NEWSLETTER 01/2014 23.01.2013
Please acknowledge use of the database in your publications, and cite:
Pollerspöck, J. 2014, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2014 |
new partner:
Enric Cortés, Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA/NMFS/SEFSC/Panama City Laboratory, Panama City, FL 32408, USA
Partner in Google-Maps: 
New images at shark-references:
Many thanks to the following persons for the permission to use their images:
- Dr. David A. Ebert, Pacific Shark Research Center, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories for a image of Pristiophorus lanae EBERT & WILMS, 2013:

- William T. White, CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, Wealth from Oceans Flagship, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia for the images of Aetobatus narutobiei WHITE, FURUMITSU & YAMAGUCHI, 2013

and the permission to use the images of the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Papers at, e.g. Squalus chloroculus LAST, WHITE & MOTOMURA, 2007:
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Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who send me some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
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Northeast Pacific Shark Symposium
Saturday, March 22, 2014 8am-5pm
Join us for a series of 5–15-minute “lightning talks” on current Northeast Pacific shark research.
Event background:
Since 2004 the Seattle Aquarium has hosted biennial cowshark conservation workshops to gather shark biologists to share knowledge about these little-known species. Over the years the meeting has increased in size and scope. In December of 2011 the first Pacific Shark Workshop was held in Vancouver, B.C. Because of the success of this meeting and the growth of the cowshark meeting, the Aquarium, in collaboration with the Pacific Shark Research Center at Moss Landing Marine Labs, California and the IUCN Shark Specialist Group Northeast Regional working group, is launching the Northeast Pacific Shark Symposium.
Reservation cost is $40 per person. Click here to register.

The KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board is pleased to confirm that the second Sharks International symposium will be held in Durban, South Africa on 2-6 June 2014. This is a sequel to the highly successful inaugural Sharks International meeting in Cairns, Australia in June 2010. The meeting will comprise four full days of presentations, commencing Monday 2 June and ending Friday 6 June, with Wednesday 4 June set aside for a variety of exciting mid-conference excursions. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for the world’s leading shark and ray researchers, along with students and early career scientists to meet, share ideas, update information and report on the progress of their most recent scientific studies. We would encourage any researchers and students with a general interest in the marine environment to also attend as networking opportunities at a conference of this nature and size are enormous. For further information please visit the Symposium’s web page at: Any queries regarding the symposium can also be sent to the organising committee at: |

IV Encuentro Colombiano sobre Condrictios:
place: Universidad EAFIT de Medellín, Colombia
date: 20. - 24. October 2014
more information
News from shark-references:
just ready!
Papers of the year 2013

Abstract: This collection is the result of research in numerous journals, books and online publications. It contains 721 citations of papers about living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) and a list of 2013 new described species and parasites of elasmobranchs.
Citation: Pollerspöck, J. (2014), Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichtyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) - Papers of the year 2013 -,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 01/2014;ISSN: 2195-6499
Tabel of Contents 1. Fossil 1.1 Papers 1.1.1 Complete list (arrange in alphabetical order) 1.2 Abstracts 1.2.1 Complete list (arrange in alphabetical order) 2. Rezent 2.1 Papers 2.1.1 Complete list (arrange in alphabetical order) 2.2 Abstracts 2.2.1 Complete list (arrange in alphabetical order) 3. Database Reports 3.1 Species Descriptions -fossil- 3.2 Species Descriptions -recent- 3.3 Parasitology 3.3.1 Papers 3.3.2 Species Descriptions: Parasites of Elasmobranchs 3.4 Distribution 3.5 Reproduction 3.6 Diet 3.7 Size 3.8 Taxonomy 3.9 Conservation 4. Index (only Genera)
free download: Papers of the year 2013
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New book:
PALAEONTOS 24 Hovestadt D.C. & Hovestadt-Euler M., 2013, Generic assessment and reallocation of Cenozoic Myliobatins based on new information of tooth, tooth plate and caudal spine morphology of extant taxa. ISSN: 1377-4654 66 textpages, 3 textfigures, 5 tables, 51 plates Summary: The results of a comprehensive comparative study of tail spine and dental morphology of extant Myliobatinae has lead to new information, that is described and illustrated in Part I. Tail spine morphology appeared to be unsuitable for both generic as well as specific distinction. There exist nine tooth morphological variations and several abnormalities in the tooth plates of Myliobatis, four variations in Pteromylaeus and four in Aetobatus. Further the dental morphology of the four Aetomylaeus species are extensively investigated for the first time, revealing their exclusive ontogenetic heterodonty, absent in the other Myliobatinae. The dental morphology of Myliobatinae appears to allow generic distinction. The tooth morphology of isolated teeth of several specimens of Myliobatis aquila, Myliobatis goodei, Aetomylaeus vespertilio, Aetomylaeus nichofii, Aetobatus narinari and Pteromylaeus bovinus are described and illustrated revealing new information about the locking mechanism of the teeth and additional information about granulated crown surfaces. All fossil Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene and Paleocene Myliobatinae previously mentioned in literature are described and illustrated as far as possible in Part II, including photographs of previously un-illustrated taxa, which are compared with the variations of extant taxa used as morphotypes to group tooth plates with similar dental morphologies. The Oligocene Weissobatis micklichi and the Eocene Promyliobatis gazolai are considered skeleton developments of the Myliobatis-lineage, respectively. 180 nominal Cenozoic species comprise 23 species based on tail spine morphology, 2 fossil species based on skeleton details, as well as tooth morphology, 139 species on isolated teeth, tooth fragments, tooth plates or tooth plate fragments. There are 16 nominal species for which there are no descriptions, illustrations, or holotypes, 23 based on tail spine morphology, and 19 poorly preserved, lacking sufficient characteristic detail, which are rejected. Although extant material strongly indicates that at least taxa of the genus Myliobatis and Aetobatus cannot be specifically distinguished and thus their fossil ancestors may not be valid, further investigation is needed to confirm this observation, including Aetomylaeus and Pteromylaeus. The nominal species are generically reassigned of which 16 species belong to the genus Aetobatus, 17 to Aetomylaeus, 32 to Myliobatis and 50 to Pteromylaeus. Extraordinary developments like granulation of the crown surface, present in several variations of Cenozoic Myliobatinae, appear to be natural developments, also found in extant species. Elevation of the crown centre was observed in some fossil species and is considered as abnormality. Pitting of both crown surface and root, found in some fossil species is considered the result of external, post-mortem influences. Rhinoptera daviesi Woodward, 1889, Burnhamia fetahi Cappetta, 1985 and Myliobatis monnieri Cappetta, 1986 have tooth morphologies also found in species ofMyliobatis. One tooth of Myliobatis plicatilis Davis, 1888 is referred to Rhinoptera and Mobula glickmani Pfeil, 1981 is considered to belong to Mobulinae.Eomobula stehmanni Herman, Hovestadt, Hovestadt-Euler, 1989, Meridiania convexa Case, 1994, Apocodon sericeus Cope, 1885, Garabatis atlasi Cappetta,1993, and Lophobatis phosphaticus Cappetta, 1986, as well as two remaining teeth of Pseudaetobatus casieri Cappetta, 1986 do not possess the characteristic dental morphology of the Myliobatinae. They are considered to represent early developments of Myliobatidae.
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New book:

Kiladze A.B., Chernova O.F. Skin of the Sandbar Shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus Nardo, 1827): microstructure, properties and industrial use. Moscow−Yaroslavl: IPK Litera Publishing House, 2013, ISBN: 978-5-904729-80-6, 40 p. in russian
Abstract: The monograph is devoted to original data on morphology and technological aspects of the Sandbar shark’s skin. The brief biological characteristics of the species, its distribution area and dynamics of the catch volume are given. The features of histological structure of the skin and placoid scales are described. Also, peculiarities of architectonics of the collagen stroma of skin are marked. Morphometric indexes of the data together with the qualimetric analysis of the assessment of the degree of variability of studied parameters are presented. The relief of placoid scale’s crowns is described, and these data may be used for taxonomical identification as these species-specific features have diagnostic value. The study of some commodity and technological characteristics of the Sandbar shark’s skin allows to outline the purpose of this raw material in the leather industry. It is intended for zoologists, histologists, ichthyologists, commodity researchers and industrialists.
New described species/Taxonomic News:
EBERT, D.A. & WILMS, H.A. (2013): Pristiophorus lanae sp. nov., a new sawshark species from the Western North Pacific, with comments on the genus Pristiophorus Müller & Henle, 1837 (Chondrichthyes: Pristiophoridae). Zootaxa, 3752: 86-100 New species: Pristiophorus lanae Abstract: A new species of sawshark, Pristiophorus lanae sp. nov., is described from off the Philippine Islands. The new species is the second member of the genus Pristiophorus described from the western North Pacific and can be separated from its closest geographic congener, P. japonicus, by having fewer rostral teeth in front of rostral barbels (17–26 versus 25–32), mouth at corners extending forward to below the rear margin of the eye versus extending below the rear one-third of eye margin, a greater mouth width at 6.9–7.8 times into pre-oral length (versus 5.8–6.9), eye length into head length (15.6– 15.9 versus 9.8–13.2), mouth width into head length 9.0–10.0 versus 7.4–8.5 times, head width at nostrils 5.2–6.1 times into pre-orbital length versus 3.9–4.9 times, shorter prebarbel length (from snout tip to barbel) of 50.7–54.5% of preoral length versus 53.6–59.2%, a snout angle of 10.6–13.0° versus 12.4°–14.6°, and lateral trunk denticles with flat crowns that are imbricated versus erect crowns that are not imbricated. The number of monospondylous vertebrae is slightly lower in P. lanae (43–48) versus P. japonicus (51–52). The genus is reviewed, with a revised key to its species presented.
LAST, P.R. & ALAVA, M. (2013): Dipturus amphispinus sp. nov., a new longsnout skate (Rajoidei: Rajidae) from the Philippines. Zootaxa, 3752: 214-227 New species: Dipturus amphispinus Abstract: A new long-snouted skate, Dipturus amphispinus sp. nov., is formally described based on material caught in the Sulu Sea and later acquired from fish markets of the central and southern Philippines. It differs from its congeners in the western North Pacific, apart from D. wuhanlingi (East and South China Seas), in having a variably-defined, parallel row of poste-rolaterally directed lumbar thorns, and well-developed scapular thorns on each side of the disc. However, the paired rows of lumbar thorns are better defined in Dipturus amphispinus sp. nov. than in D. wuhanlingi, and these species also differ in some aspects of their morphometrics, meristics and squamation. Dipturus amphispinus sp. nov. displays marked sexual dimorphism with adult males having a relatively broader mouth, much longer teeth, a relatively shorter snout, head and disc, a taller first dorsal fin, and a proportionally longer posterior pelvic-fin lobe and tail, than adult-sized females.
LAST, P.R. & HO, H.-C. & CHEN, R.-R. (2013): A new species of wedgefish, Rhynchobatus immaculatus (Chondrichthyes, Rhynchobatidae), from Taiwan.Zootaxa, 3752: 185-198 New species: Rhynchobatus immaculatus Abstract: A new species of wedgefish, Rhynchobatus immaculatus sp. nov., is described from a small collection of specimens ob-tained from fish markets in northern Taiwan. It is probably a medium-sized species (probably attaining ca. 1.5 m TL) be-cause the largest known specimen, an immature male (ca. 1 m TL), has prolongated dorsal and caudal fins typical of adult wedgefishes. Rhynchobatus immaculatus is unique within the family in having a very high vertebral count (within the range of 165–170 total free centra) and in lacking a dark pectoral marking. Other Rhynchobatus species occurring in Tai-wanese seas appear to attain a larger adult size, possess a dark pectoral marking at least in young, and have lower vertebral counts (fewer than 161 total fee centra). Rhynchobatus yentinesis, which was described from a specimen taken nearby at Wenzhou, China, has not yet been attributed to a currently recognised species. However, based on the illustration of the holotype, which reveals a broad-snouted species with a dark pectoral spot, it is closest to either R. palpebratus or R. springeri.
WHITE, W.T. & FURUMITSU, K. & YAMAGUCHI, A. (2013): A New Species of Eagle Ray Aetobatus narutobiei from the Northwest Pacific: An Example of the Critical Role Taxonomy Plays in Fisheries and Ecological Sciences. PLoS ONE, 8 (12): e83785 New species: Aetobatus narutobiei Abstract: Recent taxonomic and molecular work on the eagle rays (Family Myliobatidae) revealed a cryptic species in the northwest Pacific. This species is formally described as Aetobatus narutobiei sp. nov. and compared to its congeners. Aetobatus narutobiei is found in eastern Vietnam, Hong Kong, China, Korea and southern Japan. It was previously considered to be conspecific with Aetobatus flagellum, but these species differ in size, structure of the NADH2 and CO1 genes, some morphological and meristic characters and colouration. Aetobatus narutobiei is particularly abundant in Ariake Bay in southern Japan where it is considered a pest species that predates heavily on farmed bivalve stocks and is culled annually as part of a ‘predator control’ program. The discovery of A. narutobiei highlights the paucity of detailed taxonomic research on this group of rays. This discovery impacts on current conservation assessments of A. flagellum and these need to be revised based on the findings of this study.
MALEKI, L. & MALEK, M. & PALM, H.W. (2013): Two new species of Acanthobothrium (Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae) from Pastinachus cf. sephen (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Folia Parasitologica, 60 (5): 448-456
New species: Acanthobothrium jalalii, Acanthobothrium sphaera
Abstract: Two new species of Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1850 from the spiral intestine of Pastinachus cf. sephen Forsskal from the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman are described. To analyse the surface ultrastructure the worms were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Acanthobothrium jalalii sp. n. belongs to the category 1 species of the genus so far including 43 species. This tiny new species differs from the other category 1 species by its small total length (2.18 ± 0.49 mm), number of proglottids (4.7 ± 0.9) and testes (24 ± 3), terminal segments in an apolytic condition and the shape of the cirrus-sac. Acanthobothrium sphaera sp. n. is a small worm that belongs to the category 2 species of the genus so far including 36 species. A. sphaera sp. n. differs from the other category 2 species by its small total length (1.6 ± 0.2 mm), number of proglottids (9.6 ± 1.2) and testes (12 ± 1), the presence of a vaginal sphincter and the shape of the ovary. This is the first report of Acanthobothrium from the cowtail stingray, P. cf. sephen, from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. Pastinachus sephen sensu lato has been reported as a common host of species of Acanthobothrium. Most recently, the host genus Pastinachus Ruppell has been split into five nominal species and several Acanthobothrium species infect the newly described congeners but not P sephen. The real identity of the host studied within the present study is still in question, since sequence data of three specimens from the Gulf of Oman do not correspond to P sephen sensu stricto.
ADNET, S. & GISMONDI, R.S. & ANTOINE, P.-O. (2014): Comparisons of dental morphology in river stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) with new fossils from the middle Eocene of Peruvian Amazonia rekindle debate on their evolution.Naturwissenschaften, 101 (1): 33-45
New species: Potamotrygon ucayalensis
Abstract: Endemic South American river stingrays (Potamotrygonidae), which include the most diversified living freshwater chondrichthyans, were conspicuously absent from pre-Neogene deposits in South America despite the fact that recent phylogenetic analyses strongly suggest an older origination for this clade. To date, the rare representatives of this family were mostly represented by ambiguous isolated remains. Here, we report 67 isolated fossil teeth of a new obligate freshwater dasyatoid (Potamotrygon ucayalensis nov. sp) from the fossiliferous level CTA-27 (Yahuarango Formation), near Contamana, in the Peruvian Amazonia. We assigned this sample to a new representative of Potamotrygon by comparison with numerous fresh jaws of living specimens of Potamotrygonidae, thus providing the first detailed review of dental morphology for this poorly understood clade. These new fossils fill a long stratigraphic gap by extending the family range down to the middle Eocene (∼41 Mya). Moreover, the relative modernity and diversity in tooth morphology among Eocene freshwater stingrays (including Potamotrygon ucayalensis nov. sp. and coeval North American dasyatoids) indicate that the hypothetically marine ancestor of potamotrygonids probably invaded the rivers earlier than in the middle Eocene. The first potamotrygonids and affiliates were possibly more generalized and less endemic than now, which is consistent with an opportunistic filling of vacated ecospace. CUNY, G. & LIARD, R. & DEESRI, U. & LIARD, T. & KHAMHA, S. & SUTEETHORN, V. (2014): Shark faunas from the Late Jurassic—Early Cretaceous of northeastern Thailand. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, in press
New species: Acrodus kalasinensis
Abstract: A revision of the freshwater shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation in NE Thailand allows the recognition of a new species of Acrodus, which represents the youngest occurrence of the genus and confirms its displacement in freshwater environments after the Toarcian. The rest of the shark fauna includes teeth of Hybodus sp., aff. Hybodus sp., hybodontid dermal denticles, Jiaodontus sp., Lonchidion sp. A, Lonchidion sp. B, Heteroptychodus cf. H. kokutensis and dorsal fin spines. The presence of Jaiodontus and of unusual hybodontid dermal denticles suggests a Jurassic age for most of the Phu Kradung Formation, whereas the presence of Heteroptychodus suggests an Early Cretaceous age for the top of the Formation. However, the age of the Phu Kradung Formation is still uncertain, with contradictory signals coming from palynology, detrital zircon thermochronology and vertebrate palaeontology. In any case, it appears that this is the oldest occurrence of the genus Heteroptychodus, and suggests a Thai origin for this genus, which may have replaced Acrodus in the Thai freshwater palaeoecosystems. Together with Acrodus, the presence of Lonchidion sp. A suggests some European affinities for the shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation. GUINOT, G. & CAPPETTA, H. & ADNET, S. (2014): A rare elasmobranch assemblage from the Valanginian (Lower Cretaceous) of southern France. Cretaceous Research, 48: 54–84
New species: Antrigoulia circumplicata, Gladioserratus dentatus, Occitanodus sudrei, Echinorhinus vielhus, Pseudorhina crocheti, Paracestracion pectinatus, Ornatoscyllium rugasimulatum, Garrigascyllium aganticensis, Magistrauia unicaplicata, Parahemiscyllium underwoodwardi, Archaeogaleus lengadocensis, Thiesus concavus, Cadiera camboensis,
Abstract: Bulk sampling of a Valanginian indurate limestone horizon from southern France yielded a very high-diversity shark and ray assemblage. Thirteen new species and eight new genera (Antrigoulia circumplicata gen. et sp. nov., Gladioserratus dentatus sp. nov., Occitanodus sudrei gen. et sp. nov., Echinorhinus vielhus sp. nov., Pseudorhina crocheti sp. nov., Paracestracion pectinatus sp. nov., Ornatoscyllium rugasimulatum sp. nov., Garrigascyllium aganticensis gen. et sp. nov., Magistrauia unicaplicata gen. et sp. nov., Parahemiscyllium underwoodwardi gen. et sp. nov., Archaeogaleus lengadocensis gen. et sp. nov., Thiesus concavus gen. et sp. nov., Cadiera camboensis gen. et sp. nov.) are described among a total diversity of 26 species, 24 genera and one undetermined taxon. This is the second Valanginian elasmobranch assemblage known so far and is a rare evidence of Mesozoic outer-platform marine chondrichthyan diversity. Comparison of this assemblage with 16 other Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous faunas indicates that the French fauna shares more similarities with Jurassic faunal compositions. The number of new familial occurrences (Carcharhinidae, Echinorhinidae, Pseudorhinidae) and uncommon dominance of hexanchiform taxa (mainly Welcommia bodeuri and Paraorthacodus jurensis) are due to the poor representation of corresponding depositional settings in the Mesozoic elasmobranch fossil record. OTERO, R.A. & OYARZÚN, J.L. & SOTO-ACUÑA, S. & YURY-YÁÑEZ, R.E. & GUTIERREZ, N.M. & LE ROUX, J.P. & TORRES, T. & HERVÉ, F. (2013):Neoselachians and Chimaeriformes (Chondrichthyes) from the latest Cretaceous-Paleogene of Sierra Baguales, southernmost Chile. Chronostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 48: 13–30
New species: Jaekelotodus bagualensis
Abstract: This paper discusses a well-represented fossil record of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) from southern South America. The recovered samples allow the recognition of three assemblages with chronostratigraphic and paleogeographic value: i) typical Maastrichtian sharks and rays with affinities to eastern Pacific fauna, including the taxa Ischyrhiza chilensis, Serratolamna serrata, Centrophoroides sp. associated to Carcharias sp., and Dasyatidae indet.; ii) a scarce reworked assemblage of Paleocene–Early Eocene age including the taxa Otodus obliquus and Megascyliorhinus cooperi; iii) a rich assemblage with reworked taxa of Early to Middle Eocene age, together with autochthonous deposited Middle to Late Eocene taxa with close affinities to paleoichthyofaunas recovered from the North Atlantic, represented by Carcharias ‘hopei’, Odontaspis winkleri, Carcharoides catticus, Macrorhizodus praecursor, Carcharocles auriculatus, Striatolamia sp., Striatolamia macrota, Hexanchus agassizi, Notorhynchus sp., Myliobatis sp., Abdounia sp., Pristiophorus sp., Squatina sp., cf. Rhizoprionodon sp., Ischyodus sp., and one new species, Jaekelotodus bagualensis sp. nov. The studied samples include for the first time taxa with well established chronostratigraphic resolutions as well as taphonomic information that help clarifying the age of the fossil-bearing units. In addition, they provide relevant information about the evolution of the Magallanes (=Austral) Basin from the Upper Cretaceous to the Paleogene, suggesting a probable connection with the Quiriquina Basin of south-central Chile during the latest Cretaceous. Finally, the studied assemblages indicate a latitudinal pattern of distribution that provides valuable data on the environmental evolution and temperature of southern South America during the Paleogene. ZHANG, B. & ZENG, X. & CHEN, X. & LI, Z. & ZHOU, P. & ZHANG, M. (2013): New Materials of Fish Microfossils from the Middle Permian in West Hubei. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30 (2): 184-190
New species: Parvidiabolus yichangensi, Fragilicorona guizhouensi
Abstract: This paper reports some Elasmobranch scales and teleostean teeth from the Maokou Formation in the Datiankeng area, Yichang County. These fish microfossils are associated with conodonts Mesogondolella aserrata Hindeodus minutus, Ellisonia teicherli and Xaniognathus elongates. According to the analysis of the conodont assemblage, the fish-microfossils-bearing strata, namely Maokou Formation, are of the Middle Permian in age. |
New Paper
Recent Papers:
ABLE, K.W. & GROTHUES, T.M. & TURNURE, J.T. & MALONE, M.A. & HENKES, G.A. (2014): Dynamics of residency and egress in selected estuarine fishes: evidence from acoustic telemetry. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97 (1): 91-102 ADNET, S. & GISMONDI, R.S. & ANTOINE, P.-O. (2014): Comparisons of dental morphology in river stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) with new fossils from the middle Eocene of Peruvian Amazonia rekindle debate on their evolution.Naturwissenschaften, 101 (1): 33-45 ANASTASOPOULOU, A. & MYTILINEOU, C. & LEFKADITOU, E. & DOKOS, J. & SMITH, C.J. & SIAPATIS, A. & BEKAS, P. & PAPADOPOULOU, K.-N. (2013): Diet and feeding strategy of blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus. Journal of Fish Biology, 83 (6): 1637-1655 BARAUSSE, A. & CORREALE, V. & CURKOVIC, A. & FINOTTO, L. & RIGINELLA, E. & VISENTIN, E. & MAZZOLDI, C. (2014): The role of fisheries and the environment in driving the decline of elasmobranchs in the northern Adriatic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, in press BECKMANN, C.L. & MITCHELL, J.G. & STONE, D.A.J. & HUVENEERS, C. (2013):A controlled feeding experiment investigating the effects of a dietary switch on muscle and liver fatty acid profiles in Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 448: 10-18 BEDORE, C.N. & HARRIS, L.L. & KAJIURA, S.M. (2014): Behavioral responses of batoid elasmobranchs to prey-simulating electric fields are correlated to peripheral sensory morphology and ecology. Zoology, in press BEDORE, C.N. & KAJIURA, S.M. (2013): Bioelectric fields of marine organisms: voltage and frequency contributions to detectability by electroreceptive predators.Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 86 (3): 298-311 BIXLER, G.D. & BHUSHAN, B. (2013): Shark skin inspired low-drag microstructured surfaces in closed channel flow. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 393: 384–396 BLOWER, D.C. & HEREWARD, J.P. & OVENDEN, J.R. (2013): The complete mitochondrial genome of the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus. Mitochondrial DNA, 24 (6): 619-621 CASTILLO-PÁEZ, A. & SOSA-NISHIZAKI, O. & SANDOVAL-CASTILLO, J. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. & BLANCO-PARRA, M.P. & ROCHA-OLIVARES, A. (2014):Strong Population Structure and Shallow Mitochondrial Phylogeny in the Banded Guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperata (Jordan y Gilbert, 1880), from the Northern Mexican Pacific. Journal of Heredity, 105 (1): 91-100 CASTRO, C.D. & OHTA, Y. & DOOLEY, H. & FLAJNIK, M.F. (2013): Noncoordinate expression of J-chain and Blimp-1 define nurse shark plasma cell populations during ontogeny. European Journal of Immunology, 43 (11): 3061-3075 CHABOT, C.L. & HAGGIN, B.M. (2014): Frequency of multiple paternity varies between two populations of brown smoothhound shark, Mustelus henlei. Marine Biology, in press CHEN, X. & AI, W. & XIANG, D. & CHEN, S. (2013): Mitochondrial genome of blotched fantail ray Taeniura meyeni (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 24 (6): 663-664 DAVIS, B. & VANDERZWAAG, D.L. & COSANDEY-GODIN, A. & HUSSEY, N.E. & KESSEL, S.T. & WORM, B. (2013): The Conservation of the Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus): Setting Scientific, Law, and Policy Coordinates for Avoiding a Species at Risk. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, 16 (4): 300-330 DECK, C.A. & MCKAY, S.J. & FIEDLER, T.J. & LEMOINE, C.M.R. & KAJIMURA, M. & NAWATA, C.M. & WOOD, C.M. & WALSH, P.J. (2013): Transcriptome responses in the rectal gland of fed and fasted spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) determined by suppression subtractive hybridization. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D, Genomics & Proteomics, 8 (4): 334-343 DEL PILAR MORENO-SÁNCHEZ, R. & HIGINIO MALDONADO, J. (2013): Adaptive Capacity of Fishing Communities at Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study from the Colombian Pacific Ambio, 42 (8): 985-996 DEVAL, M.C. & GÜVEN, O. & SAYGU, İ. & KABAPÇIOĞLU, T. 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13 amazing things scientists discovered about sharks in 2013 by David Shiffman
Other than a certain week in August whose name we shall not speak here, 2013 was a great year for both shark science and the communication of that shark science. There were many important and fascinating discoveries, and many of the world’s top media outlets covered them. Presented here is a list of 13 amazing scientific discoveries made in 2013, in no particular ranking order. To make the list, research must have been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in 2013, and someone else other than me must have also thought it was awesome (i.e. it received mainstream media or blog coverage). In the interest of objectivity, I did not include any papers that I or my lab were directly involved with. Whenever possible, I’ve linked to an accessible version of the paper.
1) A two-headed bull shark!
From Wagner et al. 2013
Citation: Wagner, CM, Rice, PH, and Pease, AP 2013. First record of dicephalia in a bull shark Carcharhinus leucas foetus from the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Fish Biology 82: 1419-1422.
Brief description: Researchers presented the first case of a bull shark embryo with 2 heads (the mother was caught by a Florida fishermen). In response to the most common question I received about this study, no, this animal would not have survived to adulthood. While this is a cool discovery, the broader significance is somewhat minimal. As I told science writer Douglas Main in an interview about a similar study, ”There have been a number of reports of deformed shark and ray embryos in recent years— two heads, one eye, etc. There’s no evidence to suggest these defects represent a new phenomenon or that they are harmful to shark populations as a whole.”
Media coverage highlights: A figure from this study was named one of the coolest science photos of the year by the International Science Times. It was also covered by National Geographic, the Guardian, andTIME magazine.
source and complete story
Elephant shark genome decoded
New insight gained into bone formation and immunity
January 8, 2014
By Caroline Arbanas

Byrappa Venkatesh, PhD, holds an elephant shark, one of the world’s oldest-living jawed vertebrates. Sequencing its genome offers new clues to why the skeleton of this fish is made of cartilage rather than bone and how the immune system evolved in higher organisms.
An international team of researchers has sequenced the genome of the elephant shark, a curious-looking fish with a snout that resembles the end of an elephant’s trunk.
The elephant shark and its cousins the sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras are the world’s oldest-living jawed vertebrates. But their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone, making this group of vertebrates an oddity on the evolutionary tree.
Now, by comparing the genome of the elephant shark with human and other vertebrate genomes, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and elsewhere have discovered why the skeleton of sharks is cartilaginous. An analysis of the creature’s genome, published Jan. 9 in the journal Nature, offers new insight into the genetic basis of bone formation and the molecular origins of adaptive immunity, which provides organisms with a more sophisticated immune response to pathogens.
Collectively, the findings have important implications for understanding bone diseases such as osteoporosis and for developing more effective therapies to treat these conditions. Findings related to the elephant shark’s immune system provide new opportunities for studying adaptive immunity in humans and for formulating new strategies to fine-tune the immune response.
“We now have the genetic blueprint of a species that is considered a critical outlier for understanding the evolution and diversity of bony vertebrates, including humans,” said senior author Wesley Warren, PhD, research associate professor of genetics at The Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine. “Although cartilaginous vertebrates and bony vertebrates diverged about 450 million years ago, with the elephant shark genome in hand, we can begin to identify key genetic adaptations in the evolutionary tree.”
Among the cartilaginous fishes, the elephant shark was selected for sequencing because of its compact genome, which is one-third the size of the human genome. The fish lives in the waters off the southern coast of Australia and New Zealand, at depths of 200 to 500 meters, and uses its snout to dig for crustaceans at the bottom of the ocean floor.
By analyzing the elephant shark genome and comparing it with other genomes, the scientists discovered a family of genes that is absent in the elephant shark but present in all bony vertebrates, including the chicken, cow, mouse and human. When the researchers deleted a member of this gene family in zebrafish, they observed a reduction in bone formation, highlighting the gene family’s significance in making bone.
In a surprise finding, the team found that the elephant shark appears to lack special types of immune cells that are essential to mounting a defense against viral and bacterial infections and for preventing autoimmune diseases such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
However, despite possessing a relatively rudimentary immune system, sharks exhibit robust immune responses and live long lives. The new discovery opens up the possibility of developing new strategies to shape the immune response in humans.
The researchers also determined that the elephant shark genome is the slowest-evolving among all vertebrates, including the coelacanth, a prehistoric fish popularly known as a “living fossil.”
Furthermore, large chunks of elephant shark and human chromosomes were found to be highly similar, whereas the corresponding regions in fishes such as zebrafish and pufferfish were fragmented and scattered on different chromosomes. The markedly slow-evolving feature of the elephant shark genome further underscores its importance as a reference genome for studies aimed at better understanding the human genome.
“The slow-evolving genome of the elephant shark is probably the best proxy for the ancestor of all jawed vertebrates that became extinct a long time ago,” said lead author Byrappa Venkatesh, PhD, research director at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), in Singapore. “It is a cornerstone for improving our understanding of the development and physiology of human and other vertebrates as illustrated by our analysis of the skeletal system and immune system genes.”
Other collaborating institutions are: Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore; Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Germany; University of Maryland in Baltimore; Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan; San Francisco State University; University of Toronto; Institut de Biologia Evolutiva and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, both in Barcelona; and the University of California at Santa Cruz.
The research was funded primarily by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Venkatesh B, Lee AP, Ravi V, Wilson RK, Brenner S and Warren W et al. Elephant shark genome provides unique insights into gnathostome evolution. Nature, Jan. 9, 2014.
Washington University School of Medicine’s 2,100 employed and volunteer faculty physicians also are the medical staff of Barnes-Jewish andSt. Louis Children’s hospitals. The School of Medicine is one of the leading medical research, teaching and patient care institutions in the nation, currently ranked sixth in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Through its affiliations with Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Children’s hospitals, the School of Medicine is linked to BJC HealthCare.
Prehistoric shark nursery found in Midwest: See fossil of baby shark
By Deborah Netburn
January 7, 2014, 5:04 p.m.
Scientists have discovered evidence of an ancient shark nursery -- 310 million years old -- along the shores of a prehistoric interior sea.
In 1969, researchers discovered beautifully preserved fossils of baby Bandringa sharks, as well as their spiral egg casings, along Mazon Creek in northeastern Illinois. The juvenile sharks, just 4 to 6 inches long, had pronounced spoon-billed snouts that stretched half as long as their bodies. At the time, scientists thought the babies might be adult specimens of a mini-shark species that they dubbed Bandringa rayi.
Ten years later, in 1979, the same scientists discovered more juvenile Bandringa shark fossils in a different part of Mazon Creek that had once been a brackish swamp. Thinking they were a new species, the scientists called them Bandringa herdinae. That same year, researchers in Pennsylvania found a 10-foot-long adult shark that also had the same long spoon-billed snout and lived in freshwater rivers. A few years later, another large adult was discovered in what was once a freshwater river in Ohio.
In a paper published online Tuesday, University of Michigan paleontologist Lauren Sallan argues that all of the sharks are members of the same species.
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Sallan explained that the sharks were preserved differently depending on where they were found. The fossils from marine waters showed soft-tissue preservation, but there was no trace of endoskeletons. The sharks found in freshwater and brackish water had their endoskeletons preserved, but not their soft tissue.
"When you account for the different preservation modes, there is nothing that distinguishes them at all," Sallan said.
Since there were no adult shark fossils found in the marine sites, Sallan and her colleauges think that Bandringa sharks followed a strange breeding pattern - spending most of their adult lives in freshwater rivers and deltas and going to coastal waters to lay their eggs in shallow shark nurseries.
Although no sharks living today are known to travel from fresh water to salty water to lay their eggs, most sharks do use shark nurseries.
"Almost all sharks and their relatives today use nursery waters," Sallan said. "They usually use an environment very near the shore because the shallow area protects the juveniles from other sharks that may be too big to enter them."
Bandringa sharks were bottom feeders who used electro-receptors on their long snouts to help them detect food. The upper part of their bodies were covered in sharp pointed scales, including needle-like spines on their cheeks and on the tops of their head. Those sharp points were likely used for self-defense, Sallan said.,0,415937.story#ixzz2r929zvk8 |
A quarter of sharks and rays threatened with extinction
21 January 2014 | News story
A quarter of the world’s sharks and rays are threatened with extinction according to The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, with ray species found to be at a higher risk than sharks. The findings are part of the first ever global analysis of these species carried out by the IUCN Shark Specialist Group (SSG).
The study, which comes at the start of the year marking the 50th anniversary of The IUCN Red List, was published today in the journal eLIFE. It includes the analysis of the conservation status of 1,041 shark, ray and closely related chimaera species.
According to the findings, sharks, rays and chimaeras are at a substantially higher risk than most other groups of animals and have the lowest percentage of species considered safe – with only 23% categorized as Least Concern.
“Our analysis shows that sharks and their relatives are facing an alarmingly elevated risk of extinction,” says Dr Nick Dulvy, IUCN SSG Co-Chair and Canada Research Chair at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. “In greatest peril are the largest species of rays and sharks, especially those living in shallow water that is accessible to fisheries.”
Overfishing is the main threat to the species, according to the paper. Reported catches of sharks, rays and chimaeras peaked in 2003 and have been dominated by rays for the last 40 years. Actual catches are likely to be grossly under-reported.
Unintentionally caught sharks and rays account for much of the catch, yet developing markets and depleting fishery targets have made this “bycatch” increasingly welcome. Intentional killing of sharks and rays due to the perceived risk that they pose to people, fishing gear or target species is contributing to the threatened status of at least 12 species.
“Surprisingly, we have found that the rays, including sawfish, guitarfish, stingrays, and wedgefish, are generally worse off than the sharks, with five out of the seven most threatened families made up of rays,” says Dr Colin Simpfendorfer, IUCN SSG Co-Chair and Professor of Environmental Science at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia. “While public, media and government attention to the plight of sharks is growing, the widespread depletion of rays is largely unnoticed. Conservation action for rays is lagging far behind, which only heightens our concern for this species group.”
The global market for shark fins used in shark fin soup is a major factor in the depletion of not only sharks but also some rays with valuable fins, such as guitarfish. Sharks, rays and chimaeras are also sought for their meat. Other products from these species include a Chinese tonic made from manta and devil ray gills and pharmaceuticals made from deep sea shark livers.
The Indo-Pacific, particularly the Gulf of Thailand and the Mediterranean Sea are the two ‘hotspots’ where the depletion of sharks and rays is most dramatic. The Red Sea is also home to a relatively high number of threatened sharks and rays, according to the experts.
“Sharks, rays and chimaeras tend to grow slowly and produce few young, which leaves them particularly vulnerable to overfishing,” saysSonja Fordham, IUCN SSG Deputy Chair and president of the Washington, DC-based Shark Advocates International, a project of The Ocean Foundation. “Significant policy strides have been made over the last two decades but effective conservation requires a dramatic acceleration in pace as well as an expansion of scope to include all shapes and sizes of these exceptional species. Our analysis clearly demonstrates that the need for such action is urgent.”
Sharks, rays and chimaeras are known as ‘cartilaginous fish’ due to the fact that their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. They are one of the world’s oldest and most ecologically-diverse groups of animals.
The study is the result of a collaboration of 302 experts from 64 countries.
For more information or interviews please contact: Ewa Magiera, IUCN Media Relations, t +41 22 999 0346 m +41 79 856 76 26, e Lynne Labanne, IUCN Species Programme Communications Officer, IUCN, t +41 22 999 0153, m +41 79 527 7221,