) Chondrichthyans of the Excello Shale (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Rogers County, Oklahoma. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 118 (1-2): 68-74 Carboniferous (Karbon), Late Carboniferous (Oberkarbon) OTERO, R.A. & SOTO-ACUÑA, S. (2015) New chondrichthyans from Bartonian-Priabonian levels of Río de Las Minas and Sierra Dorotea, Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia. Andean Geology, 42 (2): 268-283 Paleogene (Paläogen), Eocene (Eozän) PIMIENTO, C. & BALK, M.A. (2015) Body-size trends of the extinct giant shark Carcharocles megalodon: a deep-time perspective on marine apex predatorsPaleobiology, 41 (3): 479-490 Neogene (Neogen), Miocene (Miozän), Pliocene (Pliozän) REINECKE, T. (2015) Batoids (Rajiformes, Torpediniformes, Myliobatiformes) from the Sülstorf Beds (Chattian, Late Oligocene) of Mecklenburg, northeastern Germany: a revision and description of three new species. Palaeovertebrata, 39: e2 Paleogene (Paläogen), Oligocene (Oligozän).
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Sharks & Rays of the Arabian/Persian Gulf
Field / Identification GuideIdentification KeyNew By: Dareen K Almojil(Author), Alec BM Moore(Author), William Toby White(Author), Faiza Yousef Al-Yamani(Foreword By) 178 pages, colour & b/w photos, colour & b/w illustrations, 1 colour map MBG (INT) Ltd. The Gulf has a unique diversity of sharks and rays, but for many years their correct identification has been problematic. This fully illustrated book – the first of its kind to focus on the Gulf – brings together the latest research and years of work by the authors to provide a clear and comprehensive guidebook. For each species known to occur in the Gulf, colour images, identification features, and notes on distribution, abundance, ecology and conservation status are provided. Images and information are also provided on those species from nearby sea areas that might turn up in Gulf fish markets. Sharks & Rays of the Arabian/Persian Gulf will be of interest to all those with an interest in the Gulf's marine environment or in marine wildlife such as divers, anglers, natural history enthusiasts, conservationists, research biologists and government fisheries staff.

'Missing link' in shark evolution found in 380m-year-old Australian fossil
Longest ever tiger shark tracking reveals remarkable, bird-like migrations _animals%2Fmarine_biology+%28Marine+Biology+News+--+ScienceDaily%29 |