NEWSLETTER 04/2017 17.04.2017
Please acknowledge use of the database in your publications, and cite:
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2017, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2017 |
New images for our project "Toothmorphology"!
Many thanks to Ross Robertson, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama and Jacques Herman, Beigem (Grimbergen), Belgique for the images!
Please support our project and send your images to!
Please visit: Heptranchias perlo (BONNATERRE, 1788) Hexanchus griseus (BONNATERRE, 1788) Hexanchus nakamurai TENG, 1962 Notorynchus cepedianus (PÉRON, 1807)
We wish all our friends, followers and supporter Happy Easter!
Please note: The next newsletter will be published in June, because we are on vacation :-)

Name: Fernando Reis
Affiliation: Sharks Educational Institute
Sharks Educational Institute is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the education for the marine conservation, founded by Fernando Reis in 2016. Our focus is the issues's development related to the marine environmental education of the youngers and their active participation in the conservation of the sharks' species in their natural habitats. Our vision is to enhance the public knowledge of the marine balance, based on sharks' conservation with our stakeholders' influence and involvement. Our mission is to create new educational events for the knowledge of marine biodiversity supported on sharks.
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Eva Meyers (Co-founder and Conservation lead of The Angel Shark Project) sent us the new Angelshark Action Plan for the Canary Islands.

New images at shark-references:
Many thanks to the following persons for the permission to use their images:
Dr. Hsuan-Ching Ho, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Pingtung, Taiwan for the image of Oxynotus japonicus YANO & MUROFUSHI, 1985

Andy Murch, Elasmodiver for the image of Carcharhinus brachyurus (GÜNTHER, 1870)

Bianca de Sousa Rangel, Laboratory of Metabolism and Reproduction of Aqu atic Organisms (LAMEROA) for a image of Rhinoptera bonasus (MITCHILL, 1815)

William T. White, Peter R. Last & Ralph R. Mana for the image of the Papuan Velvet Skate (Notoraja sereti WHITE, LAST & MANA, 2017)

William T. White, David A. Ebert, Ralph R. Mana & Shannon Corrigan for an image of Etmopterus samadiae WHITE & EBERT & MANA, CORRIGAN, 2017

Marta Coll, Joan Navarro, Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-SCIC), Barcelona, Spain for Raja clavata LINNAEUS, 1758

Sergio Ramirez for Raja asterias DELAROCHE, 1809 and Squatina californica AYRES, 1859

Sirachai (Shin) Arunrugstichai, Center for Biodiversity in Peninsular Thailand, Yai Songkla, Thailand for images of Rhincodon typus SMITH, 1828 and Carcharhinus brevipinna (MÜLLER & HENLE, 1839)

Brit Finucci for several images of Harriotta raleighana GOODE & BEAN, 1895 and Rhinochimaera pacifica (MITSUKURI, 1895)

Aline Poscai, Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil for a image of dermal denticles of Carcharhinus limbatus (MÜLLER & HENLE, 1839)

Javier Guallart from the L'Elasmogrup, University of Valencia for images of Galeorhinus galeus (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:

The Dutch Elasmobranch Society is pleased to host the 21st EEA Annual Scientific Conference from 12-14 October in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Austin, Texas, USA; July 12-16, 2017

7th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MESOZOIC FISHES Systematics and Paleobiogeographic Patterns 1 - 7 August 2017 Mahasarakham, THAILAND
The Palaeontological Research and Education Centre in cooperation with the Faculty of Science of Mahasarakham University (Thailand), the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France), and the Natural History Museum of Geneva (Switzerland) are pleased to announce and host the 7th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MESOZOIC FISHES. The meeting is dedicated to reflect the progress in Mesozoic fish research that has been accomplished in the past 25 years since the first meeting in 1993, to discuss old and new methodologies, and to present novel information about the evolution, diversification, and the palaeobiogeography of fishes during the Mesozoic.
Registration should be open November 3rd.
 Indo-Pacific Fish Conference 2-6 October 2017, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Extinct Chondrichthyes: ENGELBRECHT, A. & MÖRS, T. & REGUERO, M.A. & KRIWET, J. (2016): A new sawshark, Pristiophorus laevis, from the Eocene of Antarctica with comments on Pristiophorus lanceolatus. Historical Biology, in press New species: Pristiophorus laevis Abstract: The highly fossiliferous Eocene deposits of the Antarctic Peninsula are among the most productive sites for fossil remains in the Southern Hemisphere and offer rare insights into high-latitude faunas during the Palaeogene. Chondrichthyans, which are represented by abundant isolated remains, seemingly dominate the marine assemblages. Eocene Antarctic sawsharks have only been known from few isolated rostral spines up to now, that were assigned to Pristiophorus lanceolatus. Here, we present the first oral teeth of a sawshark from the Eocene of Seymour Island and a re-evaluation of previously described Pristiophorus remains from Gondwana consisting exclusively of rostral spines. The holotype of Pristiophorus lanceolatus represents a single, abraded and insufficiently illustrated spine from the Oligocene of New Zealand. All other Cenozoic rostral spines assigned to this species are morphologically very indistinct and closely resemble those of living taxa. Consequently, we regard this species as dubious and introduce a new species, Pristiophorus laevis, based on oral teeth. The combination of dental characteristics of the new species makes it unique compared to all other described species based on oral teeth. Rostral spines from the Eocene of Seymour Island are assigned to this new species whereas those from other Cenozoic Gondwana localities remain ambiguous.
 IVANOV, A.O. (2016): Chondrichthyans from the Lower Permian of Mechetlino, South Urals, Russia. Bulletin of Geosciences, 91 (4): 717–729 New genus: Kungurodus New species: Kungurodus obliquus Abstract: A chondrichthyan assemblage is described from the Early Permian (Artinskian and Kungurian) of Mechetlino Quarry (Bashkortostan, South Urals). The assemblage includes the teeth of a symmoriiform, a sphenacanthid euselachian and an anachronistid neoselachian, as well as various denticles and scales. The dentition of Cobelodus aculeatus has been restudied. The teeth of a new genus of symmoriiform shark are described as Kungurodus, the internal structure of which is reconstructed using microtomography.
FIGUEROA, R.T. & GALLO, V. (2017): New chondrichthyan fin spines from the Pedra de Fogo Formation, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, in press New genus: Rubencanthus New species: Rubencanthus diplotuberculatus, Sphenacanthus ignis, Bythiacanthus lopesi, Abstract: The Pedra de Fogo Formation is located at the northeast region of Brazil and possesses a diverse palaeobiota mainly composed by plants and vertebrate remains of Lower Permian age (Cisuralian). The palaeoichthyofauna includes several chondrichthyans (e.g. Sphenacanthus maranhensis, Taquaralodus albuquerquei, Itapyrodus punctatus and Anisopleurodontis pricei) but also include osteichthyans as the ‘palaeoniscoid’ Brazilichthys macrognathus and several actinopterygian and sarcopterygian remains. This variety of fish taxa of both marine and freshwater affinities is important for understanding taxonomical diversity and distribution of vertebrates from Western Gondwana. Here, specimens collected at the Pastos Bons locality, near Nova Iorque at Maranhão State, are described as two new species for known genera, Sphenacanthus ignis sp. nov. and Bythiacanthus lopesi sp. nov., also a new genus and a new species Rubencanthus diplotuberculatus gen. et sp. nov. that exhibit a distinct pattern of ornamentation from all previously known Palaeozoic chondrichthyans. These new records highlight the importance of more palaeontological studies for the Pedra de Fogo Formation and enlarge the variety of chondrichthyan for the locality.
Extant Chondrichthyes: VIANA, S.T. & LISHER, M.W. & DE CARVALHO, M.R. (2017): Two new species of short-snouted dogfish sharks of the genus Squalus Linnaeus, 1758, from southern Africa (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Squalidae). Marine Biodiversity, in press New species: Squalus margaretsmithae, Squalus mahia Abstract: Species composition of the genus Squalus from the eastern Atlantic and western Indian oceans is still poorly known, with three to four species often recognized: S. acanthias, S. megalops, S. blainvillei, and S. mitsukurii. A fifth species, S. acutipinnis, was recently redescribed as valid in the region, although morphological variation was noted among its type specimens that indicated the presence of two different forms. The second form is described herein as Squalus margaretsmithae sp. nov. and distinguished from S. acutipinnis based on external morphological characters. Squalus mahia sp. nov. is also described from southern Africa based mostly on material collected from Madagascar. Squalus mahia sp. nov. stands out from other Squalus species by having a conspicuously slender body, elongate and thin dorsal fin spines, narrow caudal fin, and other external proportions. These two species are often misidentified with the Australian S. megalops because they share a short snout, white postventral caudal margins, lanceolate and unicuspid dermal denticles, and a low number of vertebrae. Comparative analyses are provided here between Squalus margaretsmithae sp. nov., Squalus mahia sp. nov., and morphologically similar species that also share these features, including S. brevirostris, S. crassispinus, S. acutipinnis, S. altipinnis, and S. hemipinnis. A taxonomic evaluation of the nominal species S. megalops and its occurrence in the region is also discussed.
 WHITE, W.T. & LAST, P.R. & MANA, R.R. (2017): A new species of velvet skate, Notoraja sereti n.sp. (Rajiformes: Arhynchobatidae) from Papua New Guinea. Zootaxa, 4244 (2): 219–230 New species: Notoraja sereti Abstract: A new arhynchobatin skate, Notoraja sereti n. sp., is described based on three specimens collected from off Madang (Papua New Guinea) at depths of 800–980 m. This medium-size Notoraja skate shares with other velcro skates from the Western Pacific, N. alisae, N. fijiensis, N. inusitata and N. longiventralis, a ventral surface covering of fine denticles giving the skin a velvety feel. Notoraja sereti differs from all of these species in having a shorter snout (preorbital length 10.1–11.1 vs. 11.5–14.5% TL, prenasal length 8.2–8.9 vs, 9.8–12.1% TL), shorter head (dorsal head length 15.2–16.2 vs. 17.1–19.3% TL, ventral head length 21.6–22.9 vs. 22.9–25.9% TL), fewer pectoral-fin radials (total radials 58–60 vs. 61–74), and fewer vertebrae (predorsal diplospondylous centra 66–71 vs. 72–82, predorsal centra 90–95 vs. 98–107, total centra 126–131 vs. 135–152).
 WHITE, W.T. & EBERT, D.A. & MANA, R.R. & CORRIGAN, S. (2017): Etmopterus samadiae n. sp., a new lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from Papua New Guinea. Zootaxa, 4244 (3): 339–354 New species: Etmopterus samadiae Abstract: A new species of lanternshark, Etmopterus samadiae (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae), is described from off northern Papua New Guinea, in the western Central Pacific Ocean. The new species resembles other members of the “Etmopterus lucifer” clade in having linear rows of dermal denticles and most closely resembles E. brachyurus from the western North Pacific. The new species occurs along insular slopes between 340 and 785 m depth. The new species can be distinguished from other members of the E. lucifer clade by a combination of characteristics, including length of anterior flank branch markings being slightly shorter than its posterior branch, a longer caudal base marking, and irregular and variable number of black, horizontal, dash-like marks on sides of body. Molecular analysis based on the NADH2 marker further supports the distinction of E. samadiae from other members of the E. lucifer clade. |
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: BALLAS, R. & SAETTA, G. & PEUCHOT, C. & ELKIENBAUM, P. & POINSOT, E. (2017) Clinical features of 27 shark attack cases on La Réunion Island. Journal of Trauma and acute care surgery, in press BASUSTA, N. & DEMIRHAN, S.A. & CICEK, E. & BASUSTA, A. (2017) Comparison of Staining Techniques for Age Determination of Some Chondrichthyan Species. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17 (1): 41–49 BELLONO, N.W. & LEITCH, D.B. & JULIUS, D. (2017) Molecular basis of ancestral vertebrate electroreception. Nature, in press BOUYOUCOS, I.A. & SUSKI, C.D. & MANDELMAN, J.W. & BROOKS, E.J. (2017) Effect of weight and frontal area of external telemetry packages on the kinematics, activity levels and swimming performance of small-bodied sharks. Journal of Fish Biology, in press BOUYOUCOS, I.A. & SUSKI, C.D. & MANDELMAN, J.W. & BROOKS, E.J. (2017) The energetic, physiological, and behavioral response of lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) to simulated longline capture. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 207: 65–72 BRADLEY, D. & CONKLIN, E. & PAPASTAMATIOU, Y.P. & MCCAULEY, D.J. & POLLOCK, K. & KENDALL, B.E. & GAINES, S.D. & CASELLE, J.E. (2017) Growth and life history variability of the grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) across its range. PLoS ONE, 12(2): e0172370 CAPAPÉ, C. & EL KAMEL-MOUTALBI, O. & DIATTA, Y. & NOEL, T. & REYNAUD, C. (2017) Capture of a rare and threatened skate Raja undulata (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) from the southern coast of France (northwestern Mediterranean Sea). Cahiers De Biologie Marine, 58 (1): 91–97 CARLSON, J.K. & POLLACK, A.G. & DRIGGERS, W.B. & CASTRO, J.I. & BRAME, A.B. & LEE, J.L. (2017) Revised analyses suggest that the lesser electric ray Narcine bancroftii is not at risk of extinction. Endangered Species Research, 32: 177–186 CHANG, H.H. & CHIEN, M.J. & KAO, C.C. & CHAO, Y.J. & YU, P.T. & CHANG, C.Y. & HUANG, S.J. & LEE, Y.L. & CHAN, J.C. (2017) Structural characterization of fluoride species in shark teeth. Chemical Communications, 53 (27): 3838-3841 CHASQUI, L.V. & POLANCO, A.F. & ACERO, A.P. & MEJÍA-FALLA, P.A. & NAVIA, A.F. & ZAPATA,L.A. & CALDAS, J.P. (2017) Libro rojo de peces marinos de Colombia. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, Invemar, Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible. Serie de Publicaciones Generales de INVEMAR, # 93. Santa Marta, Colombia. 552 p CORRIGAN, S. & DELSER, P.M. & EDDY, C. & DUFFY, C. & YANG, L. & LI, C. & BAZINET, A.L. & MONA, S. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2017) Historical introgression drives pervasive mitochondrial admixture between two species of pelagic sharks. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 110: 122–126 DEDMAN, S. & OFFICER, R. & BROPHY, D. & CLARKE, M. & REID, D.G. (2017) Towards a flexible Decision Support Tool for MSY-based Marine Protected Area design for skates and rays. ICES Journal of Marine Science: in press DILLON, E.M. & O’DEA, A. & NORRIS, R.D. (2017) Dermal denticles as a tool to reconstruct shark communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 566: 117–134 DOLGANOV, V.N. (2017) Rhinochimaeridae (Chimaeriformes): a new family of chimaeras for the fauna of Russia. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 43 (1): 99–100 EISENBERG, T. & RIE, K. & SCHAUERTE, N. & GEIGER, C. & BLOM, J. & SCHOLZ, H.C. (2017) Isolation of a novel ‘atypical’ Brucella strain from a bluespotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymma). Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 110 (2): 221–234 ESTUPIÑÁN-MONTAÑO, C. & PACHECO-TRIVIÑO, F. & CEDEÑO-FIGUEROA, L.G. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. & ESTUPIÑÁN-ORTIZ, J.F. (2017) Diet of three shark species in the Ecuadorian Pacific, Carcharhinus falciformis, Carcharhinus limbatus and Nasolamia velox. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, in press FERRANDO, S. & GALLUS, L. & AMAROLI, A. & GAMBARDELLA, C. & WARYANI, B. & DI BLASI, D. & VACCHIC, M. (2017) Gross anatomy and histology of the olfactory rosette of the shark Heptranchias perlo. Zoology, in press FILOUS, A. & FRIEDLANDER, A. & WOLFE, B. & STAMOULIS, K. & SCHERRER, S. & WONG, A. & STONE, K. & SPARKS, R. (2017) Movement patterns of reef predators in a small isolated marine protected area with implications for resource management. Marine Biology, 164: 2 FINUCCI, B. & DUNN, M.R. & JONES, E.G. & ANDERSON, J. (2017) Reproductive biology of the two deep-sea chimaerids, longnose spookfish (Harriotta raleighana) and Pacific spookfish (Rhinochimaera pacifica). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 120: 76–87 FINUCCI, B. & STEVENS, D.W. & JONES, E.G. & DUNN, M.R. (2017) Some observations on the biology of two rarely seen deep-sea chimaerids, Chimaera carophila and Hydrolagus homonycteris: deep-sea chimaerids. Journal of Fish Biology, in press FOSSI, M.C. & BAINI, M. & PANTI, C. & GALLI, M. & JIMÉNEZ, B. & MUÑOZ-ARNANZ, J. & MARSILI, L. & FINOIA, M.G. & RAMÍREZ-MACÍAS, D. (2017) Are whale sharks exposed to persistent organic pollutants and plastic pollution in the Gulf of California (Mexico)? First ecotoxicological investigation using skin biopsies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, in press FRANCIS, M.P. (2017) Recalculation of historical landings of porbeagle shark. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report, 2017/12: 20 p. GRAY, R. (2017) How dwarf whales killed largest shark. New Scientist, 233 (3109): 12 GUNDOGDU, S. & BAYLAN, M. (2017) Age at maturity of some fish species distributed in Turkish marine waters (Actinopterygii and Elasmobranchii). Zoology in the Middle East, 63 (1): 24–32 JABADO, R.W. & AL BAHARNA, R.A. & AL ALI, S.R. & AL SUWAIDI, K.O. & AL BLOOSHI, A.Y. & AL DHAHERI, S.S. (2017) Is this the last stand of the Critically Endangered green sawfish Pristis zijsron in the Arabian Gulf? Endangered Species Research, 32: 265–275 JAYASANKAR, A.K. & SEIDEL, R. & NAUMANN, J. & GUIDUCCI, L. & HOSNY, A. & FRATZL, P. & WEAVER, J.C. & DUNLOP, J.W.C. & DEAN, M.N. (2017) Mechanical behavior of idealized, stingray-skeleton-inspired tiled composites as a function of geometry and material properties. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, in press JOHANSON, Z. (2017) Paleobiology: A Tooth for a Tooth. Current Biology, 27 (3): R117–R119 KELLER, B.A. & FINGER, J.-S. & GRUBER, S.H. & ABEL, D.C. & GUTTRIDGE, T.L. (2017) The effects of familiarity on the social interactions of juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 489: 24–31 KLEIN, A. (2017) Shark deprived of her mate turns asexual. New Scientist, 233 (3109): 9 KOUSTENI, V. & KARACHLE, P.K. & MEGALOFONOU, P. (2017) Diet of the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula in the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Marine Biology Research, 13 (2): 161–173 LAWSON, J.M. & FORDHAM, S.V. & O’MALLEY, M.P. & DAVIDSON, L.N.K. & WALLS, R.H.L. & HEUPEL, M.R. & STEVENS, G. & FERNANDO, D. & BUDZIAK, A. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & ENDER, I. & FRANCIS, M.P. & NOTARBARTOLO DI SCIARA, G. & DULVY, N.K. (2017) Sympathy for the devil: a conservation strategy for devil and manta rays. PeerJ, 5: e3027 LEMAHIEU, A. & BLAISON, A. & CROCHELET, E. & BERTRAND, G. & PENNOBER, G. & SORIA, M. (2017) Human-shark interactions: The case study of Reunion island in the south-west Indian Ocean. Ocean & Coastal Management, 136: 73–82 LISNEY, T.J. & YOPAK, K.E. & CAMILIERI-ASCH, V. & COLLIN, S.P. (2017) Ontogenetic Shifts in Brain Organization in the Bluespotted Stingray Neotrygon kuhlii (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae). Brain, Behavior and Evolution, in press LOOR-ANDRADE, P. & PINCAY-ESPINOZA, J. & ROSAS-LUIS, R. (2017) Diet of the blue shark Prionace glauca in the Ecuadorian Pacific Ocean during the years 2013 to 2015. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press MADUNA, S.N. & ROSSOUW, C. & DA SILVA, C. & SOEKOE, M. & BESTER-VAN DER MERWE, A.E. (2017) Species identification and comparative population genetics of four coastal houndsharks based on novel NGS mined microsatellites. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (5): 1462–1486 MARONGIU, M.F. & PORCU, C. & BELLODI, A. & CANNAS, R. & CAU, A. & CUCCU, D. & MULAS, A. & FOLLESA, M.C. (2017) Temporal dynamics of demersal chondrichthyan species in the central western Mediterranean Sea: The case study in Sardinia Island. Fisheries Research, 193: 81–94 MOURIER, J. & BROWN, C. & PLANES, S. (2017) Learning and robustness to catch-and-release fishing in a shark social network. Biology Letters, 13 (3): 20160824 NACHTIGALL, P.G. & RODRIGUES-FILHO, L.F.S. & SODRÉ, D.C.A. & VALLINOTO, M. & PINHAL, D. (2017) A multiplex PCR approach for the molecular identification and conservation of the Critically Endangered daggernose shark Endangered Species Research, 32: 169–175 NEVATTE, R.J. & WILLIAMSON, J.E. & VELLA, N.G.F. & RAOULT, V. & WUERINGER, B.E. (2017) Morphometry and microanatomy of the barbels of the common sawshark Pristiophorus cirratus (Pristiophoridae): implications for pristiophorid behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology, in press ONATE-GONZALEZ, E.C. & SOSA-NISHIZAKI, O. & HERZKA, S.Z. & LOWE, C.G. & LYONS, K. & SANTANA-MORALES, O. & SEPULVEDA, C. & GUERRERO-AVILA, C. & GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ, E. & O‘SULLIVAN, J.B. (2017) Importance of Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino as a nursery area for white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the Northeastern Pacific: A fishery dependent analysis. Fisheries Research, 188: 125–137 ORDINES, F. & BARO, J. & RAMÍREZ-AMARO, S. & SERENA, F. & SOBRINO, I. (2017) First substantiated record of Raja asterias Delaroche, 1809 (Elasmobranchii: Rajiformes: Rajidae) in the Gulf of Cádiz, North-eastern Atlantic. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 47 (1): 101–106 PORTEIRO, F. & SUTTON, T. & BYRKJEDAL, I. & ORLOV, A. & HEINO, M. & MENEZES, G. & & BERGSTAD, O.A. (2017) Fishes of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge collected during the MAR-ECO cruise in June-July 2004: an annotated checklist. ARQUIPELAGO - Life and Marine Sciences, Supplement 10 POSCAI, A.N. & DE SOUSA RANGEL, B. & DA SILVA CASAS, A.L. & WOSNICK, N. & RODRIGUES, A. & RICI, R.E.G. & KFOURY, J.R. (2017) Microscopic aspects of the nictitating membrane in Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae sharks: a preliminary study. Zoomorphology, in press POSE-MÉNDEZ, S. & RODRÍGUEZ-MOLDES, I. & CANDAL, E. & MAZAN, S. & ANADÓN, R. (2017) A Developmental Study of the Cerebellar Nucleus in the Catshark, a Basal Gnathostome. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, in press RAMÍREZ-AMARO, S. & RAMÍREZ-MACÍAS, D. & VÁZQUEZ-JUÁREZ, R. & FLORES-RAMÍREZ, S. & GALVÁN-MAGAÑA, F. & GUTIÉRREZ-RIVERA, J.N. (2017) Population structure of the Pacific angel shark (Squatina californica) along the northwestern coast of Mexico based on the mitochondrial DNA control region. Ciencias Marinas, 43(1): 69–80 RAMSDEN, S. & COTTON, C.F. & CURRAN, M.C. (2017) Using acoustic telemetry to assess patterns in the seasonal residency of the Atlantic stingray Dasyatis sabina. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 100 (2): 89–98 RANGEL, B.S. &, PAES DA CRUZ, V. & RODRIGUES, A. & GÓES DE ARAUJO, M.L. & OLIVEIRA, C. & FORESTI, F. & GUIMARÃES MOREIRA, R. (2017) Sympatric and syntopic occurrence of cownose rays: Neonatal strategies for survival? Journal of Applied Ichthyology, in press ROGERS, P.J. & KNUCKEY, I. & HUDSON, R.J. & LOWTHER, A.D. & GUIDA, L. (2017) Post-release survival, movement, and habitat use of school shark Galeorhinus galeus in the Great Australian Bight, southern Australia. Fisheries Research, 187: 188–198 RYAN, L.A. & HEMMI, J.M. & COLLIN, S.P. & HART, N.S. (2017) Electrophysiological measures of temporal resolution, contrast sensitivity and spatial resolving power in sharks. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, 203 (3): 197–210 SEIDEL, R. & BLUMER, M. & ZASLANSKY, P. & KNÖTEL, D. & HUBER, D.R. & WEAVER, J.C. & FRATZL, P. & OMELON, S. & BERTINETTI, L. & DEAN, M.N. (2017) Ultrastructural, material and crystallographic description of endophytic masses - A possible damage response in shark and ray tessellated calcified cartilage. Journal of Structural Biology, in press SHIPLEY, O.N. & HOWEY, L.A. & TOLENTINO, E.R. & JORDAN, L.K.B. & BROOKS, E.J. (2017) Novel techniques and insights into the deployment of pop-up satellite archival tags on a small-bodied deep-water chondrichthyan. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 119: 81–90 STRICKLAND, J. (2017) A Brief Look at Human Impacts on Sharks. Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 5 (4): 00126 VAN HEES ,K.E. & EBERT, D.A. (2017) An evaluation of mercury offloading in two Central California elasmobranchs. Science of the Total Environment, in press VARGHESE, S.P. & UNNIKRISHNAN, N. & GULATI, D.K. & AYOOB, A.E. (2017) Size, sex and reproductive biology of seven pelagic sharks in the eastern Arabian Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (1): 181–196 VIANA, S.T. & LISHER, M.W. & DE CARVALHO, M.R. (2017) Two new species of short-snouted dogfish sharks of the genus Squalus Linnaeus, 1758, from southern Africa (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Squalidae). 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Extinct Chondrichthyes:
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Video about two Sixgill Sharks! NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Discovering the Deep |