NEWSLETTER 5/2016 31.05.2016
Please acknowledge use of the database in your publications, and cite:
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2016, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2016 |
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News/ Own Research:
Dear colleagues, we would like to (ab)use the opportunity to reach more than 500 shark researchers with our newsletter for asking your help: we are seeking to conduct further research on inter- and more importantly- INTRAspecific variability of tooth morphologies. Our target species would be smaller-sized somniosids such as Zameus, Centroscymnus, Centroselachus, and Scymnodon. For that, teeth and/or jaws of extant members of this group would be necessary and we are aiming for getting both male and female as well as juvenile and adult representatives. If any of you would like to share some material or has ideas on how to receive some specimens, we would be very grateful. Our goal is a collection of information on intraspecific variability of species, which will ease the identification and interpretation of fossil teeth Jürgen is regularly digging out in his neighborhood (see example image below). Any help is highly appreciated, with best wishes, Jürgen and Nico
 many thanks to Frederik Mollen, Elasmobranch Research, Rehaegenstraat 4, 2820 Bonheiden Belgium for this specimen |
New images at shark-references:
Many thanks to the following persons for the permission to use their images!
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:

FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS EEA2016 28-30th October 2016
EEA2016 will be hosted by the Shark Trust and held at Bristol Aquarium, Bristol UK.
The conference will provide an excellent forum for discussion and networking bringing together researchers, advocates and students from across Europe and beyond.
With sessions reflecting the three pillars of the Shark Trust’s work and the key objectives of the recently launched Global Shark and Ray Initiative (GSRI), the Shark Trust invites you to submit abstracts for oral (15 minute and 5 minute options) and poster presentations under the following themes:
- Species Conservation - Fisheries Management - Responsible Trade and Consumption
There will also be a number of general sessions covering a broad range of topics depending on submissions.
The Shark Trust encourages speakers to consider the potential management or conservation applications of their research and reflect them in their presentations - abstract selection will be undertaken by the Conference Committee.
Abstract submission & Student Bursary applications. Closing date 17th September
Registration: Don't miss out on the EARLY BIRD registration rates: register today!
More information on the keynote speakers and social opportunities will be released through the website in the coming weeks - so check back for more details! Hope to see you all in October!

International Marine Conservation Congress
30 July - 3 August 2016 • St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador (YYT)
To conserve the world’s oceans we must go beyond science, and use it to inform policy and management, and ultimately to catalyze change. The Society for Conservation Biology's International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) brings together conservation professionals and students to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science and policy.
The Call for Abstracts is currently open!
IMCCs are organized by the Marine Section of the Society for Conservation Biology.
 V Colombian meeting on Chondrichthyes (CMC) from 24 to 28 October 2016 Deadline for submission of abstracts/Fecha límite de envío de resúmenes: June 30, 2016 Date of response by the Organizing Committee/Fecha de respuesta por parte del Comité Organizador: July 30, 2016 please visit:

The IWSC4 website is now live at, and registration and abstracts are being accepted online for oral and poster sessions. The deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2016. Additional details can be found on the website, along with a printable meeting poster (poster attached here as well). This international gathering of whale shark scientists, conservationists and decision-makers will feature the most recent advances in research, conservation and management of whale sharks globally. The meeting will further highlight research on whale shark populations in the Arabian Gulf. The conference will integrate six themes: 1) Growth and Reproduction, 2) Behavior and Ecology; 3) Physiology; 4) Genetics; 5) Wildlife Tourism; and 6) Threats and Management. Meeting proceedings will be published in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Qscience Connect (
 Registration is now open for the IUCN World Conservation Congress, taking place from 1 to 10 September 2016 in Hawaiʻi, U.S.A. Visit the Congress website to register for the event and book your accommodation.
- SIBIC 2016: VI Iberian Congress of ichthyology. 21.-24. June 2016, Murcia, Spain;a special session will be dedicated to Chondrichthyan research!
- Registration starting on 1st September 2015
- Call for abstracts starting on 1st October 2015
- Abstracts submission deadline: 15th February 2016
- Early-bird registration fee deadline: 31st March 2016 
- Annual joint meeting of Ichthyologists and herpetologists including the American Elasmobranch Society meeting. 2016: New Orleans, Louisiana, 6.-10. July 2016, New Orleans. Lousiana, USA.
Newly described species/Taxonomic News:
DE CARVALHO, M.R. & ROSA, R.S. & DE ARAÚJO, M.L.G. (2016): A new species of Neotropical freshwater stingray (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) from the Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil: the smallest species of Potamotrygon. Zootaxa, 4107 (4): 566–586 New species: Potamotrygon wallacei Abstract: A new species of Potamotrygon is described from the Rio Negro drainage, Amazonas, Brazil. In spite of being cited or pictured several times in the scientific and aquarium fish literature since the 19th Century, it had been misidentified and still lacked a scientific name. Potamotrygon wallacei, n. sp., is diagnosed by the following characters: dorsal surface of disc light brown, with black irregularly-shaped vermiculate markings forming an amphora- or Ω-shaped figure on mid-disc, delimiting light brown reniform areas at disc center, and with subcircular light brown ocellate markings on disc margins; small body size (smallest known Potamotrygon species; largest examined specimen measured 310 mm DW); dorsal spines on tail usually rather low, without broad bases, in one to rarely three irregular rows, but extending posteriorly only to tail mid-length and not to caudal stings, with altogether relatively few spines; denticles on posterior mid-disc and tail base Y-shaped, with a central, anterior, bulbous cusp and usually two posterior pairs of smaller, rounded cusps; and single (anterior) angular cartilage. The new species is similar to P. orbignyi and other "reticulated" species in having a single (anterior) angular cartilage and in the color pattern of the tail, but is easily distinguished based on its size, dorsal tail spine arrangement, and specific details of color pattern.

MUTTI, L.D. & IVANOV, V.A. 2016: A new species of Paraberrapex Jensen, 2001 (Cestoda: Lecanicephalidea) from Squatina guggenheim Marini (Squatiniformes: Squatinidae) off Argentina.Folia Parasitologica, 63: 007 New species: Paraberrapex atlanticus Abstract: Paraberrapex atlanticus sp. n. (Cestoda: Lecanicephalidea) is described from the spiral intestine of the angel shark Squatina guggenheim Marini from coastal waters off Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Paraberrapex atlanticus sp. n. can be distinguished from the only species described in the genus, P. manifestus Jensen, 2001 in having cocoons 5–6 times longer with more eggs per cocoon, the extension of the uterine duct, the distribution of vitelline follicles, and the size and density of microtriches on the bothridial surfaces. The presence of P. atlanticus sp. n. in S. guggenheim confirms the specificity of Paraberrapex Jensen, 2001 for squatiniform sharks.
I CURRAN, S.S. & PHILLIPS, A.J. & OVERSTREET, R.M. & BENZ, G.W. & HENNINGSEN, A.D. (2016): Austrobdella cairae n. sp., an Oioxenous Marine Leech (Clitellata: Piscicolidae) from the Banded Guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperata, in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Parasitology, 102 (2): 179-186 New species: Austrobdella cairae Abstract: A new marine leech is herein described from specimens infecting the external surfaces, including the mouth and cloaca, of the banded guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperate, captured in the Gulf of California and eastern Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego, California. The leech is assigned to Austrobdella by possessing continuous contractile coelomic channels that lie outside the somatic musculature along the lateral edges of the urosome (marginal lacunae), clitellar gland cells densely packed in the urosome, 5 pairs of testisacs, and 6-annulate mid-body somites. The new leech is distinguished from its 6 congeners on the basis of body size (maximum 10 mm long) and shape (sub-cylindrical trachelosome distinctly demarcated from wider urosome that is ventrally flattened, convex dorsally, and narrowing toward caudal sucker that is narrow, 20−25% of maximum body width), number of eyespots (2 pairs), shape and arrangement of the ovisacs (pyriform and limited to somites XII/XIII), and characteristics of the midgut (1 pair of mycetomes, 6 pairs of simple thin-walled crop ceca, ventral postceca wanting, and 2 pairs of dendritic diverticula emerging from anterior portion of thick-walled intestine). The new species occurs in the northeastern Pacific Ocean on a benthic elasmobranch. Examination of host specificity for each Austrobdella species using the quantitative Index of Phylogenetic Host Specificity revealed that the new species is 1 of 4 oioxenous specialists in the genus, and the remaining 3 congeners are relative generalists herein classified as euryxenous. This is the first time host specificity for members of the Piscicolidae has been quantitatively assessed. The analysis suggests that associations between marine leeches belonging inAustrobdella and their vertebrate hosts are driven by ecological influences rather than host taxonomic placement. IRIGOITIA, M.M. & CHISHOLM, L.A. & TIMI, J.T. (2016): A new species of DendromonocotyleHargis, 1955 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from the skin of Zearaja chilensis (Guichenot) (Rajiformes: Rajidae) from the Argentine Sea. Systematic Parasitology, 93 (4): 367-374 New species: Dendromonocotyle rajidicola Abstract: Dendromonocotyle rajidicola n. sp. is described from the dorsal surface of the yellownose skate Zearaja chilensis (Guichenot) (Rajiformes) caught on the Argentine shelf.Dendromonocotyle rajidicola n. sp. can be distinguished from the other 17 species in the genus by the morphology of the distal portion of the male copulatory organ and by the unique morphology of the sclerotised proximal portion of the vagina. This is the first species ofDendromonocotyle to be described from a host in the Rajiformes and also the first record of this genus in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes:
ALEXANDER, A.B. & PARKINSON, L.A. & GRANT, K.R. & CARLSON, E. & CAMPBELL, T.W. (2016) The hemic response of white-spotted bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) with inflammatory disease. Zoo Biology, in press ALVES, L.M. & NUNES, M. & MARCHAND, P. & LE BIZEC, B. & MENDES, S. & CORREIA, J.P. & LEMOS, M.F. & NOVAIS, S.C. (2016) Blue sharks (Prionace glauca) as bioindicators of pollution and health in the Atlantic Ocean: Contamination levels and biochemical stress responses. Science of the Total Environment, 563-564: 282-292 APPS, K. & DIMMOCK, K. & LLOYD, D. & HUVENEERS, C. (2016) In the Water with White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias): Participants’ Beliefs toward Cage-diving in Australia.Anthrozoös: A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals, 29 (2): 231-245 ARMANSIN, N.C. & LEE, K.A. & HUVENEERS, C. & HARCOURT, R.G. (2016) Integrating social network analysis and fine-scale positioning to characterize the associations of a benthic shark. Animal Behaviour, 115: 245–258 ARMSTRONG, A.O. & ARMSTRONG, A.J. & JAINE, F.R. & COUTURIER, L.I. & FIORA, K. & URIBE-PALOMINO, J. & WEEKS, S.J. & TOWNSEND, K.A. & BENNETT, M.B. & RICHARDSON, A.J. (2016) Prey Density Threshold and Tidal Influence on Reef Manta Ray Foraging at an Aggregation Site on the Great Barrier Reef. PLoS ONE, 11 (5): e0153393 BEN AMOR, M. & MOURAD, D. & YOUSSOUPH, D. & MANSOR, B. & SALEM, M. & CAPAPÉ, C. (2016) Confirmed occurrence in the Mediterranean Sea of milk shark Rhizoprionodon acutus (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae) and first record off the Tunisian coast.Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 57 (2): 145-149 BERNVI, D.C. (2016) Ontogenetic Influences on Endothermy in the Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Master Thesis, Stockholm University BERTHE, C. & MOURIER, J. & LECCHINI, D. & RUMMER, J.L. & SELLOS, D.Y. & IGLÉSIAS, S.P. (2016) DNA barcoding supports the presence of the cryptic ocellated eagle ray, Aetobatus ocellatus (Myliobatidae), in French Polynesia, South Pacific. Cybium, 40 (2): 181-184 CABRERA, Y. & AGUILAR, C. & GONZALEZ-SANSON, G. & FERNANDO MARQUEZ-FARIAS, J. (2016) Ocurrencia de una hembra preñada de tiburón mako Isurus oxyrinchus al noroeste de Cuba. [Occurrence of an Isurus oxyrinchus pregnant female to the northwest of Cuba.] Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 44 (1): 184-189 CAMARGO, S.M. & COELHO, R. & CHAPMAN, D. & HOWEY-JORDAN, L. & BROOKS, E.J. & FERNANDO, D. & MENDES, N.J. & HAZIN, F.H.V. & OLIVEIRA, C. & SANTOS, M.N. & FORESTI, F. & MENDONÇA, F.F. (2016) Structure and Genetic Variability of the Oceanic Whitetip Shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, Determined Using Mitochondrial DNA. PLoS ONE, 11 (5): e0155623 CAMUS, A. & BROWN, C. & FIELD, C. & MCDERMOTT, A. (2016) Amyloid-like renal lesions in a roughtail stingray Dasyatis centroura (Mitchill 1815). Journal of Fish Diseases, 39 (5): 613-617 CARDEÑOSA, D. & GLAUS, K.B.J. & BRUNNSCHWEILER, J.M. (2016) Occurrence of juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in the Navua River in Fiji. Marine and Freshwater Research, in press CASTRO, J.I. & SATO, K. & BODINE, A.B. (2016) A novel mode of embryonic nutrition in the tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier. Marine Biology Research, 12 (2): 200-205 CLUA, E. & VIGNAUD, T. (2016) Possible collapse of reef shark populations in remote coral reef ecosystems in the Coral Sea (Western Pacific). Cybium, 40 (1): 51-59 COX, G.K. & KENNEDY, G.E. & FARRELL, A.P. (2016) Morphological arrangement of the coronary vasculature in a shark (Squalus sucklei) and a teleost (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Morphology, in press CUNHA, C.M. & OLIVEIRA, L.E. & KFOURY, J.R. (2016) Comparative anatomy of the extraocular muscles in four Myliobatoidei rays (Batoidea, Myliobatiformes). Journal of Anatomy, 228 (5): 877-886 DE CARVALHO, M.R. & ROSA, R.S. & DE ARAÚJO, M.L.G. (2016) A new species of Neotropical freshwater stingray (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) from the Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil: the smallest species of Potamotrygon. Zootaxa, 4107 (4): 566–586 DE MIRANDA, D.A. & DE CARVALHO-SOUZA, G.F. (2016) Are we eating plastic-ingesting fish? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 103 (1-2): 109-114 DE SOUSA RANGEL, B. & CIENA, A.P. & WOSNICK, N. & DE AMORIM, A.F. & KFOURY, J.R. & RICI, R.E.G. (2016) Ecomorphology of oral papillae and denticles of Zapteryx brevirostris (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae). Zoomorphology, 135 (2): 189-195 j DI SANTO, V. & KENALEY, C.P. (2016) Skating by: low energetic costs of swimming in a batoid fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, in press DI SCIARA, G.N. & FERNANDO, D. & ADNET, S. & CAPPETTA, H. & JABADO, R.W. (2016)Devil rays (Chondrichthyes: Mobula) of the Arabian Seas, with a redescription of Mobula kuhlii (Valenciennes in Müller and Henle, 1841). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press ENAULT, S. & ADNET, S. & DEBIAIS-THIBAUD, M. (2016) Skeletogenesis during the late embryonic development of the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes; Neoselachii). M3 Journal, 1 (4): e2 ERONAT, E.G.T. (2016) Feeding ecology and trophic level of Chimaera monstrosa Linnaeus, 1758 (Holocephali: Chimaeridae) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Zoology in the Middle East, 62 (1): 51-57 ESCALLE, L. & MURUA, H. & AMANDE, J.M. & ARREGUI, I. & CHAVANCE, P. & DELGADO DE MOLINA, A. & GAERTNER, D. & FRAILE, I. & FILMALTER, J.D. & SANTIAGO, J. & FORGET, F. & ARRIZABALAGA, H. & DAGORN, L. & MERIGOT, B. (2016)Post-capture survival of whale sharks encircled in tuna purse-seine nets: tagging and safe release methods. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press GAO, C.-X. & DAI, X.-J. & TIAN, S.-Q. & WU, F. & ZHU, J.-F. (2016) Demographic analysis of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the North Atlantic Ocean. Yingyong Shengtai Xuebao, 27 (2): 622-628 GIGLIO, V.J. & LUIZ, O.J. & REIS, M.S. & GERHARDINGER, L.C. (2016) Memories of sawfish fisheries in a southwestern Atlantic estuary. SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 36: 28-32 GILES, J.L. & RIGINOS, C. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. & DHARMADI, OVENDEN, J.R. (2016)Genetic and phenotypic diversity in the wedgefish Rhynchobatus australiae, a threatened ray of high value in the shark fin trade. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 548: 165–180 GILLIS, J.A. & HALL, B.K. (2016) A shared role for sonic hedgehog signalling in patterning chondrichthyan gill arch appendages and tetrapod limbs. Development, 143 (8): 1313-1317 GIRGIN, H. & BAŞUSTA, N. (2016) Testing staining techniques to determine age and growth of Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) captured in Iskenderun Bay, northeastern Mediterranean.Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press GONZÁLEZ ISÁIS, M. & MONTES DOMÍNGUEZ, H.M. (2016) Compared Morphology of the Cephalic Musculature in Five Species of Genus Urotrygon (Chondrichthyes: Urolophidae).International Journal of Morphology, 34 (1): 7-12 GRAHAM, F. & RYNNE, P. & ESTEVANEZ, M. & LUO, J. & AULT, J.S. & HAMMERSCHLAG, N. (2016) Use of marine protected areas and exclusive economic zones in the subtropical western North Atlantic Ocean by large highly mobile sharks. Diversity and Distributions, 22 (5): 534-546 GRUBER, D.F. & LOEW, E.R. & DEHEYN, D.D. & AKKAYNAK, D. & GAFFNEY, J.P. & SMITH, W.L. & DAVIS, M.P. & STERN, J.H. & PIERIBONE, V.A. & SPARKS, J.S. (2016)Biofluorescence in Catsharks (Scyliorhinidae): Fundamental Description and Relevance for Elasmobranch Visual Ecology Scientific Reports, 6: 24751 ROEMER, R.P. & GALLAGHER, A.J. & HAMMERSCHLAG, N. (2016) Shallow water tidal flat use and associated specialized foraging behavior of the great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran). Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, in press IRIGOITIA, M.M. & CHISHOLM, L.A. & TIMI, J.T. (2016) A new species of Dendromonocotyle Hargis, 1955 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from the skin of Zearaja chilensis (Guichenot) (Rajiformes: Rajidae) from the Argentine Sea. Systematic Parasitology, 93 (4): 367-374 IRIGOYEN, A. & TROBBIANI, G. (2016) Depletion of trophy large-sized sharks populations of the Argentinean coast, south-western Atlantic: insights from fishers’ knowledge. Neotropical Ichthyology, 14 (1): e150081 JOSBERGER, E.E. & HASSANZADEH, P. & DENG, Y. & SOHN, J. & REGO, M.J. & AMEMIYA, C.T. & ROLANDI, M. (2016) Proton conductivity in ampullae of Lorenzini jelly.Science Advances, 2 (5): e1600112 LI, W. & DAI, X. & ZHU, J. & TIAN, S. & HE, S. & & WU, F. (2016) Genetic differentiation in blue shark, Prionace glauca, from the central Pacific Ocean, as inferred by mitochondrial cytochrome b region. Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis, in press MAROUANI, S. & KADRI, H. & BRADAI, M.N. (2016) First data on the age, growth and sexual maturity of the piked spurdog, Squalus megalops (Chondrichthyes: Squalidae), in the Gulf of Gabès (central Mediterranean Sea). Marine and Freshwater Research, 67 (5): 578-585 MARSHALL, L.J. & BARONE, M. (2016) SharkFin Guide: identifying sharks from their fins.FAO, Rome. MUNROE, S.E.M. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & HEUPEL, M.R. (2016) Variation in blacktip shark movement patterns in a tropical coastal bay. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 99 (4): 377-389 OHSHIMO, S. & FUJINAMI, Y. & SHIOZAKI, K. & KAI, M. & SEMBA, Y. & KATSUMATA, N. & OCHI, D. & MATSUNAGA, H. & MINAMI, H. & KIYOTA, M. & YOKAWA, K. (2016) Distribution, body length, and abundance of blue shark and shortfin mako offshore of northeastern Japan, as determined from observed pelagic longline data, 2000-2014. Fisheries Oceanography, 25 (3): 259-276 OZYILMAZ, A. (2016) Tocopherol, heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn), and fatty acid contents of thornback ray (Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758) liver oil in relation to gender and origin in the Mediterranean and Black seas. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press PICKARD, A.E. & VAUDO, J.J. & WETHERBEE, B.M. & NEMETH, R.S. & BLONDEAU, J.B. & KADISON, E.A. & SHIVJI, M.S. (2016) Comparative Use of a Caribbean Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem and Association with Fish Spawning Aggregations by Three Species of Shark. PLoS ONE, 11 (5): e0151221 PINTO, C. & SPEZIA, L. (2016) Markov switching autoregressive models for interpreting vertical movement data with application to an endangered marine apex predator. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7 (4): 407-417 PIROG, A. & JAQUEMET, S. & BLAISON, A. & SORIA, M. & MAGALON, H. (2016) Isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite loci from Galeocerdo cuvier (tiger shark) and cross-amplification in Carcharhinus leucas, Carcharhinus brevipinna, Carcharhinus plumbeus and Sphyrna lewini. PeerJ , 4: e2041 POSSATTO, F.E. & BROADHURST, M.K. & SPACH, H.L. & WINEMILLER, K.O. & MILLAR, R.B. & SANTOS, K.M. & LAMOUR, M.R. (2016) Mapping the spatio-temporal distribution of threatened batoids to improve conservation in a subtropical estuary. Journal of Fish Biology, in press RASTGOO, A.R. & FATEMI, M.R. & VALINASSAB, T. & MORTAZAVI, M.S. (2016) Length–weight relationships for 10 elasmobranch species from the Oman Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press RIGBY, C.L. & DALEY, R.K. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2016) Comparison of life histories of two deep-water sharks from eastern Australia: the piked spurdog and the Philippine spurdog.Marine and Freshwater Research, in press ROFF, G. & DOROPOULOS, C. & ROGERS, A. & BOZEC, Y.M. & KRUECK, N.C. & AURELLADO, E. & PRIEST, M. & BIRRELL, C. & MUMBY, P.J. (2016) The Ecological Role of Sharks on Coral Reefs. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31 (5): 395-407 ROSA, R. & PAULA, J.R. & SAMPAIO, E. & PIMENTEL, M. & LOPES, A.R. & BAPTISTA, M. & GUERREIRO, M. & SANTOS, C. & CAMPOS, D. & ALMEIDA-VAL, V.M.F. & CALADO, R. & DINIZ, M. & REPOLHO, T. (2016) Neuro-oxidative damage and aerobic potential loss of sharks under elevated CO2 and warming. Marine Biology, 163: 119 ROSA, R. & PIMENTEL, M. & GALAN, J.G. & BAPTISTA, M. & LOPES, V.M. & COUTO, A. & GUERREIRO, M. & SAMPAIO, E. & CASTRO, J. & SANTOS, C. & CALADO, R. & REPOLHO, T. (2016) Deficit in digestive capabilities of bamboo shark early stages under climate change. Marine Biology, 163 (3): 60 ROSHITH, C.M. & MANNA, R.K. & SURESH, V.R. & PANDA, D. & SHARMA, A.P. & CHOWDHURY, A.R. & MUKHERJEE, M. & BANIK, S.K. (2016) Electric ray Narcine timlei (Torpediniformes: Narcinidae) from Chilika lagoon, Odisha, India. Current Science, 110 (8): 1408-1410 SALINAS DE LEÓN, P. & ACUÑA-MARRERO, D. & RASTOIN, E. & FRIEDLANDER, A.M. & DONOVAN, M.K. & SALA, E. (2016) Largest global shark biomass found in the northern Galápagos Islands of Darwin and Wolf. PeerJ, 4: e1911 SIMPSON, S.J. & SIMS, D.W. (2016) Are critically endangered fish back on the menu? Analysis of U.K. fisheries data suggest post-ban landings of prohibited skates in European waters. Marine Policy, 69: 42–51 SMITH, K.R. & SCARPACI, C. & LOUDEN, B.M. & OTWAY, N.M. (2016) Does the grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) exhibit agonistic pectoral fin depression? A stereo-video photogrammetric assessment off eastern Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology, 22 (1): 3-11 TAKEDA, N. & HORAI, S. & TAMURA, J.-I. (2016) Facile analysis of contents and compositions of the chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate hybrid chain in shark and ray tissues. Carbohydrate Research, 424: 54-58 TERRAZAS-LÓPEZ, R. & ARREOLA-MENDOZA, L. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. & ANGUIANO-ZAMORA, M. & SUJITHA, S.B. & JONATHAN, M.P. (2016) Cadmium concentration in liver and muscle of silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tip of Baja California south, México. Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press TUNNAH, L. & MACKELLAR, S.R.C. & BARNETT, D.A. & MACCORMACK, T.J. & STEHFEST, K.M. & MORASH, A.J. & SEMMENS, J.M. & CURRIE, S. (2016) Physiological responses to hypersalinity correspond to nursery ground usage in two inshore shark species (Mustelus antarcticus & Galeorhinus galeus). Journal of Experimental Biology, in press VIANNA , G.M.S. & MEEKAN, M.G. & RUPPERT, J.L.W. & BORNOVSKI, T.H. & MEEUWIG, J.J. (2016) Indicators of fishing mortality on reef-shark populations in the world’s first shark sanctuary: the need for surveillance and enforcement. Coral Reefs, in press Extinct Chondrichthyes: BIANUCCI, G. & DI CELMA, C. & COLLARETA, A. & LANDINI, W. & POST, K. & TINELLI, C. & DE MUIZON, C. & BOSIO, G. & GARIBOLDI, K. & GIONCADA, A. & MALINVERNO, E. & CANTALAMESSA, G. & ALTAMIRANO-SIERRA, A. & SALAS-GISMONDI, R. & URBINA, M. & LAMBERT, O. (2016) Fossil marine vertebrates of Cerro Los Quesos: Distribution of cetaceans, seals, crocodiles, seabirds, sharks, and bony fish in a late Miocene locality of the Pisco Basin, Peru. Journal of Maps, in press BICE, K.N. & SHIMADA, K. (2016) Fossil marine vertebrates from the Codell Sandstone Member (middle Turonian) of the Upper Cretaceous Carlile Shale in Jewell County, Kansas, USA.Cretaceous Research, in press BROWN, E. & COOK, T.D. & KONISHI, T. 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Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 119 (2): 211–221 REBMAN, K. & YILMAZ, I.O. & HOSGOR, I. & WAGREICH, M. & MURRAY, A.M. & COOK, T.D. (2016) Utilizing fossil shark teeth as a biostratigraphical tool to date the Karabogaz Formation in SE Turkey. Abstract. In: 4th Annual Meeting, 2016, Canadian Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology: 64
Parasites: CURRAN, S.S. & PHILLIPS, A.J. & OVERSTREET, R.M. & BENZ, G.W. & HENNINGSEN, A.D. (2016) Austrobdella cairae n. sp., an Oioxenous Marine Leech (Clitellata: Piscicolidae) from the Banded Guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperata, in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Parasitology, 102 (2): 179-186 FLORIO, D. & GRIDELLI, S. & FIORAVANTI, M.L. & ZANONI, R.G. (2016) First isolation of Tenacibaculum maritimum in a captive sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47 (1): 351-353 MARQUES, F.P.L. & CAIRA, J.N. (2016) Pararhinebothroides—Neither the Sister-Taxon of Rhinebothroides Nor a Valid Genus. Journal of Parasitology, 102 (2): 249-259 MENDEZ, O. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. (2016) Cestodes of the blue shark, Prionace glauca (Linnaeus 1758), (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae), off the west coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Zootaxa, 4085 (3): 438-444 MUTTI, L.D. & IVANOV, V.A. (2016) A new species of Paraberrapex Jensen, 2001 (Cestoda: Lecanicephalidea) from Squatina guggenheim Marini (Squatiniformes: Squatinidae) off Argentina.Folia Parasitologica, 63: 007 OMMUNDSEN, A. & NOEVER, C. & GLENNER, H. (2016) Caught in the act: phenotypic consequences of a recent shift in feeding strategy of the shark barnacle Anelasma squalicola (Lovén, 1844). Zoomorphology, 135: 51-65 PODDUBNAYA, L.G. & HEMMINGSEN, W. & GIBSON, D.I. (2016) Ultrastructural observations of the attachment organs of the monogenean Rajonchocotyle emarginata (Olsson, 1876) (Polyopisthocotylea: Hexabothriidae), a gill parasite of rays. Parasitology Research, in press
Group spawning may drive predator habitat use for lemon sharks, may inform fisheries management
- Date:
- May 4, 2016
- Source:
- Summary:
- Three species of shark, tiger, lemon and Caribbean reef, all use deeper coral reefs in the Virgin Islands, but only lemon shark presence was associated with seasonal grouper spawning aggregations, according to a new study.
Ecuador designated area a marine sanctuary in March 2016, ensuring protection of hammerheads, reef sharks and other top predators
- Date:
- May 10, 2016
- Source:
- PeerJ
- Summary:
- Scientists have revealed that the northern Galapagos Islands of Darwin and Wolf are home to the largest shark biomass reported to date (12.4 tons per hectare).

Proton-conducting material found in electrosensory organs of sharks
Scientists measured surprisingly high proton conductivity in a jelly that fills unique electrosensing organs found in sharks, skates, and rays
- Date:
- May 13, 2016
- Source:
- University of California - Santa Cruz
- Summary:
- Sharks, skates, and rays can detect very weak electric fields produced by prey and other animals using an array of unusual organs known as the ampullae of Lorenzini. Exactly how these electrosensory organs work has remained a mystery, but a new study has revealed an important clue that may have implications for other fields of research.
- Date:
- May 23, 2016
- Source:
- ARC Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies
- Summary:
- Tuna fishers who network with their competition may be able to stop thousands of sharks a year from being accidentally captured and killed in the Pacific Ocean, according to new research.
