NEWSLETTER 6/2016 30.06.2016
Please acknowledge use of the database in your publications, and cite:
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2016, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2016 |
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Lab of Aquatic Ecology and Ichthyology Luis O. Lucifora Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Iguazú Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) Universidad Nacional de Misiones Casilla de Correo 9 Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, N3370AVQ Argentina
"I have developed a new fully bilingual (English/Spanish) website introducing all the work produced here in my lab. All our publications are downloadable from the website, as well as some educative material (although these materials are available only in Spanish, for the moment). The website is: (Castellano)"

News: Please check out the two crowdfunding applications below! Two great projects asking your support!
Gavin Naylor is seeking your support for the CToL project. More details here:
New images at shark-references:
Many thanks to the following persons for the permission to use their images!
- Narrownose Chimaera Harriotta raleighana GOODE & BEAN, 1895, CT Scan, head, adult, deep (1500-200m), Rockall Trough, NW Scotland, © Charlie Underwood, Natural History Museum, London
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:
 V Colombian meeting on Chondrichthyes (CMC) from 24 to 28 October 2016 Deadline for submission of abstracts/Fecha límite de envío de resúmenes: June 30, 2016 Date of response by the Organizing Committee/Fecha de respuesta por parte del Comité Organizador: July 30, 2016 please visit:

FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS EEA2016 28-30th October 2016
EEA2016 will be hosted by the Shark Trust and held at Bristol Aquarium, Bristol UK.
The conference will provide an excellent forum for discussion and networking bringing together researchers, advocates and students from across Europe and beyond.
With sessions reflecting the three pillars of the Shark Trust’s work and the key objectives of the recently launched Global Shark and Ray Initiative (GSRI), the Shark Trust invites you to submit abstracts for oral (15 minute and 5 minute options) and poster presentations under the following themes:
- Species Conservation - Fisheries Management - Responsible Trade and Consumption
There will also be a number of general sessions covering a broad range of topics depending on submissions.
The Shark Trust encourages speakers to consider the potential management or conservation applications of their research and reflect them in their presentations - abstract selection will be undertaken by the Conference Committee.
Abstract submission & Student Bursary applications. Closing date 17th September
Registration: Don't miss out on the EARLY BIRD registration rates: register today!
More information on the keynote speakers and social opportunities will be released through the website in the coming weeks - so check back for more details! Hope to see you all in October!

International Marine Conservation Congress
30 July - 3 August 2016 • St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador (YYT)
To conserve the world’s oceans we must go beyond science, and use it to inform policy and management, and ultimately to catalyze change. The Society for Conservation Biology's International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) brings together conservation professionals and students to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science and policy.
The Call for Abstracts is currently open!
IMCCs are organized by the Marine Section of the Society for Conservation Biology.

The IWSC4 website is now live at, and registration and abstracts are being accepted online for oral and poster sessions. The deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2016. Additional details can be found on the website, along with a printable meeting poster (poster attached here as well). This international gathering of whale shark scientists, conservationists and decision-makers will feature the most recent advances in research, conservation and management of whale sharks globally. The meeting will further highlight research on whale shark populations in the Arabian Gulf. The conference will integrate six themes: 1) Growth and Reproduction, 2) Behavior and Ecology; 3) Physiology; 4) Genetics; 5) Wildlife Tourism; and 6) Threats and Management. Meeting proceedings will be published in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Qscience Connect (
 Registration is now open for the IUCN World Conservation Congress, taking place from 1 to 10 September 2016 in Hawaiʻi, U.S.A. Visit the Congress website to register for the event and book your accommodation.
- SIBIC 2016: VI Iberian Congress of ichthyology. 21.-24. June 2016, Murcia, Spain;a special session will be dedicated to Chondrichthyan research!
- Registration starting on 1st September 2015
- Call for abstracts starting on 1st October 2015
- Abstracts submission deadline: 15th February 2016
- Early-bird registration fee deadline: 31st March 2016 
- Annual joint meeting of Ichthyologists and herpetologists including the American Elasmobranch Society meeting. 2016: New Orleans, Louisiana, 6.-10. July 2016, New Orleans. Lousiana, USA.
Newly described species/Taxonomic News:
 WHITE, W.T. & LAST, P.R. (2016): Platyrhina psomadakisi sp. nov., a new species of fanray (Batoidea: Platyrhinidae) from the Andaman Sea, the first record of this family in the Indian Ocean.. Zootaxa, 4121 (5): 533–544 New species: Platyrhina psomadakisi Abstract: A new species of fanray (Platyrhina) is described based on four specimens collected in 2015 from the Andaman Sea, off Myanmar. These represent the first records of the family Platyrhinidae from the Indian Ocean with the three other members of the genus being restricted to the North-West Pacific. The new species differs from its congeners in having a series of faint dark bands on the body and tail, more pectoral-fin radials, and much more widely separated dorsal fins.
 DE F. VIANA, S.T. & DE CARVALHO, M.R. (2016): Redescription of Squalus acutipinnis Regan, 1908, a Valid Species of Spiny Dogfish from Southern Africa (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Squalidae). Copeia, 104 (2): 539-553 New species: Squalus acutipinnis (Redescription) Abstract: The Bluntnose spiny dogfish Squalus acutipinnis Regan, 1908 is redescribed based on the re-examination of its type specimens and non-type material from Southern Africa. The taxonomic confusion concerning its validity is mainly related to its heterogeneous type series. Its taxonomic status is clarified as a valid species endemic to the Southwestern Indian Ocean when compared to congeners from the region and other valid species with which it has been placed in synonymy. Squalus acutipinnis can be distinguished from all species of the “megalops-cubensisgroup” by fewer total, precaudal, and monospondylous vertebrae (except from Squalus megalops, Squalus brevirostris, and Squalus crassispinus). Squalus acutipinnis is clearly distinct fromSqualus megalops from Southern Australia and the Japanese S. brevirostris through characters of pectoral fin and external measurements. The South African species differs from S. crassispinus by having more slender first and second dorsal-fin spines. Squalus acutipinnis is also easily distinguished from the regional congeners S. acanthias, S. blainvillei, and S. mitsukuriiby having lanceolate dermal denticles (vs. non-lanceolate unicuspid denticles in S. acanthias, and non-lanceolate tricuspid denticles in S. blainvillei and S. mitsukurii).
MAISCH, M.W. & MATZKE, A.T. (2016): A new hybodontid shark (Chondrichthyes, Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Jurassic Posidonienschiefer Formation of Dotternhausen, SW Germany. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 280 (3): 241-257 New genus: Crassodus New species: Crassodus reifi Abstract: A new genus and species of hybodontid shark, Crassodus reifi, is described from the upper Falciferum Zone of the Posidonienschiefer Formation (Lower Toarcian) of Dotternhausen, Baden-Württemberg, southwestern Germany. The type and only specimen comprises the Meckelian cartilages, palatoquadrates, remains of the labial cartilages and branchial skeleton as well as a large portion of the dentition. Comparison to other hybodontids shows a strong resemblance to Hybodus delabechei from the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian (?Toarcian) of Western Europe. H. delabechei is possibly a member of the new genus Crassodus but needs reinvestigation. Crassodus reifi and "Hybodus" delabechei deviate strongly in the characters of their dentition from the type species of the genus Hybodus, H. reticulatus Agassiz, 1837. The new genus Crassodus most probably represents a rather basal hybodontine hybodontid, whereasHybodus sensu stricto is more closely related to other derived hybodontine genera with longicone, high-crowned teeth, such as Priohybodus, Planohybodus, Meristiodonoides andSecarodus.
GOLESTANINASAB, M. & MALEK, M. (2016): Two new species of Rhinebothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from granulated guitarfish Glaucostegus granulatus in the Gulf of Oman. Journal of Helminthology, 90 (4): 441-454 New species: Rhinebothrium kruppi, Rhinebothrium persicum Abstract: During a study of the rhinebothriideans of rays in the Gulf of Oman, two new species ofRhinebothrium Linton, 1890, Rhinebothrium kruppi sp. n. and R. persicum sp. n., were identified inGlaucostegus granulatus (Cuvier). Some significant features that distinguish R. kruppi sp. n. fromR. persicum sp. n. include: scolex characteristics (hinged with 42-46 loculi vs. fusiform with 68-62 loculi), number of testes (4-5 vs. 20-27), genital pore position (61.1-76.9% of proglottid length vs. 47.2-63.3%), ovarian morphology (lobulated vs. follicular), cirrus-sac expansion (past midline of proglottid vs. limited to poral side of proglottid), vas deferens configuration (spanning posteriorly to near ovarian isthmus vs. to the level of ovarian anterior margins) and details of microthrix morphology. In addition, a combination of the aforementioned characteristics can be used to distinguish these two new species from other valid species of Rhinebothrium. These are the first species of rhinebothriidean cestodes to be described systematically from the Gulf of Oman, Iran. The two new species reported here increase the number of valid species of Rhinebothrium to 43.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes:
ANDREOTTI, S. & RUTZEN, M. & VAN DER WALT, S. & VON DER HEYDEN, S. & HENRIQUES, R. & MEŸER, M. & OOSTHUIZEN, H. & MATTHEE, C.A. (2016) An integrated mark-recapture and genetic approach to estimate the population size of white sharks in South Africa. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 552: 241-253 ARAÚJO, P.R. & ODDONE, M.C. & VELASCO, G. (2016) Reproductive biology of the stingrays, Myliobatis goodei and Myliobatis ridens (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatidae), in southern Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology, in press BARNES, M.L. & LYNHAM, J. & KALBERG, K. & LEUNG, P. (2016) Social networks and environmental outcomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (23): 6466-6471 BELLQUIST, L. & SEMMENS, B.X. (2016) Temporal and spatial dynamics of ‘trophy’-sized demersal fishes off the California (USA) coast, 1966 to 2013. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 547: 1-18 BONFIL, R. (2016) Identification Guide to Common Sharks and Rays of the Caribbean. FAO FishFinder Programme. Rome, Italy BRANCO-NUNES, I. & VERAS, D. & OLIVEIRA, P. & HAZIN, F. (2016) Vertical movements of the southern stingray, Dasyatis americana (Hildebrand & Schroeder, 1928) in the Biological Reserve of the Rocas Atoll, Brazil. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 44 (2): 216-227 BREVÉ, N.W. & WINTER, H.V. & VAN OVERZEE, H.M. & FARRELL, E.D. & WALKER, P.A. (2016) Seasonal migration of the starry smooth-hound shark Mustelus asterias as revealed from tag-recapture data of an angler-led tagging programme. Journal of Fish Biology, in press CARDOSO, J.C. & BERGQVIST, C.A. & FELIX, R.C. & LARHAMMAR, D. (2016) Corticotropin-releasing hormone family evolution: five ancestral genes remain in some lineages. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, in press CARTAMIL, D. & WRAITH, J. & WEGNER, N.C. & KACEV, D. & LAM, C.H. & SANTANA-MORALES, O. & SOSA-NISHIZAKI, O. & ESCOBEDO-OLVERA, M. & KOHIN, S. & GRAHAM, J.B. & HASTINGS, P. (2016) Movements and distribution of juvenile common thresher sharks Alopias vulpinus in Pacific coast waters of the USA and Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 548: 153-163 CHANG, C.-H. & SHAO, K.-T. & LIN, Y.-S. & HO, H.-C. (2016) The complete mitochondrial genome of the crocodile shark, Pseudocarcharias kamoharai (Chondrichthyes, Lamnidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 27 (3): 1948-1949 CHRISTIANSEN, H.M. & CAMPANA, S.E. & FISK, A.T. & CLIFF, G. & WINTNER, S.P. & DUDLEY, S.F.J. & KERR, L.A. & HUSSEY, N.E. (2016) Using bomb radiocarbon to estimate age and growth of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, from the southwestern Indian Ocean. Marine Biology, 163 (6): 144 CRESSON, P. & FABRI, M.C. & MIRALLES, F.M. & DUFOUR, J.-L. & ELLEBOODE, R. & SEVIN, K. & MAHE, K. & BOUCHOUCHA, M. (2016) Variability of PCB burden in 5 fish and sharks species of the French Mediterranean continental slope. Environmental Pollution, 212: 374-381 DE CARVALHO, M.R. & WHITE, W.T. (2016) Narcine baliensis, a new species of electric ray from southeast Asia (Chondrichthyes: Torpediniformes). Zootaxa, 4127 (1): 149–160 DE F. VIANA, S.T. & DE CARVALHO, M.R. (2016) Redescription of Squalus acutipinnis Regan, 1908, a Valid Species of Spiny Dogfish from Southern Africa (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Squalidae). Copeia, 104 (2): 539-553 DILL, J.A. & NG, T.F.F. & CAMUS, A.C. (2016) Complete Sequence of the Smallest Polyomavirus Genome, Giant Guitarfish (Rhynchobatus djiddensis) Polyomavirus 1. Genome Announcements, 4 (3): ):e00391 DUFFY, C.A.J. & VOGIATZIS, A. (2016) First record of the sicklefin devilray Mobula tarapacana (Myliobatiformes: Mobulidae) from Australian waters. Zootaxa, 4126 (1): 141–145 EBRAHIMI, M. & ABBASPOOR, M. (2016) Imitation of the body/caudal fin undulatory swimming of a spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): The kinematic equation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 230 (2): 388-403 FORTIBUONI, T. & BORME, D. & FRANCESCHINI, G. & GIOVANARDI, O. & RAICEVICH, S. (2016) Common, rare or extirpated? Shifting baselines for common angelshark, Squatina squatina (Elasmobranchii: Squatinidae), in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Hydrobiologia, 772 (1): 247-259 GAO, Y. & LIU, T. & WEI, T. & GENG, X. & WANG, J. & MA, H. (2016) Complete mitochondrial genome of Clouded angelshark (Squatina nebulosa). Mitochondrial DNA, 27 (3): 1599-1600 HAMBRIGHT, D. & GUSS, D. & SMITH, J.T. (2016) Unique Case of Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction After Stingray Strike. Foot & Ankle Specialist, 9 (3): 275-278 HART, H.R. & EVANS, A.N. & GELSLEICHTER, J. & AHEARN, G.A. (2016) Molecular identification and functional characteristics of peptide transporters in the bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo). Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology, in press HIGASHIYAMA, H. & HIRASAWA, T. & OISI, Y. & SUGAHARA, F. & HYODO, S. & KANAI, Y. & KURATANI, S. (2016) On the vagal cardiac nerves, with special reference to the early evolution of the head-trunk interface. Journal of Morphology, in press HSU, E. (2016) Assembly and Expression of Shark Ig Genes. Journal of Immunology, 196 (9): 3517-3523 HWANG, J.Y. & JIN, G.-D. & PARK, J. & KIM, H. & LEE, C.-K. & KWAK, W. & NAM, B.-H. & AN, C.M. & PARK, J.Y. & PARK, K.-H. & HUH, C.-S. & KIM, E.B. (2016) Complete genome sequence and SNPs of Raja pulchra (Rajiformes, Rajidae) mitochondria. Mitochondrial DNA, 27 (4): 2975-2977 JAUREGUIZAR, A.J. & SOLARI, A. & CORTÉS, F. & MILESSI, A.C. & MILITELLI, M.I. & CAMIOLO, M.D. & LUZ CLARA, M. & GARCÍA, M. (2016) Fish diversity in the Río de la Plata and adjacent waters: an overview of environmental influences on its spatial and temporal structure. Journal of Fish Biology, in press JEONG, D. & KIM, S. & KIM, C.-G. & MYOUNG, J.-G. & LEE, Y.-H. (2016) Complete mitochondrial genome of the mottled skate: Raja pulchra (Rajiformes, Rajidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 27 (3): 1823-1824 JIMENEZ CANO, N.G. & SIERRA SOSA, T. (2016) Fishing in the northern Maya lowlands AD 250-750: preliminary analysis of fish remains from Xcambo, Yucatan, Mexico. Environmental Archaeology, 21 (2): 172-181 JOHNSON, M.S. & KRAVER, D.W. & RENSHAW, G.M. & RUMMER, J.L. (2016) Will ocean acidification affect the early ontogeny of a tropical oviparous elasmobranch (Hemiscyllium ocellatum)? Conservation Physiology, 4 (1): cow003. KESSEL, S.T. & HANSELL, A.C. & GRUBER, S.H. & GUTTRIDGE, T.L. & HUSSEY, N.E. & PERKINS, R.G. (2016) Three decades of longlining in Bimini, Bahamas, reveals long-term trends in lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris (Carcharhinidae) catch per unit effort. Journal of Fish Biology, 88 (6): 2144-2156 KLARIAN, S.A. & CORNEJO, A. & SALLABERRY-PINCHEIRA, P. & BARRIA, P. & MELENDEZ, R. (2016) Assessing the trophic position of two sharks from the open waters of the southeastern Pacific Ocean. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 44 (2): 429-432 KYNE, P.M. & COURTNEY, A.J. & JACOBSEN, I.P. & BENNETT, M.B. (2016) Reproductive parameters of rhinobatid and urolophid batoids taken as by-catch in the Queensland (Australia) east coast otter-trawl fishery: rhinobatid and urolophid reproduction. Journal of Fish Biology, in press LACY, E.R. & REALE, E. & LUCIANO, L. (2016) Immunohistochemical localization of renin-containing cells in two elasmobranch species. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 42 (3): 995-1004 LAST, P.R. & SÉRET, B. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2016) A new species of guitarfish, Rhinobatos borneensis sp. nov. with a redefinition of the family-level classification in the order Rhinopristiformes (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea). Zootaxa, 4117 (4): 451–475 LE PORT, A. & ROYCROFT, E.J. & THAKUR, V. & LAVERY, S.D. (2016) Characterisation of eleven new polymorphic microsatellite markers for the coastal stingray Dasyatis brevicaudata (Dasyatidae Hutton 1875), and cross-amplification in seven dasyatid species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 65: 234-237 LEWIS, J.P. & PATTERSON, W.F. & CARLSON, J.K. & MCLACHLIN. K. (2016) Do vertebral chemical signatures distinguish juvenile blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) nursery regions in the northern Gulf of Mexico? Marine and Freshwater Research, 67 (7): 1014-1022 LI, W. & CHEN, X. & LIU, W. & SUN, R. & ZHOU, H. (2016) Complete mitochondrial genome of the Yellow-spotted skate Okamejei hollandi (Rajiformes: Rajidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 27 (4): 2883-2884 LICHT, L. & FISCHER, J. (2016) Eikapselformen bei Knorpelfischen. Elasmoskop, 16 (März): 3-5 LOPEZ-ALVAREZ, M. & PEREZ-DAVILA, S. & RODRIGUEZ-VALENCIA, C. & GONZALEZ, P. & SERRA, J. (2016) The improved biological response of shark tooth bioapatites in a comparative in vitro study with synthetic and bovine bone grafts. Biomedical Materials, 11 (3): 035011 MANN, R. & SOUTHWORTH, M. & FISHER, R.J. & WESSON, J.A. & ERSKINE, A.J. & LEGGETT, T. (2016) Oyster Planting Protocols to Deter Losses to Cownose Ray Predation. Journal of Shellfish Research, 35 (1): 127-136 MANZANARES, E. & RASSKIN-GUTMAN, D. & BOTELLA, H. (2016) New insights into the enameloid microstructure of batoid fishes (Chondrichthyes). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 177 (3): 621–632 MARTIN, J.A. (2016) Seeing Jaws: The Role of Shark Science in Ocean Conservation. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 46 (1): 67-100 MCNEIL, B. & LOWRY, D. & LARSON, S. & GRIFFING, D. (2016) Feeding Behavior of Subadult Sixgill Sharks (Hexanchus griseus) at a Bait Station. PLoS ONE, 11 (5): e0156730 MOORE, A.B. & HENDERSON, A.C. & FARRELL, E.D. & WEEKES, L.B. (2016) Biological data from a data-deficient shark: the Arabian smoothhound Mustelus mosis (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 88 (6): 2303-2307 MORFIN, M. & BEZ, N. & FROMENTIN, J.-M. (2016) Habitats of ten demersal species in the Gulf of Lions and potential implications for spatial management. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 547: 219-232 MOYER, J.K. & BEMIS, W.E. (2016) Tooth Microstructure and Replacement in the Gulper Shark, Centrophorus granulosus (Squaliformes: Centrophoridae). Copeia, 104 (2): 529-538 PLUMLEE, J.D. & WELLS, R.J.D. (2016) Feeding ecology of three coastal shark species in the northwest Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 550: 163-174 RIGBY, C.L. & WHITE, W.T. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. (2016) Deepwater Chondrichthyan Bycatch of the Eastern King Prawn Fishery in the Southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. PLoS ONE,11 (5): e0156036 ROBSON, H.K. & ANDERSEN, S.H. & CLARKE, L. & CRAIG, O.E. & GRON, K.J. & JONES, A.K.G. & KARSTEN, P. & MILNER, N. & PRICE, T.D. & RITCHIE, K. & ZABILSKA-KUNEK, M. & HERON, C. (2016) Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values in freshwater, brackish and marine fish bone collagen from Mesolithic and Neolithic sites in central and northern Europe. Environmental Archaeology, 21 (2): 105-118 ROSSOUW, C. & WINTNER, S.P. & BESTER-VAN DER MERWE, A.E. (2016) Assessing multiple paternity in three commercially exploited shark species: Mustelus mustelus, Carcharhinus obscurus and Sphyrna lewini. Journal of Fish Biology, in press SIBERT, E. & NORRIS, R. & CUEVAS, J. & GRAVES, L. (2016) Eighty-five million years of Pacific Ocean gyre ecosystem structure: long-term stability marked by punctuated change. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 283: 20160189 STEIN, A.J. (2016) Shark-fin landing policy aids control. Nature, 533 (7604): 469 SWIFT, D.G. & DUNNING, L. & IGEA, J. & BROOKS, E.J. & JONES, C.S. & NOBLE, L.R. & CIEZAREK, A. & HUMBLE, E. & SAVOLAINEN, V. (2016) Evidence of positive selection associated with placental loss in tiger sharks. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16 (1): 126 TAKAHASHI, A. & DAVIS, P. & REINICK, C. & MIZUSAWA, K. & SAKAMOTO, T. & DORES, R.M. (2016) Characterization of melanocortin receptors from stingray Dasyatis akajei, a cartilaginous fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 232: 115-124 WHITE, W.T. & LAST, P.R. (2016) Platyrhina psomadakisi sp. nov., a new species of fanray (Batoidea: Platyrhinidae) from the Andaman Sea, the first record of this family in the Indian Ocean. Zootaxa, 4121 (5): 533–544 YIGIN, C.C. & ISMEN, A. (2016) Age and Growth of Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias (Squalidae: Chondrichthyes) in the North Aegean Sea. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 48 (4): 1185-1191.
Extinct Chondrichthyes: CAPPETTA, H. & GREGOROVÁ, R. & ADNET, S. (2016) New selachian assemblages from the Oligocene of Moravia (Czech Republic). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 280 (3): 241-257 MAISCH, M.W. & MATZKE, A.T. (2016) A new hybodontid shark (Chondrichthyes, Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Jurassic Posidonienschiefer Formation of Dotternhausen, SW Germany. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 280 (3): 241-257 MAISEY, J.G. & DENTON, J.S.S. (2016) Dermal denticle patterning in the Cretaceous hybodont shark Tribodus limae (Euselachii, Hybodontiformes), and its implications for the evolution of patterning in the chondrichthyan dermal skeleton. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, in press PŘIKRYL, T. & KANIA, I. & KRZEMIŃSKI, W. (2016) Synopsis of fossil fish fauna from the Hermanowa locality (Rupelian; Central Paratethys; Poland): current state of knowledge. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, in press SIBERT, E. & NORRIS, R. & CUEVAS, J. & GRAVES, L. (2016) Eighty-five million years of Pacific Ocean gyre ecosystem structure: long-term stability marked by punctuated change.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 283: 20160189 WHITESIDE, D.I. & DUFFIN, C.J. & GILL, P.G. & MARSHALL, J.E.A. & BENTON, M.J. (2016)The Late Triassic and Early Jurassic fissure faunas from Bristol and South Wales. Palaeontologia Polonica, 67: 257-287
GOLESTANINASAB, M. & MALEK, M. (2016) Two new species of Rhinebothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from granulated guitarfish Glaucostegus granulatus in the Gulf of Oman. Journal of Helminthology, 90 (4): 441-454 SCHAEFFNER, B.C. (2016) Review of the genus Shirleyrhynchus Beveridge & Campbell, 1988 (Trypanorhyncha: Shirleyrhynchidae), with the resurrection of S. butlerae Beveridge & Campbell, 1988 and the description of S. panamensis n. sp. Systematic Parasitology, 93 (5): 413-430

All sharks may appear fierce, but new research reveals Port Jackson sharks have distinct personalities that impact how they respond to stress and risk-taking.
Study finds that shark conservation must go hand-in-hand with livelihood diversification