NEWSLETTER 02/2017 06.02.2017
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Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2016, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2016 |
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we collected in 2016
1187 new citation on topics related to extant and extinct Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) (now: 23914) 1311 new papers (pdf's, copies, books) for our library (now: 20699) 420 new species names (valid names, synonyms..) (now: 16981) 321 new types (now: 6543) 516 new records for our parasite/host list (now: 7732) 561 new images (now: 4057) 9757 new records of species for our lists of references (now: 71993) Cheers,
Jürgen & Nico
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New images at shark-references:
Many thanks to the following persons for the permission to use their images:
Dr. Ana Hacohen Domené for the first image of Neoharriotta carri BULLIS & CARPENTER, 1966

Pradip Patade, India for some new images of a Scoliodon laticaudus MÜLLER & HENLE, 1838

Andy Murch, for images of Mobula hypostoma (BANCROFT, 1831)

Pradip Patade, India for this image of a Longtail butterfly ray, Gymnura poecilura (SHAW, 1804) and
 and from a Honeycomb stingray Himantura uarnak (FORSSKÅL, 1775)

Kristin Walovich for the image of the holotype of Hydrolagus erithacus WALOVICH, EBERT & KEMPER, 2017
 Thanks again to Ross Robertson, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama for his images of jaws and teeth!
Last moth we added about 100 new images from Ross collection to our project "Toothmorphology"
Family Sphyrnidae Sphyrna lewini (GRIFFITH & SMITH, 1834)
Sphyrna media SPRINGER, 1940
Sphyrna mokarran (RÜPPELL, 1837)
Sphyrna tiburo (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Sphyrna tudes (VALENCIENNES, 1822)
Sphyrna zygaena (LINNAEUS, 1758)
images: lower teeth of Sphyrna zygaena
 and Sphyrna tiburo

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Upcoming Meetings:
Austin, Texas, USA; July 12-16, 2017

7th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MESOZOIC FISHES Systematics and Paleobiogeographic Patterns 1 - 7 August 2017 Mahasarakham, THAILAND
The Palaeontological Research and Education Centre in cooperation with the Faculty of Science of Mahasarakham University (Thailand), the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France), and the Natural History Museum of Geneva (Switzerland) are pleased to announce and host the 7th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MESOZOIC FISHES. The meeting is dedicated to reflect the progress in Mesozoic fish research that has been accomplished in the past 25 years since the first meeting in 1993, to discuss old and new methodologies, and to present novel information about the evolution, diversification, and the palaeobiogeography of fishes during the Mesozoic.
Registration should be open November 3rd.
 Indo-Pacific Fish Conference 2-6 October 2017, Tahiti, French Polynesia
 WALOVICH, K.A. & EBERT, D.A. & KEMPER, J.M. (2017): Hydrolagus erithacus sp. nov. (Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae), a new species of chimaerid from the southeastern Atlantic and southwestern Indian oceans. Zootaxa, 4226 (4): 509–520 New species: Hydrolagus erithacus Abstract: A new species of chimaerid, Hydrolagus erithacus sp. nov., is described from nine specimens collected from the southeast Atlantic and southwest Indian oceans from depths of 470–1,000 meters. This species is distinguished from all other Hydrolagus species based on the following characteristics: head bulky, relatively large, followed by stocky body; head and body height from about pectoral fin origin to pelvic fin origin similar, then tapering rapidly to filamentous tail; first dorsal fin spine height about equal to, or slightly less than first dorsal fin apex height; second dorsal fin up to 81% of total body length and uniform in height; trifurcate claspers forked for approximately 20% of total length; robust frontal tenaculum nearly uniform in width, prepelvic tenaculae with five to seven medial spines, and a uniform black coloration with robust, non-deciduous skin. Comparison of mitochondrial NADH2 gene sequences with other morphologically similar Hydrolagus species suggests that H. erithacus is a distinct species.
 REYDA, F.B. & HEALY, C.J. & HASLACH, A.R. & RUHNKE, T.R. & APRILL, T.L. & BERGMAN, M.P. & DAIGLER, A.L. & DEDRICK, E.A. & DELGADO, I. & FORTI, K.S. & HERZOG, K.S. & RUSSELL, R.S. & WILLSEY, D.D. (2016): A new genus of rhinebothriidean cestodes from batoid elasmobranchs, with the description of five new species and two new combinations. Folia Parasitologica, 63: 038 New genus: Stillabothrium New species: Stillabothrium ashleya, Stillabothrium davidcynthiaorum, Stillabothrium campbelli, Stillabothrium hyphantoseptum, Stillabothrium jeanfortiae Abstract: Survey work of batoid elasmobranchs in the eastern Atlantic and Indo-Pacific revealed multiple species of a new genus of cestode. Stillabothrium Healy et Reyda gen. n. (Rhinebothriidea: Escherbothriidae) is unique in its possession of an even number of non-medial longitudinal septa in the posterior portion of the bothridia, resulting in a series of loculi that are longer than wide (i.e. vertically oriented) and are arranged in columns. Five new species of Stillabothrium are described, S. ashleyae Willsey et Reyda sp. n., S. davidcynthiaorum Daigler et Reyda sp. n., S. campbelli Delgado, Dedrick et Reyda sp. n., S. hyphantoseptum Herzog, Bergman et Reyda sp. n., S. jeanfortiae Forti, Aprill et Reyda sp. n., and two species are formally transferred to the genus, S. amuletum (Butler, 1987) comb. n., and S. cadenati (Euzet, 1954) comb. n., the latter of which is redescribed. The species differ in the configuration of the other bothridial septa and in proglottid anatomy. Species of Stillabothrium were found parasitising a total of 17 species of batoid elasmobranchs of the genera Dasyatis Rafinesque, Glaucostegus Bonaparte, Himantura Müller et Henle, Pastinachus Rüppell, Rhinobatos Linck and Zanobatus Garman, including several host species that are likely new to science. A phylogenetic hypothesis based on Bayesian analysis of 1 084 aligned positions of the D1-D3 region of 28S rDNA for 27 specimens representing 10 species of Stillabothrium and two outgroup species supported the monophyly of Stillabothrium. These results also supported morphologically determined species boundaries in all cases in which more than one specimen of a putative species was included in the analysis. Host specificity appears to vary across species of Stillabothrium, with the number of host species parasitised by each species of Stillabothrium ranging from one to four. The geographic distribution of species of Stillabothrium spans the eastern Hemisphere, including the eastern Atlantic (coastal Senegal) and several locations in the Indo-Pacific (coastal Vietnam, Borneo and Australia). In addition, Phyllobothrium biacetabulatum Yamaguti, 1960 is formally transferred into family Escherbothriidae, although its generic placement remains uncertain (species incertae sedis).
 BOUDAYA, L. & NEIFAR, L. (2016): Triloculotrema euzeti n. sp. (Monogenea, Monocotylidae) from the nasal tissues of the blackspotted smooth-hound Mustelus punctulatus (Carcharhiniformes, Triakidae). Folia Parasitologica, 63: 038 New species: Triloculotrema euzeti Abstract: Triloculotrema euzeti n. sp. (Monogenea, Monocotylidae, Merizocotylinae) is described from the nasal tissues of the blackspotted smooth-hound Mustelus punctulatus collected from the coastal marine waters off Tunisia. The new parasite species is distinguished from the other two species of the genus, T. japanicae Kearn, 1993 and T. chisholmae Justine, 2009, by the morphology of the sclerotised male copulatory organ which has longitudinal ridges. The species is also characterised by its oötype with short descending and ascending limbs (long and more convoluted in the other two species). The presence of three peripheral loculi, which is the main characteristic of the genus Triloculotrema Kearn, 1993, is unconfirmed. This is the first description of a species of this genus in the Mediterranean Sea and the first record from a coastal shark. KHEDDAM, H. & JUSTINE, J.L. & TAZEROUTI, F. (2016): Hexabothriid monogeneans from the gills of deep-sea sharks off Algeria, with the description of Squalonchocotyle euzeti n. sp (Hexabothriidae) from the kitefin shark Dalatias licha (Euselachii, Dalatiidae). Helminthologia, 53 (4): 354-362 New species: Squalonchocotyle euzeti Abstract: Sharks (765 specimens from ten species) from the Mediterranean Sea off Algiers, Algeria, were examined for the presence of gill monogeneans. The following deep-sea sharks were investigated from 2009 to 2015: Centrophorus granulosus (27 specimens); Centrophorus uyato (39); Etmopterus spinax (67); Somniosus rostratus (19); Galeus melanostomus (189); Scyliorhinus canicula (261), Hexanchus griseus 3), and Dalatias licha (100). In addition, two pelagic shark species were examined: Alopias vulpinus (7), and Prionace glauca (53). Only two species of gill monogeneans were found. Protocotyle grisea (Cerfontaine, 1899) Euzet et Maillard, 1974 was found on its type-host Hexanchus griseus; comparative measurements are provided, and Algeria is a new geographic record. Squalonchocotyle euzeti n. sp. from Dalatias licha is described here. We found that the species of Squalonchocotyle Cerfontaine, 1899 can be separated into two groups, according to body size. Small-bodied species include 7 species. Large-bodied species (body > 20mm) include S. borealis (Van Beneden, 1853), S. laymani Yamaguti, 1958 and S. euzeti n. sp; the latter is distinguished from the two other species by a characteristically slender body. A sequence of Cytochrome Oxidase Type I (COI) gene, potentially useful for barcoding, was obtained for S. euzeti n. sp. and is the first for the family Hexabothriidae.
 BERNOT, J.P. & CAIRA, J.N. & PICKERING, M. (2016): Diversity, phylogenetic relationships and host associations of Calliobothrium and Symcallio (Cestoda : 'Tetraphyllidea') parasitising triakid sharks. Invertebrate Systematics, 30 (6): 616-634 New species: Calliobothrium wightmanorum, Calliobothrium cisloi Abstract: The laciniate, relatively large-bodied tetraphyllidean tapeworm genus Calliobothrium van Beneden, 1850 parasitises triakid sharks with all but one species found parasitising sharks of the genus Mustelus Linck, 1790. Historically, species of this genus were thought to exhibit a relaxed degree of host specificity relative to species of their sister genus Symcallio Bernot, Caira, & Pickering, 2015. However, several more recent studies have begun to question this difference and, in particular, the conspecificity of specimens identified as the types species, C. verticillatum (Rudolphi, 1819) van Beneden, 1850, from multiple host species. Our results suggest that diversity in the genus Calliobothrium has been under-reported. To explore this situation, specimens previously identified as C. verticillatum were collected from Mustelus asterias Cloquet, 1819 off the United Kingdom and Mustelus canis (Mitchell, 1815) off Connecticut, USA; these sharks each were found to host distinct species both of which are described here. Mustelus asterias was also confirmed to host Symcallio leuckarti (van Beneden, 1850) Bernot, Caira & Pickering, 2015, which is redescribed. In combination with newly collected material from Mustelus palumbes Smith, 1957 off South Africa and data available from GenBank, molecular phylogenetic analyses based on 28S rDNA data for four of the seven known species of Calliobothrium, including both new species and five of the 11 known species of Symcallio, were conducted. The resulting phylogeny supports the mutual monophyly of the two genera, which are readily distinguished based on whether they exhibit proglottid laciniations, and supports subclades of Symcallio with and without hook accessory pieces. These subclades of Symcallio appear to exhibit an intriguing congruence with two known subclades of their host genus, Mustelus. DIPPENAAR, S.M. (2017): Trebius benzi n. sp. (Siphonostomatoida: Trebiidae) infecting Squalus acutipinnis Regan off South Africa. Systematic Parasitology, 94 (1): 91-96 New species: Trebius benzi Abstract: Trebius Krøyer, 1838 currently consists of 15 accepted species all infecting elasmobranchs. Apart from two species, i.e. T. caudatus Krøyer, 1838 and T. latifurcatus Wilson, 1921, that have been reported from ten and eight host species, respectively, the other 13 species have each been reported from only one or two host species. Trebius benzi n. sp., collected from Squalus acutipinnis Regan, is described and illustrated after examination through stereo- and compound microscopes. This species can be distinguished from the other known species by a combination of characters including an abdomen that is shorter than the genital complex, a maxillule with an endite that consists of a single-tined dentiform process, sternal furca tines that are blunt and as long as the base, and the innermost spine of the last exopodal segment of leg 1 the shortest. BERNOT, J.P. & BOXSHALL, G.A. (2017): A new species of Pseudopandarus Kirtisinghe, 1950 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Pandaridae) from sharks of the genus Squalus L. in New Caledonian waters. Systematic Parasitology, 94 (2): 275–291 New species: Pseudopandarus cairae Abstract: Both sexes of a new species of pandarid copepod are described from sharks of the genus Squalus L. (Squaliformes: Squalidae). Specimens of Pseudopandarus cairae n. sp. were collected from Squalus bucephalus Last, Séret & Pogonoski and S. melanurus Fourmanoir & Rivaton in New Caledonian waters, the first parasitic copepod to be described from either host species. This is the eighth nominal species of Pseudopandarus Kirtisinghe, 1950 and the first to be described from a shark of the order Squaliformes. Pseudopandarus cairae n. sp. is easily distinguished from P. australis Cressey & Simpfendorfer, 1988, P. longus (Gnanamuthu, 1951) Cressey, 1967, and P. pelagicus Rangnekar, 1977 in having the female genital complex concealed beneath an elongate dorsal genital shield with a trilobed posterior margin. It can be distinguished from P. gracilis Kirtisinghe, 1950 and P. scyllii Yamaguti & Yamasu, 1959 by the armature of the leg 4 endopod and by the proportions of the dorsal genital shield. The new species is unique among known species of Pseudopandarus in its possession of only 1 setal element on the distal endopod segment of leg 4. In addition to describing the new species, the host associations of all species of Pseudopandarus are reviewed and observations are made regarding sexual dimorphism and mode of attachment. A key to the species considered valid is provided.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes:
ADEL, M. & MOHAMMADMORADI, K. & LEY-QUIÑONEZ, C.P. (2017) Trace element concentrations in muscle tissue of milk shark, (Rhizoprionodon acutus) from the Persian Gulf. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press BUECHI, H.B. & BRIDGHAM, J.T. (2017) Evolution of specificity in cartilaginous fish glycoprotein hormones and receptors. Gen Comp Endocrinol., in press CARIANI, A. & MESSINETTI, S. & FERRARI, A. & ARCULEO, M. & BONELLO, J.J. & BONNICI, L. & CANNAS, R. & CARBONARA, P. & CAU, A. & CHARILAOU, C. & EL OUAMARI, N. & FIORENTINO, F. & FOLLESA, M.C. & GAROFALO, G. & GOLANI, D. & GUARNIERO, I. & HANNER, R. & HEMIDA, F. & KADA, O. & LO BRUTTO, S. & MANCUSI, C. & MOREY, G. & SCHEMBRI, P.J. & SERENA, F. & SION, L. & STAGIONI, M. & TURSI, A. & VRGOC, N. & STEINKE, D. & TINTI, F. (2017) Improving the Conservation of Mediterranean Chondrichthyans: The ELASMOMED DNA Barcode Reference Library. PLoS ONE, 12 (1): e0170244 COLMENERO, A.I. & BARRÍA, C. & BROGLIO, E. & GARCÍA-BARCELONA, S. (2017) Plastic debris straps on threatened blue shark Prionace glauca. Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press DECK, C.A. & ANDERSON, G.W. & WALSH, P.J. (2017) Effects of glucose and insulin administration on glucose transporter expression in the North Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi). Gen Comp Endocrinol., in press DUDGEON, C.L. & COULTON, L. & BONE, R. & OVENDEN, J.R. & THOMAS, S. (2017) Switch from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction in a zebra shark. Scientific Reports, 7: 40537 EHEMANN,N.R. & GÓNZÁLEZ-GONZÁLEZ, L.V. & TRITES, A.W. (2017) Lesser devil rays Mobula cf. hypostoma from Venezuela are almost twice their previously reported maximum size and may be a new sub-species. Journal of Fish Biology, in press ERLACHER-REID, C.D. & NOLLENS, H.H. & SCHMITT, T.L. & ST LEGER, J. & SUNICO, S. (2016) Phaeohyphomycosis associated with ossification of the skull and cervical vertebrae in a swell shark (Cephaloscyllium ventriosum). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47 (4): 1081-1085 HUANG, W. & HONGJAMRASSILP, W. & JUNG, J.Y. & HASTINGS, P.A. & LUBARDA, V.A. & MCKITTRICK, J. (2017) Structure and mechanical implications of the pectoral fin skeleton in the Longnose Skate (Chondrichthyes, Batoidea). Acta Biomaterialia, in press HYATT, M.W. & FIELD, C.L. & CLAUSS, T.M. & ARHEART, K.L. & CRAY, C. (2016) Plasma protein electrophoresis and select acute phase proteins in healthy bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) under managed care. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47 (4): 984-992 LEENEY, R.H. (2017) Are sawfishes still present in Mozambique? A baseline ecological study. PeerJ, 5: e2950 LUCIFORA, L.O. & SOLARI, A. & ODDONE, M.C. & DE MELLO, F.T. & MANDELBURGER, D. (2016) 6: La familia Potamotrygonidae en Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay. In: Rayas de agua dulce (Potamotrygonidae) de Suramérica. Parte II: Colombia, Brasil, Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay y Argentina. Serie Recursos Hidrobiológicos y Pesqueros Continentales de Colombia, XV MATULIK, A.G. & KERSTETTER, D.W. & HAMMERSCHLAG, N. & DIVOLL, T. & HAMMERSCHMIDT, C.R. & EVERS, D.C. (2017) Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of mercury and methylmercury in four sympatric coastal sharks in a protected subtropical lagoon. Marine Pollution Bulletin, in press METOCHIS, C.P. & CARMONA-ANTOÑANZAS, G. & KOUSTENI, V. & DAMALAS, D. & MEGALOFONOU, P. (2017) Population structure and aspects of the reproductive biology of the blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810 (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) caught accidentally off the Greek coasts. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, in press MICARELLI, P. & DE LUCIA, L. & CANETTI, D. & SPERONE, E. (2017) Preliminary Observations on the Ability to Adapt To Salinity Changes in Nursehound Scyliorhinus Stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758) and Small Spotted Catsharks Scyliorhinus Canicula (Linnaeus, 1758). International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture, 1 (1): 000104 NOSAL, A.P. & KEENAN, E.A. & HASTINGS, P.A. & GNEEZY, A. (2016) The Effect of Background Music in Shark Documentaries on Viewers' Perceptions of Sharks. PLoS ONE, 11 (8): e0159279 O'BRYHIM, J.R. & ADAMS, D.H. & SPAET, J.L.Y. & MILLS, G. & LANCE, S.L. (2017) Relationships of mercury concentrations across tissue types, muscle regions and fins for two shark species. Environmental Pollution, in press POLANCO-VÁSQUEZ, F. & HACOHEN-DOMENÉ, A. & MÉNDEZ, T. & PACAY, A. & GRAHAM, R.T. (2017) First record of the chimaera Neoharriota carri (Bullis and Carpenter 1966) in the Caribbean of Guatemala. Marine Biodiversity Records, 10: 1 TEIXEIRA, E.C. & SILVA, V.E.L. & FABRÉ, N.N. & BATISTA, V.S. (2017) Length–weight relationships for four stingray species from the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press VAUDO, J.J. & BYRNE, M.E. & WETHERBEE, B.M. & HARVEY, G.M. & SHIVJI, M.S. (2017) Long-term satellite tracking reveals region-specific movements of a large pelagic predator, the shortfin mako shark, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Applied Ecology, in press WALOVICH, K.A. & EBERT, D.A. & KEMPER, J.M. (2017) Hydrolagus erithacus sp. nov. (Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae), a new species of chimaerid from the southeastern Atlantic and southwestern Indian oceans. Zootaxa, 4226 (4): 509–520 WEIDNER, T.A. & HIRONS, A.C. & LEAVITT, A. & KERSTETTER, D.W. (2017) Combined gut-content and stable isotope trophic analysis of the pelagic stingray Pteroplaytrygon violacea (Bonaparte, 1832) diet from the western North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press WHITE, T.D. & CARLISLE, A.B. & KROODSMA, D.A. & BLOCK, B.A. & CASAGRANDI, R. & DE LEOA, G.A. & GATTO, M. & MICHELI, F. & MCCAULEY, D.J (2017) Assessing the effectiveness of a large marine protected area for reef shark conservation. Biological Conservation, 207: 64–71 YUCEL, N. & SAKALLI, A. & KARAHAN, A. (2017) First record of the honeycomb stingray Himantura leoparda (Manjaji-Matsumoto & Last, 2008) (Myliobatoidei: Dasyatidae) in the Mediterranean Sea, confirmed by DNA barcoding. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
AVERIANOV, A. & MARTIN, T. & SKUTSCHAS, P. & DANILOV, I. & SCHULTZ, J. & SCHELLHORN, R. & OBRAZTSOVA, E. & LOPATIN, A. & SYTCHEVSKAYA, E. & KUZMIN, I. & KRASNOLUTSKII, S. & IVANTSOV, S. (2016) Middle Jurassic vertebrate assemblage of Berezovsk coal mine in western Siberia (Russia). Global Geology, 19 (4): 187-204 COLLARETA, A. & LAMBERT, O. & LANDINI, W. & DI CELMA, C. & MALINVERNO, E. & VARAS-MALCA, R. & URBINA, M. & BIANUCCI, G. (2017) Did the giant extinct shark Carcharocles megalodon target small prey? Bite marks on marine mammal remains from the late Miocene of Peru. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 469: 84–91 COLLARETA, A. & LANDINI, W. & CHACALTANA, C. & VALDIVIA, W. & ALTAMIRANO-SIERRA, A. & URBINA-SCHMITT, M. & BIANUCCI, G. (2017) A well preserved skeleton of the fossil shark Cosmopolitodus hastalis from the late Miocene of Peru, featuring fish remains as fossilized stomach contents. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 123 (1): 11-22 LANDINI, W. & ALTAMIRANO-SIERRA, A. & COLLARETA, A. & DI CELMA, C. & URBINA, M. & BIANUCCI, G. (2017) The late Miocene elasmobranch assemblage from Cerro Colorado (Pisco Formation, Peru). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 73: 168–190 TURNER, S. & AVERY, S. (2017) A Jurassic non-marine chondrichthyan in Australia and its palaeogeographic significance. Palaeoworld, in press
BERNOT, J.P. & BOXSHALL, G.A. (2017) A new species of Pseudopandarus Kirtisinghe, 1950 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Pandaridae) from sharks of the genus Squalus L. in New Caledonian waters. Systematic Parasitology, 94 (2): 275–291 DIPPENAAR, S.M. (2017) Trebius benzi n. sp. (Siphonostomatoida: Trebiidae) infecting Squalus acutipinnis Regan off South Africa. Syst Parasitol., 94 (1): 91-96 |
 New Shark Song by Dr. Shark! This time: the blue shark Check it out @
 280 million-year-old fossil reveals origins of chimaeroid fishes
- Date:
- January 4, 2017
- Source:
- University of Chicago Medical Center
- Summary:
- High-definition CT scans of the fossilized skull of a 280 million-year-old fish reveal the origin of chimaeras, a group of cartilaginous fish related to sharks. Analysis of the brain case of Dwykaselachus oosthuizeni, a shark-like fossil from South Africa, shows telltale structures of the brain, major cranial nerves, nostrils and inner ear belonging to modern-day chimaeras.
PAPER: COLLARETA, A. & LAMBERT, O. & LANDINI, W. & DI CELMA, C. & MALINVERNO, E. & VARAS-MALCA, R. & URBINA, M. & BIANUCCI, G. 2017 Did the giant extinct shark Carcharocles megalodon target small prey? Bite marks on marine mammal remains from the late Miocene of Peru. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 469: 84–91

Coral reef fish willing to risk life and fin for a good meal
- Date:
- January 13, 2017
- Source:
- University of California - Davis
- Summary:
- Coral reef fish experience landscapes of fear based on how much shelter from predators is available, new research concludes. But they are willing to move past that fear if the payoff in a delicious meal of algae is high enough, the investigators found.